[翻了个译] Eminem自传The Way I Am 第五章(2)

9已有 548 次阅读  2011-09-01 23:29
   Sure, I worried about the acting part of it. It wasn't my world. But Ice Cube dropped some science on me once. He told me that anybody who raps should be able to act. And that's not to say that what any of rap about is phony, but, for instance, if you've got a song where you're really pissed off, and you're laying down the vocals and then for some reason you've got to redo some lines, you've got to put that same aggression out there again. It has to match what you've already recorded, as far as intensity. Which is just like acting out a scene in a movie. Or if something that you're acting out mirrors something you went through in real life, you have to reenact that experience in a way that makes it believable.
   当然,表演的部分我有过担心。那不是我擅长的领域。但是Ice Cube曾教过我一些技巧。他告诉我,要说唱,就要会表演。并不是说我们的说唱中有虚假的成分,而是说,举个例子,假如你在录一首歌时表现得很愤怒,出于某些原因你要重新其中的几句,那么第二次录音时你还是要显示出同样的攻击性,在力度上必须和之前保持一致。又比如你要再现你在现实生活中经历过的事,那么你的重现方式必须做到令人信服。

   Your first time acting, thing can be uncomfortable. You don't really know the actors you're working with, and then all of a sudden you have to act really pissed off about something for the movie. You think "pissed off" and you get pissed off, and then, okay, now you have to push this guy, and he has to push you back. Before we started filming I worked with an acting coach for a couple of sessions. It all went down in my basement. The simplest way to describe my "theatrical" education is: I was taught how to say the same thing in lots of different ways. Simple, but it really worked.

   At the same time, a lot of this role was so close to me as a person that it felt natural. I'm not trying to be egotistical, but I kind of thought, I got this. It's not like someone was asking me to play a cop-- you know, someone completely different from who I am. In the movie, I play a guy named Jimmy who grows up in Detroit and is trying to make it as rapper, and the whole thing takes place in '95-- when I was in Detroit trying to make it as a rapper. It really took me back to the time before I was famous.

For a while the script was labeled "Untitled Detroit Project." I was the one who had the idea to call it 8 Mile(倾斜). The director, Curtis Hanson, and I have argued about this.(It's a friendly arguement.) He says that he came up with the title. My take is: Curtis, no offense,but you live in L.A., and you didn't even know what 8 Mile was until you came here to Detroit and I showed you around.
有一段时间剧本上的标签是“未命名的底特律项目”。8 Mile这个名字是我起的。导演Curtis Hanson和我对此有过争执。(友好的争执。)他说片名应该归他想。我的观点是:Curtis,无意冒犯,但你住在洛杉矶,在你来到底特律由我带你参观之前,你甚至不知道8 Mile的存在。

IN DETROIT, 8 MILE ROAD IS THE BODER BETWEEN THE BLACK AND THE WHITE NEIGHBORHOODS.Both sides of 8 Mile Road are poor, but there's a definite dividing line between the black and with sides. And that's where the name of the film came from. That barrier we face.
在底特律,8 Mile Road是黑人社区与白人社区的分界线。8 Mile Road两边住的都是穷人,但在黑人领域和白人领域之间有明显的分界线。这就是电影名称的由来。8 Mile代表了我们所面对的隔阂。

   The studio didn't want to do it, but I insisted on shooting in Detroit, which is where I shoot a lot of videos and things like that. If I can help in any way to create jobs there I'm all for it. Detroit has been in a shitty financial state for far too long.

   It was great to be home, but still, filming 8 Mile was a real grind. I had a trailer where I'd hang out with my daughters. Then, when it was time to get into wardrobe again, the nanny would step in. I'd make sure the girls had coloring books, crayons, and whatever they wanted to keep them entertained until it was time for me to come back. Once the kids left the set I would go over to another trailer and run on the treadmill. Then I'd go over to the studio trailer and lay some vocals down-- I was sitting there writing "Lose Yourself" and "8 Mile" in between shooting scenes and taking care of my kids.
   回到家乡的感觉很棒,但拍摄8 Mile依旧是一份苦差事。我有一辆可以用来和女儿在其中玩耍的拖车。玩耍过后,我重新穿上戏装,孩子则由保姆接管。我会确保女孩们有着色簿、蜡笔,以及任何足以使她们玩到我回来的东西。一旦孩子们离开拍摄现场,我就会去另一辆拖车,开始单调的工作。之后我会去录音拖车,写下只言片语—— “Lose Yourself”和“8 Mile”就是我利用拍片和照顾孩子的间隙坐在那里写的。

   That whole time, whenever I wasn't rehearsing my lines I was writing lyrics. I kept a pen in my hand, and it got to the point where they would say "Action!" and I'd have to hand the pen and pad over to somebody before I went to shoot the scene. Since doing this movie took me back to before I was known by anybody, it kind of stripped me of my ego. I had to capture that, go back to that.

{译者废话:8 Mile--Eminem。影片同名歌曲音频。}
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