[翻了个译] Eminem自传The Way I Am 第七章(2)

7已有 1055 次阅读  2012-08-19 14:29

   I was always bouncing around from school to school, and the moving hurt my interest in education. I went to two different kindergartens in Missouri. One was in a trailer park, where each class had a trailer. I'll never forget: my great-and Edna would walk me to school when I was five years old and she was like 60. Anybody who's listened to my music already knows the sob story of my childhood. In "Evil Deeds" I talk about how I was taken from doorstep to doorstep:"Father, please forgive me for I know not what I do, I just never got the chance to ever meet you." Obviously, that's an exaggeration. The lyrics are a metaphor for how I felt. Then I say, "Till somebody finally took me in, my great-aunt and uncle, Edna and Charles." That part is dead true. Charles was my father's uncle, who fought in World War II, and Edna was his wife. They were my saving grace. Starting when my parents divorced, I stayed with them a lot.
   始终辗转于各所学校,削减了我对学习的兴趣。我在密苏里上过两所幼儿园。一所在拖车场,每个班有一辆拖车。我永远不会忘记:5岁时,60岁的姑姥姥领着我走路去上学。听过我音乐的人必然知道我那悲惨的童年。在“Evil Deeds”里我说了我是如何一步步走来的:“望父上宥吾之所知,而非所行,盖因吾未曾睹您英容。”[翻小译:译者你这是干嘛!有这么翻rap的吗!]当然,有点夸张。这只是比喻。我又接着说道,“直到终于有人带我回家, 我的姑姥姥和姑爷爷, Edna 和Charles.”这一部分是绝对真实的。Charles是我父亲的叔叔,经历过二战。Edna是他的妻子。他们是上帝给予我的救赎。自从我的父母离异后,我就常和他们在一起。

   Their home was a safe haven for me, a place where I could just sit on the floor in front of the TV and color and stuff like that. Uncle Charles died about 15 years ago, and Ednan lives alone. She's 94 now. She's proud, man, she just won't accept anything from me when it comes to money, and I want to help her so bad, you know? If I try to send money, she sends it back with a card, saying, "Brucie, I'm going to kick your ass." I speak to her on a regular basis. She doesn't want anything except conversation. It's one of the reasons I love her so much. Her love is genuine.

   I'm not going to lie: I'm always going to have questions about my dad. But at this point, I've decided that I'll never have them answered-- so fuck it. Fuck him. I'm beyond wanting to know the dude. It takes a real special kind of asshole to abandon a kid. To keep in touch with other family members-- like his uncle -- but not even get on the phone with a kid who did nothing wrong. There's just no excuse as a parent to do what he did. I don't care if they were lost in Alaska or the fucking desert somewhere, I would find my little girls.


Top left: This is the only picture of my father that my mother ever had when I was a kid. She showed it to me when we were living on Dresden on the East Side.
画外音:左上:这是我母亲手中唯一一张父亲和小说时候的我合照。当我们住在East Side[译者废话:贫民区(纽约东部的)]的Dresden时她给我看的。

Top right: I remember those pants real well. They were loose,, MC Hammer-style pants. I had this red pair and I had a green pair. I wore them to school practically everyday, with some black kicks. And yes, that is a high-top fade! Back then, all I thought about was Kid'n Play.
画外音:右上:这些裤子我记得很清楚。它们很宽松,是MC Hammer式的。我有一条红的,一条绿的。我几乎每天都穿着他们上学,穿着黑色跑鞋。是的,我留着高平头!那时候,我满脑子都是Kid'n Play。[译者废话:Kid'n Play是美国嘻哈两人组,80年代末90年代初成名。]

Bottom left: Nice outfit! No one can tell me exactly where this was taken, but something about the way I'm sitting alone on the steps makes me think that it was just before or just after moving to yet another house.

Bottom right: I was five or six months old in this picture. Supposedly that was right around when my parents split up, and I was dropped off with Aunt Edna and Uncle Charles.

[译者废话:这是前面提到的 Evil Deeds。]

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