[翻了个译] Eminem自传The Way I Am 第六章(4)

6已有 1017 次阅读  2011-11-13 22:15   标签Eminem 
MY MOOD CAN CHANGE QUICKLY.It's always that way. When I was drinking, I could be in a good mood-- just loving everybody and feeling like everything was great-- then somebody would say the wrong shit to me, and before you knew it there was nothing my bodyguards could do to stop me from reacting and at least punching, spitting, or kicking a few times before they could get to me. It would be the simplest shit that would set me off, like somebody looking at me hard. And I could not stop until I felf like I'd done something to make that person accountable, to make that person learn his lesson. Afterward, I would be full of apologies, just saying "I'm sorry" over and over. I'd feel like such an idiot for acting like that. Like, Why can't I control this?

   You all saw that Triumph thing go down at the MTV Video Music Awards, right? That's a pretty perfect example.I mean, there I am, sitting in my seat, and they announce that I'm up for an award, presented by Christina Aguilera. I had said some things about her in the past, Moby had said some things about me, and I had said some things back about him. So I'm sitting there next to Proof, and they bring in Moby and sit him like two rows directly behind us. So now I'm like, Okay, what's going on? What are they trying to do? I've got Moby behind me, and Christina up onstage, and then this dog puppet gets up in my face. I'd been so busy touring and doing my own shit that I hadn't had time to watch TV, so I had no idea what that dog was. All I saw was Moby and Christina and this dude who's sticking his hand in my face, trying to be funny. I didn't even see the puppet, you know? My natural reaction was, "Get the fuck out of my face. Get your fucking hand out of my face." And that's when I kind of lost it and a half. I should have kept my composure, but instead I stuck my fingers basically on Moby's nose. Right in his face, like, "Fuck you."
    你们都看过MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖礼上我和Triumph上演的那段插曲吧?那就是一个完美的例子。我的意思是,当时我在颁奖典礼的现场,坐在我的位子上。他们说我被提名了一个奖项,颁奖嘉宾是Christina Aguilera。过去我说过她的坏话,Moby说过我的坏话,我又回击过他。我坐在Proof旁边,他们带了Moby进来,坐在我们正后方两排。于是我在想,好啊,这是什么情况?他们想要干什么?Moby坐在我身后,Christina在台上。然后这只布偶狗跳到了我的面前。我忙着巡演,处理自己的事,没有时间看电视,所以我完全不知道这只狗是什么。我看见的是Moby和Christina以及一个把手挡在我面前想要耍宝的家伙。我根本就没把那只布偶放在眼里,你明白吗?很自然地,我的反应是,“TM从我面前移开。把你的爪子从我面前移开。”就在那时候,我失去理智了。我应该保持镇静的,但是我没有,我一拳朝Moby的鼻子打去,正中他的脸,像是在说“艹!”

   When they told me I won the award, I went up there and gave Christina a hug, because there wasn't a real beef with her. I just dissing her to separate myself 'cause I didn't want to be classified as a pop artist. When I hugged her, I thought I was being as mature as I could be. But when I got behind closed doors in the green room, I threw a fucking fit. There was a cooler with drinks in it, and I asked if anybody wanted to grab a water or something. Nobody did. So I picked up the cooler and threw it against the wall and kind of fucked up the whole room, basically.

   The thing is, in the hip-hop world, when you talk about someone, you might not want to see them, because you don't know what's going to happen. With Moby, it wasn't like I literally wanted to phsically put hands on him. It's just that all my life I'd been trained to react a certain way when put in a situation like that. My instinct was, someone talks about you, you see them, you fight. But Moby ? I was going to fight a puppet ? I don't know if anybody will even  understand it now. It was basically just too many different things at once-- Moby, Christina, the puppet...I was like, Okay, someone's really fucking with me.

   In hindsight, I should have handled it differently, and I truly believe that if I were in that situation again, knowing the whole shtick with the puppet dog, I would have acted differently. What I actually got mad about was the most ridiculous thing in the fucking world. A puppet.

   This is the kind of shit that happens that makes me think to myself, Maybe you need to go back to anger management class. Because, obviously, I haven't learned. Even now, part of me feels like, Eminem, whenever you drink you get violent. Another part of me is like, No, whenever somebody fucks with me, I get violent. And if I'm drunk and someone fucks with me, it's even worse. This is one reason why I never go out.

{译者废话:下面这个是Ass Like That的MV,开头就取材于这一事件。翻小译:你怎么又回来了?}

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