[翻了个译] Eminem自传The Way I Am 第二章(2)

6已有 421 次阅读  2011-08-12 19:14
   I remember the first time I performed as Shady. I did a show at a place in Detroit called The Phat House, in late '96 or '97. I was performing songs with Bizarre and Bugz, another one of the guy from D12. It was just rapping, but it was rapping with that kind of humor that was part of the Slim Shady routine. I performed "Low, Down, Dirty,""Just Don't Give a Fuck," and maybe one other song.
   我还记得第一次以Shady的身份登台时的情景。96年末或是97年初,我在底特律一个叫做The Phat House 的地方表演了一场。和我同台的有Bizarre、Bugz以及D12的另一个成员。只是纯粹的说唱,不过带着Slim Shady式的幽默。我演出了“Low,Down,Dirty”,“Just Don’t Give a Fuck”可能还有一首歌。
   Slim Shady wasn't just a new type of lyrics, it was also that I delivered them in this high-piched style. As Shady I had a whole different voice, and that's how I knew that this was going to be a whole new for me.
   Slim Shady不仅用词新奇,而且嗓音尖利。作为Shady说唱时,我的声音与平常完全不同,我由此而知他将是一个全新的我。
   When I listen to those songs now, I'm like, Why did I rap like that? That high-pitched shit, I have no idea where it came from. It may have come from me fucking around, imitating a friend, and somehow I just started rapping that. If you listen to my first album, Infinite, and then you listen to The Slim Shady EP, you'll notice that the two styles are completely different. I'd taken a little hiatus from recording, and for some reason when I came back I just started rapping like that.
现在的我听那些歌时会想,以前我为什么要那样说唱?那种尖利的鬼叫,不知道哪里来的。大概是我在厮混时模仿了某个朋友,之后莫名其妙就开始那样说唱了。如果你听过我的第一张专辑后,Infinite,再去听The Slim Shady LP,你就会注意到两者风格是完全不同的。我有一小段时间没有录音,出于某种原因,我回去以后,我就开始那样说唱了。
   Once people heard Shady, they didn't want Marshall or Eminem anymore. "I've created a monster, because nobody wants to see Marshall no more. They want Shady. I'm chopped liver." I say that in "Without me," but I'm not chopped liver. I'm the best thing that ever lived. Let's get that right, for starters.(Kidding.)
   一旦人们听过Shady,他们就不再想要Marshall或Eminem了。“我创造了一个怪物, 人们不想再要Eminem。 他们想要Shady。我就是杂碎。”我在“Without Me”里这样唱道,但我不是杂碎。我是古往今来最美好的存在。我们先把这点理清。(开玩笑。)
   Being able to rap as entirely different persona feels good. Proof used to describe it like this: Slim Shady is the guy who shows up after a few shots of Bacardi; Eminem is the emcee who goes onstage sober and spits his metaphors. Slim Shady gets drunk and wants to fight.
   以一种完全不同于己的身份说唱的感觉很好。Proof曾经这样描述:Slim Shady是在灌下几瓶Bacardi{译者废话:Bacardi是一种古巴的兰姆酒。}后出现的家伙;而Eminem是清醒地上台,炫出他的技巧的MC。Slim Shady 则是醉醺醺地,想要挑事。
   It was great to have someone else to blame. "I didn't say that, Slim Shady did." That excuse doesn't always work in real life-- in real life if you live like that, people call you crazy. Rap is one big Fantasy Island-- it's the place I always retreat to when things get too hettic in real time.
   能够把责任推到其他人头上实在是棒极了。“我没有这么说,是Slim Shady说的。”在现实生活中,这个借口并不总是管用——在现实生活里,如果你这么过活,人们会管你叫疯子。说唱世界是一个巨大的梦幻岛——当现实太过忙乱时,我总是撤退到这座岛上。
   I remember seeing Animal House when I was a kid. I loved that flick. The thing I remember most about it was the devil-on-one-shoulder, angel-on-the-other thing. This guy is with a young girl passed out drunk, and the devil appears on his shoulder and goes, "Fuck her!Fuck her brains out." And then the angle on the other shoulder is like,"For shame! If you lay one finger on that poor, sweet, helpless girl..." That's sort of the relationship between Slim Shady and Eminem.
   我还是个孩子看过Animal House。我爱那部片子。整部片子给我印象最深的,是一个肩膀上是恶魔,另一个肩膀上是天使的那段。片中这个家伙正和一个喝醉昏倒的年轻女孩在一起,恶魔出现在他的肩头,说,“干她!把她脑浆干出来!”天使在另一个肩膀上说,“真不要脸!如果你敢动那个可怜的、可爱的、柔弱无助的女孩一下的话…”Slim Shady和Eminem差不多就是这种关系。

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