Admissions Tip: MBA Interview Prep

2已有 622 次阅读  2010-12-01 09:38   标签Prep  Tip  MBA  Admissions  Interview 



1) Know what to expect.可能没有提及,但是面试的类型和持续时间在整个面试的过程中会发生多样的改变。例如,差不多全部的的Stanford面试官都是以往的毕业生,而Wharton的面试则是由二年级的学生组织的。Columbia的申请人则会参加一个以简历为基础的会谈,HBS以及MIT的面试官都会对申请者的整个资料进行深入的了解。仔细思考下你将参加的面试的种类风格以及面试官,这些都会对你准备回答的哪些问题产生影响,这样做可以帮助你达到一个有助于成功的心态。

2) Review your materials.由于在你面试时,加强自身的定位是很重要的,多读几遍自己的essays以及仔细回顾你所提交申请中的主题思想,这是你在准备阐述自己想法和目标时的首要步骤。

3) Tell them something they don’t know.除了加深对你目前状态的认识,面试也会通过面试官的笔记去额外的获得一些你的新的信息。在你提交你的书面材料后,你有没参观过校园或者同学院的学生们交谈过?你有没有朝着你的目标大步前进?即使是一个并不适合写在essays中的有关于工作或者活动的面试问题,也会使得申请委员会对你的候选资格有着更深入的了解。

4) Anticipate and practice.虽然不可能准确的预测到面试问题,但是面试官到底想要了解什么信息,却可以通过面试的类型和历史数据得到预测。Topway MBA咨询可以为您提供更多的相关信息。当你列出了面试中可能被询问问题的列表后,最好的方法不是去反复思考你到底需要怎么回答,而是要练习清晰准确流利的回答,通过这些回答,去阐释你的目标,去详细叙述那些具有重要意义的职业经历以及其他经历。



1) Know what to expect. This might go without saying, but interview types and duration vary across programs. For instance, nearly all invited Stanford applicants interview with alumni, while on-campus Wharton interviews are conducted by second-year students. Candidates for Columbia admission participate in an informative resume-based chat, while HBS and MIT interviewers have in-depth knowledge of the applicant’s entire file. Thinking carefully about the format of the interview and the person conducting it will influence the sort of questions you might come prepared to ask and help you arrive at a mindset conducive to success.

2) Review your materials. Because it’s important that you reinforce your positioning during the interview, reading over your essays and reflecting on the themes presented in your application is a great first step in preparing to speak about your ideas and objectives.

3) Tell them something they don’t know. In addition to reinforcing your existing message (a critical component of most interviews), the interview is also a great time to expand or add new information to your file via the interviewer’s notes. Have you visited the campus or spoken with students since submitting your written materials? Have you made any strides toward your goals? Even if just an example from work or an activity that relates to the interview question but didn’t fit into your essays, it’s a great idea to approach the interview with the goal of enhancing the admissions committee’s knowledge of your candidacy.

4) Anticipate and practice. Though it’s impossible to predict the exact questions you will be asked, the type of interview and historical data will provide some great clues as to the sort of information the interviewer will be seeking. The topway could serve more information about MBA admission. After arriving at a list of possible inquiries, it’s a good idea to not only reflect on what you might say in response, but to actually practice articulating your responses, explaining your goals and recounting some significant professional and extracurricular experiences.


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