Emory Goizueta-R2 Travel Interview 面经

已有 367 次阅读  2013-01-08 16:30   标签achieve  through  office 
  • 作为还在苦苦纠结CG素材还没好好挖掘的进度超落后者,怀着复杂的心情快速的被面了一下,然后心情低落的回来了(此处泪流1L)

    面试官是负责career office的Wendy Tsung,( 应该是香港人, 美丽优雅,nice显得很真诚,但问的都是关键问题)

    不知道是因为我写的CG是job switch(FMCG R&D to MKT)还是因为她是CMC的, 感觉面试的主线就是我毕业后能不能找到工作

    1. Go through resume
    2. Short term and long term career goal, why mkt
    3. Where do you want to find a job after graduation
    4. What you plan to do to achieve your career goal
    5. How can you find the intern in mkt since the mkt in US companies are not open to international students
    6. How can you adapt to US culture in the university
    7. Talk about a failure
    8. Have you received criticism from your supervisors, what's it?
    9. How can you contribute to Emory
    10. is there anything I didn't ask but you would like to let me know
    11. Q&A


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