新鲜出炉Queen's MBA面经

5已有 1238 次阅读  2013-07-31 13:58   标签University  experience  leadership  successful  director 
面试官两个,一个Matt full-time MBA accosiate director, 一个Paul director of career center
go thru resume
explain why I did a major switch in University(本科换过一次专业)
leadership experience
failure experience
what's my secrets to be successful at work (工作上背景比较丰富,几年换了几次职位汗)
what's the merits of a good leader/manager
my goal after gruaduation, stay at Canada or go back to China, stay in consulting or...
why canada, why queen's
questions to them


希望能给大家个借鉴!祝大家都能去自己的dream school!!
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