Yale MBA Round 3 Virtual Interview Questions

11已有 1341 次阅读  2011-04-27 18:29   标签Yale  MBA  Round  Virtual  Interview  Questions 
Experience 1
My three questions: (I don’t remember them exactly, but they were something like this)
1. Yale is very committed to diversity. How can you contribute to this aspect?
2. Explain a time when your values were put into question and how did you manage the situation.
3. How do you think technology impacts on peoples lives?
Good luck everyone

Experience 2
1. What specific aspects of the curriculum relate to you goals
2. Tell me about your humanitarian/community/etc. something
3. Example of when you failed in leadership

Experience 3
Pretty easy interview questions. Not sure they are the same for everyone, but they are standard questions, like challenges you have faced and what you add to the community. Hope that helps!

Experience 4
My questions were:
1.Talk about a Community you were involved with
2.LeaderShip Instance.
3.Does the Study of Art important,Yes/No Why

Experience 5
Just Finished my video interview.
1 - Follow the link in your email. This will take you to the interviewstream website where you will complete your questions.
2 - Read the details, watch the instruction vid, nothing complicated.
3 - When you click start you'll test your equipment and be offered a test question. Take it, it will give you a feel for the real q's.
4 - Click continue and you'll be given an introduction the the interview by the head of admissions, for me this was actually quite calming and gave me a couple of seconds to breath. The intro implies that not all applicants are given the opportunity to interview and that they are using the system to help reduce carbon footprint. The reputation of Yale for social responsibility leads me to believe that this is probably true, however I'm sure that there is a cost benefit as well so expect other schools to adopt this in the future, particularly for international students.
5 - When you click start the question is both read out by the head of admissions and written on the screen. I read fast so, I got a couple of extra seconds to think about my answer before the recording started.
6 - When the head of admissions finished talking there is a 3, 2, 1, countdown and the recording begins. You'll see a progress bar and a countdown clock. This helped me to frame my answer in the required sixty seconds but made the interview feel frantic and perhaps a bit rushed.
7 - Rinse and repeat for the other two questions.
8 - Click submit, you'll have no opportunity to redo any questions you mess up on so be prepared to give it your best shot first time round.
I generally approve of this, It's a good way to get some face time with the adcom if visiting is somewhat difficult. The questions are as others have described but with some minor differences so best strategy is to prepare as you would for any other interview but frame your answers in sixty seconds or less.
If anyone still has their interview to complete I hope this helps.

Experience 6
1. How you engaged with a community or an organization?
2. Your leadership style.
3. Without arts, an education cannot be accomplish. agree or disagree? why?
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发表评论 评论 (14 个评论)

  • myice 2011-04-27 19:04
  • myice 2011-04-27 19:06
  • James 2011-04-27 19:35
    myice: 最经典的案例:
  • myice 2011-04-27 19:45
    James: 哇哈哈哈哈
  • stream 2011-04-27 20:13
  • hsWang 2011-04-27 22:21
    myice: 最经典的案例:
    是啊 我竟让忘了把约束条件加上了
  • hsWang 2011-04-27 22:21
    stream: 三个问题:要求每个问题在一分钟之内回答完毕
  • lynljs 2011-04-27 22:47
  • myice 2011-04-27 22:51
    hsWang: 是啊 我竟让忘了把约束条件加上了
  • myice 2011-04-27 22:52
    lynljs: 以后会不会用得上
  • hsWang 2011-04-28 13:46
    lynljs: 以后会不会用得上
  • lynljs 2011-04-28 20:55
    hsWang: 争取不要用到
  • hsWang 2011-04-28 21:02
    lynljs: hmm,是说第三轮吗?
  • lynljs 2011-04-28 21:43
    hsWang: right