HBS MBA Admissions Interview 2011 Round 2 (March 12)

6已有 892 次阅读  2011-03-16 01:26   标签HBS  MBA  Admissions  Interview  2011  Round 
I interviewed at Harvard’s research center in Menlo Park, CA. At the start of the interview, the Adcom gave her typical speech: she would take exactly 30 minutes and the focus of the interview would be about her getting to know me (no questions at the end).
  • How did you find the application process? Did any part of it surprise you?
  • How is X consulting firm different from Y consulting firm? (based on my resume)
  • Why do you feel an MBA is necessary for what you want to do?
  • What do you feel you need to improve at most at your current job?
  • How do you think you will like the case study method?
  • Tell me about a company you admire.
  • Let’s talk about your leadership style. How do you lead?
  • Can you give me an example of a time when people’s first impression of you turned out to be wrong?
  • What books are you reading?
  • How would you be different from your other classmates at HBS?
  • Is there anything I didn’t ask that you wish I had?

The best advice I got before the interview was to treat it as a conversation. With the rapid fire of questions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and turn defensive. I was advised to keep it light and conversational and just be genuinely honest in my responses. Good luck!

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