第三轮还能申请哪些MBA program

该文章已被推荐到首页17已有 1747 次阅读  2011-03-02 02:43   标签第三轮  MBA 

After a relatively sleepy February, March will soon be upon us with its extensive list of application deadlines and decision notification dates. Let’s take a look at the long list of Round 3 (or 4 or 5) deadlines spread over the next two months:

March 1: Michigan/Ross R3
March 3: Wharton R3
March 8: Duke R3
March 9: INSEAD R3 (Sept. intake)
March 15: NYU R3
March 16: Haas R4
March 17: Yale R3
March 22: Cornell R4
March 30: Darden R3, INSEAD R1 (Jan. intake)
March 31: HBS R3

April 1: Tuck R4
April 6: Stanford R3
April 7: Kellogg R3
April 13: Columbia RD (US-based), Chicago R3, UCLA R3

While it’s always best to apply as early as possible, the difference between applying in Round 1 and applying in Round 2 is, for most applicants, a marginal one. However, the later rounds are a very different game. Because most of the seats in the incoming class will have been given away by the time round two decisions are released, the acceptance rate in the third round is dramatically lower than that for the first two deadlines of the season.

To maximize your chances of a later round acceptance, demonstrating your interest in the school and submitting thoughtful and error-free written materials will be crucial. Just as applying in Round 1 is generally taken as a sign of interest in a given program, applicants submitting their materials in a later round need to work extra hard to convince the adcom that they are genuinely interested in the school and are not simply applying as an afterthought because interview invitations didn’t come through in round two. Demonstrating that you would make a valuable contribution to the community and providing evidence that you have taken steps to engage current students and alumni will work to your advantage.

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  • shmily56 2011-03-02 03:16
    HBS 还有第三轮
  • hsWang 2011-03-02 03:17
    shmily56: HBS 还有第三轮
    当然有了 我们的方同学正在申请 希望能创造个奇迹
  • shmily56 2011-03-02 07:04
    hsWang: 当然有了 我们的方同学正在申请 希望能创造个奇迹
  • stream 2011-03-02 08:57
  • myice 2011-03-02 09:10
  • cqserenity 2011-03-02 09:38
  • Emma0009111 2011-03-02 09:58
  • Emma0009111 2011-03-02 09:59
    hsWang: 当然有了 我们的方同学正在申请 希望能创造个奇迹
  • 小兔牙 2011-03-02 11:08
    cqserenity: 六个小时前。。。您真精神也
  • hsWang 2011-03-02 11:14
    Emma0009111: 奇迹啊奇迹。快点出现,妈咪妈咪哄!
  • hsWang 2011-03-02 11:14
    Emma0009111: 不要经常熬夜,我就是个良好的例子。
    对我来说 已经成为习惯了
  • hsWang 2011-03-02 11:16
    cqserenity: 六个小时前。。。您真精神也
  • cqserenity 2011-03-02 14:52
    hsWang: 正在写essay
  • hsWang 2011-03-02 14:55
    cqserenity: 又要开始折磨了
    就当读故事 读别人的自传 多多学习
  • cqserenity 2011-03-02 15:04
    hsWang: 就当读故事 读别人的自传 多多学习
  • Padma 2011-03-02 21:04
    thanks for sharing
  • boshan29472947 2011-03-02 21:36
  • hsWang 2011-03-02 21:47
    boshan29472947: 到处都是牛人,努力努力
  • hsWang 2011-03-02 21:48
    Padma: thanks for sharing