It is difficult to provide general advice on questions you should pose because the best questions will reflect your individual knowledge of the program and your background and goals, but let me give you some guidance or at least a place to start. First prepare yourself to ask intelligent quest
I interviewed with an admissions officer from Georgetown a couple of weeks ago. Please see below a summary of the interview. Date/Admissions Round: February 14 / Round 2 Description of visit and/or interview atmosphere: Off-campus interview with an Admissions officer in New York City. We
The interview took place at a coffee shop near the alumni office. The interviewing tone was casual. The interviewer took a lot of notes (4 pages long note) from each question he asked. After some introduction, he asked me the following question; Walk me through your resume. (He had a lot o
I just interviewed with an Adcom member for Round 2 on Monday the 7th. The interview started by reviewing my resume, explaining my trajectory and why I would choose to leave my current position for an MBA. Questions were exactly as noted in other instances: Explain a situation when you fel
I interviewed at Harvard’s research center in Menlo Park, CA. At the start of the interview, the Adcom gave her typical speech: she would take exactly 30 minutes and the focus of the interview would be about her getting to know me (no questions at the end). How did you find the application p
I interviewed with an AdCom member late in the afternoon–I was the last interview slot for the day so I thought she might be a little lenient with the 30 minute rule, but she stuck right to it. Things went by pretty quickly. Here’s what I remember her asking me about (in no particular order):
刚刚结束 Wharton MBA interview, 结果不是很好... 从一开始 , 面试官就非常注重时间 , 结果还被打断了几次 , 结束后发现才 20 分钟 ... 我想我应该搞砸了... 具体过程汇报一下: --- 他先问我现在在做甚么 又问在团体中有 conflict 的经验 ? 如何
I interviewed today with an alum in New York City. We met at her office and the interview lasted about 45 minutes. The interviewer was very friendly, yet professional. The whole interview was very conversational and comfortable. The interviewer started off by telling me about herself – where s
I had an alum interview about a month ago. I e-mailed all three alumni in my initial list and went with the person that responded the quickest and had the most flexibility. This interview was very relaxed and much more laid back than any of my other business school interviews. Questions were very
Process Insead Interview sessions have two rounds. Alumni from your country conduct these interviews. In many cases, the interviewer would be from a similar background as that of yours. Only in exceptional cases, where there are no interviewers available in your country, will Insead