


  • Job Description: 1. Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and, where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, clients/ products and results achieved. (250 words maximum) 2. Please give a full descr
    分类: INSEAD|620 次阅读|没有评论
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    The INSEAD deadlines for September 2014 intake Round 1 Deadline: October 2, 2013 Interview Decision Notification: November 8, 2013 Final Decision Notification: December 20, 2013 Round 2 Deadline: November 27, 2014 Interview Decision Notification: January 10, 2014 Final Decision
    分类: INSEAD|610 次阅读|没有评论
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    Job Description: 1. Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and, where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, clients/ products and results achieved. (250 words maximum) 2. Please give a full descr
    分类: INSEAD|698 次阅读|没有评论
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    Round 1 Deadline: April 3, 2013 Interview Decision Notification: May 17, 2013 Final Decision Notification: June 29, 2013 Round 2 Deadline: June 12, 2013 Interview Decision Notification: July 19, 2013 Final Decision Notification: September 6, 2013 Round 3 Deadline: August 7, 2013 Intervi
    分类: INSEAD|655 次阅读|没有评论
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    The INSEAD deadlines for the program’s September 2013 intake have been released! The three deadlines are as follows: Round 1 Deadline: October 3, 2012 Interview Decision Notification: November 9, 2012 Final Decision Notification: December 21, 2012 Round 2 Deadline: December 5, 2012
    分类: INSEAD|551 次阅读|没有评论
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      2010年9月,当INSEAD(英士)宣布任命迪帕克·詹恩(Dipak C. Jain)为其新一任院长时,其学院营销思路的变化,不言而喻。   “学院最终选择了我,我认为这是一个非常大胆的决定。我不会法语。我觉得这么做的确有点冒险。”迪帕克·詹恩近日来到北京,回顾接任INSEAD国际商学院院长的过程,他这样告诉《第一财经
    分类: INSEAD|723 次阅读|没有评论
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    The 2011-2012 INSEAD essay topics have been released! The application can be accessed on INSEAD’s admissions website . This year’s essay topics are as follows: Job Description Essays : Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major respon
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    The INSEAD deadlines for the 2011-2012 application season are now online. The deadlines for both the September 2012 intake, as well as the January 2013 intake, are listed below: September 2012 Intake: Round 1 Deadline: September 28, 2011 Interview Decision Notification: November 4, 2011
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    问46:请问选新加坡校区的,开销是否会不一样?枫丹白露一般房租是多少啊,比如那种距离学校walking distance的。 Mickey:现在讨论房租问题,新加坡的房租会比枫丹白露要贵,但是新加坡吃的好像比法国要便宜,所以你这里上去、那里下来,我觉得会差不多,不会差很多。 枫丹白露的房租,比如那种离学校walk d
    分类: INSEAD|1714 次阅读|没有评论
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    问36:请问INSEAD是否对工作年限的要求比较高?最好是领导么?还有申请的话是否对女生更有利? Mickey:年限要求的话,INSEAD确实如果工作越长越有利,其实工作年限的话,是说非常重要的,不是说你这个人因为工作了,五年、六年,你就会有多好,而是更多的是说,你工作越久,经历的事情越多,这些事情就可以shar
    分类: INSEAD|1995 次阅读|没有评论
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