The various Admissions Committees have signed off on the essays that will be included on the application this year and they are listed below. In future posts we will offer advice on how to submit compelling responses. The first essay option noted applies to all of our Master’s programs and
来哈佛肯尼迪政府学院进修之前,我还就读过美国的商学院,在查尔斯河对岸的哈佛商学院也接受过高管培训。在哈佛至今将近半年的时间里,我又有机会接触了不少来自两个学院的学生,静心比较二者,感觉虽然两个学院只有一河之隔,但风格却有天壤之别。 肯尼迪学院教授领导力的海菲兹说过,每个人都会有所
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