Overview While huge company mergers, initial public offerings, and other big business transactions may make the headlines, most of them never could have happened with out the hard work and long hours of a solid investment bank behind them. When the law requiring the separation of commer
Job descriptions and tips Key Jobs As each firm has its favorite buzzwords, it also has unique terminology for its rank and file. While the titles may vary from firm to firm, the roles can basically be divided up as follows: analyst (also called research associate or staff consultant
Job Prospects While outsourcing consulting was the bread and butter of many firms over the past few years, that’s all changing. The BLS expects consultants in business, technology and health care to enjoy a whopping 60 percent growth rate between now and 2014—more than four times the c
Overview Imagine spending your day giving advice to other people, telling them how to run their businesses better or how to save money on hiring new employees. You’ve spent your years at school or in the workforce acquiring knowledge and now you’re able to sell it for hundreds of dollars a
Job descriptions and tips Key Jobs Most of the jobs described below require an undergraduate degree or an MBA. Senior management positions in marketing, operations, R&D, and other departments tend to be filled from within the company (or at least, from within the industry). This is
Love-Hate What's Great Training Opportunities Most consumer products companies offer their employees top-flight training opportunities. In most of the big players, college and MBA recruits go through intensive management training programs. And some companies offer management trainees ro
Overview Consumer products is one of those elastic phrases that can include any of the jars, boxes, cans, or tubes on your kitchen and bathroom shelves—or it can expand to include pretty much everything you charged on your Visa card last year. This industry manufactures and, perhaps more