Make an outline for your “career goal” essay. The following is an example of a general, all-purpose outline for a “career goals” essay. The easiest way to proceed with writing your “career goals” essay is to prepare an outline and begin filling in information. The “why an MBA” and
问这个问题(career goal)的原因 学校问这个问题有几方面原因:首先,他们希望确认你对未来事业的方向已经经过深思熟虑;其次,他们期望看到 MBA 学位和你为自己设计的未来是合拍的;同时,他们还想了解为什么现在对你来说正是合适的 申请 时机。相似地,大多数申请人不谈论自己的相关职业的信息,这让录取人员很难判断
Though the questions that each school asks tend to vary year to year, the two things that every prospective student can count on being asked are “What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals?” and “How will Business School X help you achieve these goals?” This ‘career goals’ essa