In LBS [2012-03-29] + 面经

已有 418 次阅读  2012-03-31 13:17   标签lawyer  录取  占领华尔街  friends  English 
PKU Law 88/100, Eco 84/100, PRC lawyer 3.5 years
G:730 T:104
Got the news. But since my Toefl is very low, I need to take certain English course. Anyway, in.
Thanks to my friends: ZZ and Alex!


面试官是一位年轻的Industry expert,对于我的CG很懂,也提出很多挑战性的问题。基本上围绕着:

Why MBA? Insight into your career goals. Leadership story讨论。中间不时提出挑战性的问题。所以整体下来讨论了1个半小时。

我的presentation题目是 “占领华尔街”事件,从政府、公司的角度去分析。

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