2012 Columbia (CBS) ED MBA Interview面经

已有 542 次阅读  2011-10-26 15:26   标签简历  大众  experience  dilemma  through 

看到Columbia还在发Interview Invitation,就分享下面经吧。我上周面的,和面完的同事们也聊了一下,大家的问题差不多,而且Columbia还是挺传统的,大家搜一下往年的面经大部分问题都在里面了。

Interview Questions:

1. Go through resume
2. Why MBA, Why Columbia
3. Leadership experiences
4. Ethical dilemma
5. Questions for the interviewer

what you have done;
what were the results;
what have you learned and how did this experience change you if applicable.
Be ready to quote NUMBERS wherever possible!

面试整个过程1个多小时,后小半部分就是闲聊天了,面试官很和蔼,很谦逊,不像印象中finance school出来咄咄逼人的样子,但是对Columbia的热情溢于言表,哈

Good luck to everyone :)

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