4.26 成都 F1zz

2已有 491 次阅读  2011-04-27 09:27   标签成都  签证 


进去以后有个pl的mm帮你整理好ds160, 护照,相片(不用粘贴),i20,中信银行收据第一联(不用粘贴到ds160上),她还会帮你取个号,我排到了24号~(像银行一样的),然后你就自己拿着东西等着。

然后7点半就有工作人员开始来收你刚刚整理好的上述材料;大概八点就有工作人员叫号,过去按指纹;大概八点半就开始有签证官过来签证了。 就会叫号,叫到你的号过去签就行了。


VO: hey~
ME: good morning
VO: u r going to um?
ME: yes
VO: when will u graduate?
ME: june this year
VO: so u r still in school now. what's your major?
ME: financial engineering.
VO: your i 20 indict that you will study engineering at um.
ME: yes, the same major as my undergraduate major. financial engineering.
VO: what's your plan after graduation?
ME: I want to go back to China and find a job in a fund management firm or securities company. So that I can use the knowledge I have learned. such as do some trading or selling.
VO: cheating? (he smile)
ME: no.trading.
VO: so who will sponsor you?
ME: my father.
VO:(好像这个时候他已经把我的i20和邮寄护照的纸条递出来了)what's your father's job?
ME: xxxx
VO: (这个我真的忘记了,可能是good luck)
ME: have a nice day.

差不多9点结束的,其实我都不确定我签过没有,因为 我当时看面经是给条子上面写approved的,好像成都没有哇? 不过至少护照没有甩给我。。其实还是挺轻松的~~恩啊 谁叫是帅哥呢~哈哈。。

恩啊 还有感谢去purdue读本科的小弟弟(25号)从七点开始陪我聊天到了9点。

还是想问一下 ,成都这样子就算过了哇?

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