Howlong have you known the applicant and describe your relationship to theapplicant? (500 words) (Wharton)
Providean example of constructive feedback you have provided to the applicant. How didthe applicant receive this feedback and what efforts did the applicant make toaddress the concern? (500 words) (Wharton)
Pleaseprovide an example of a time when the applicant was particularly successful atinteracting with others in a team (employees, peers, managers, etc.). How doesthe applicant compare to his/her peers in this dimension? (500 words) (Wharton)
Howhas the applicant’s career progressed and what sets them apart from theirpeers? (500 words) (Wharton)
Isthere anything else about this applicant that you would like us to know? (500words) (Wharton)
Please comment on the contextof your interaction with the applicant. How long have you known the applicantand in what connection? If applicable, briefly describe the applicant's role inyour organization. (250 words)(Yale)
Please describe the mostimportant piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Pleasedetail the circumstances and the applicant's response. (250 words) (Yale)
How does the applicant's performancecompare to other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? (250 words)(Yale)
Please make additionalstatements about the applicant's performance, potential or personal qualitiesyou believe would be helpful to the admissions committee. (250 words) (Yale)
How long have you known the applicant?(short answer)(Johnson)
In what capacity have you known theapplicant? Be specific. * (short answer) (Johnson)
What are the applicant's mostoutstanding abilities or characteristics? *(1500 characters)(Johnson)
What are the applicant's mostnoticeable weaknesses? *(1500 characters)(Johnson)
What impact has the applicant had onthe organization in which he/she works? (1500 characters)(Johnson)
Please comment on the applicant'spersonal and professional integrity. *(1500 characters)(Johnson)
Pleasegive examples of the applicant's performance for any Top 2% rating from thetable.(1500characters)(Johnson)
Please provide us with any additionalinformation you may have about the applicant. (1500 characters)(Johnson)
1. Pleasecomment on the context of your interaction with the applicant. If applicable,briefly describe the applicant's role in your organization.
2. How doesthe candidate's performance compare to other well qualified individuals insimilar roles?
3. Pleasedescribe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given theapplicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant's response (morerecent examples preferred).
4. Pleasemake additional statements about the applicant's performance, potential, orpersonal qualities you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee.
In what capacity have you known the applicant? *500character limit(EMORY)
Pleaseindicate to which group you are comparing this candidate? (co-worker,MBAgraduate, etc.) * 150 words or less please(EMORY)
Whatcharacteristics or attributes best describe the applicant? * 150 words or lessplease(EMORY)
Inwhat area is the applicant most exceptional? * 150 words or less please(EMORY)
1. Pleasecomment on the context of your interaction with the applicant. If applicable,briefly describe the applicant's role in your organization.
2. How doesthe candidate's performance compare to other well qualified individuals insimilar roles?
3. Pleasedescribe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given theapplicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant's response (morerecent examples preferred).
4. Pleasemake additional statements about the applicant's performance, potential, orpersonal qualities you believe would be helpful to the Admissions Committee.
In what capacity have you known the applicant? *500character limit(EMORY)
Pleaseindicate to which group you are comparing this candidate? (co-worker,MBAgraduate, etc.) * 150 words or less please(EMORY)
Whatcharacteristics or attributes best describe the applicant? * 150 words or lessplease(EMORY)
Inwhat area is the applicant most exceptional? * 150 words or less please(EMORY)
In what area does the applicant need the most improvement? * 150 words or less please. (EMORY)
Howwell do you feel the applicant handles disappointment or differences ofopinion?* 150 words or less please. (EMORY)
Inthe space below, you may type or paste a letter or any additional informationyou believe would be valuable in considering this applicant. (EMORY)
[*]What is your overall impression of the applicant? (BOOTH)
1. Whatis your relationship to and how long have you known the applicant? Is he or shestill employed by your organization?( Columbia)
2. Please list three to five adjectivesdescribing the applicant’s strengths. ( Columbia)
3. Please compare the applicant’sperformance to that of his or her peers. ( Columbia)
4. What does the applicant do best? (Columbia)
5. If you were giving feedback to theapplicant regarding his or her professional performance and personal effectiveness,in what areas would you suggest he or she work to improve? (Columbia)
6. How does the applicant acceptconstructive criticism or handle conflicts? ( Columbia)
7. How effective are the applicant’sinterpersonal skills in the workplace? ( Columbia)
8. On the below scale, please rate theapplicant’s individual vs. team orientation (1 = most effective as anindividual contributor; 5 = focused exclusively on the team) Please elaborateon your rating: ( Columbia)
9. Please give an example of how theapplicant has demonstrated leadership. ( Columbia)
10. Is there anything else you feel weshould know? (Columbia)
Please describe the peer group to whichyou are comparing the applicant. (For example, others whom you know haveapplied to business schools or those within your organization currentlymentored toward leadership positions.)(150 characters)(DUKE)
Commenton the applicant’s interpersonal skills(effectiveness in establishing andmaintaining relationship; working with supervisors, peers, and subordinates;willingness to work in a team environment)(Limit 2000 characters) (DUKE)
What doyou consider the applicant’s three primary talents or strengths? Please provideexamples, if relevant( Limit 2000 characters) (DUKE)
In whatareas does the applicant need improvement or growth? If you have had theopportunity to provide the applicant with constructive feedback, please providespecific examples of the feedback and the applicant’s esponse to it( 2000characters) (DUKE)
If you would like to provide anyfurther comments you feel would aid the committee in the evaluation of theapplicant please upload your comments via the Additional Information Section.You must click the 'save' button first to save your work in this section. Then,click 'next' at the bottom of the page to access the Additional Informationsection. If your recommendation is complete, click 'Preview and Submit' on theright hand menu to proceed to the submission process. (DUKE)
UNC 在官方网站下载的
1. How long and in whatcapacity have you known the applicant?(UNC)
2. Describe the applicant’s potential forbecoming a responsible and successful manager. (UNC)
3. What are the applicant’s major strengths? (UNC)
4. What are the applicant’s most noticeableareas for improvement or growth? (UNC)
5. Please use the space below to elaborate on theapplicant’s qualifications. (UNC)
6. For each attribute listedin the chart below, please mark an X in the box that best describes how thisapplicant compares with others you have known during your professionalcareer. Indicate the reference groupwith whom you are comparing this candidate (for example, other MBA candidates,other employees, other students). (UNC)
Howwell do you feel the applicant handles disappointment or differences ofopinion?* 150 words or less please. (EMORY)
Inthe space below, you may type or paste a letter or any additional informationyou believe would be valuable in considering this applicant. (EMORY)
Please provide a written letter ofrecommendation in support of the applicant. In comparison with his/her peergroup, address the following questions in your letter:
- What are the applicant's most salient strengths? (BOOTH)
[*]What is your overall impression of the applicant? (BOOTH)
- Please give examples to support any Top 5% or Bottom 20% ratings in the peer comparison.
- How long have you known the applicant and in what context? Have you served as the applicant's supervisor? If so, please provide approximate dates. Please comment upon the frequency and nature of your interactions with the applicant.
- What are the applicant's three principal strengths? Please provide an example of each.
- In which three areas can the applicant improve? Please provide an example of each. How has the applicant worked to address these areas?
- How does the applicant respond to constructive criticism?
- Describe the impression this candidate makes in meetings, presentations, interviews or other important interactions.
1. Whatis your relationship to and how long have you known the applicant? Is he or shestill employed by your organization?( Columbia)
2. Please list three to five adjectivesdescribing the applicant’s strengths. ( Columbia)
3. Please compare the applicant’sperformance to that of his or her peers. ( Columbia)
4. What does the applicant do best? (Columbia)
5. If you were giving feedback to theapplicant regarding his or her professional performance and personal effectiveness,in what areas would you suggest he or she work to improve? (Columbia)
6. How does the applicant acceptconstructive criticism or handle conflicts? ( Columbia)
7. How effective are the applicant’sinterpersonal skills in the workplace? ( Columbia)
8. On the below scale, please rate theapplicant’s individual vs. team orientation (1 = most effective as anindividual contributor; 5 = focused exclusively on the team) Please elaborateon your rating: ( Columbia)
9. Please give an example of how theapplicant has demonstrated leadership. ( Columbia)
10. Is there anything else you feel weshould know? (Columbia)
Please describe the peer group to whichyou are comparing the applicant. (For example, others whom you know haveapplied to business schools or those within your organization currentlymentored toward leadership positions.)(150 characters)(DUKE)
Commenton the applicant’s interpersonal skills(effectiveness in establishing andmaintaining relationship; working with supervisors, peers, and subordinates;willingness to work in a team environment)(Limit 2000 characters) (DUKE)
What doyou consider the applicant’s three primary talents or strengths? Please provideexamples, if relevant( Limit 2000 characters) (DUKE)
In whatareas does the applicant need improvement or growth? If you have had theopportunity to provide the applicant with constructive feedback, please providespecific examples of the feedback and the applicant’s esponse to it( 2000characters) (DUKE)
If you would like to provide anyfurther comments you feel would aid the committee in the evaluation of theapplicant please upload your comments via the Additional Information Section.You must click the 'save' button first to save your work in this section. Then,click 'next' at the bottom of the page to access the Additional Informationsection. If your recommendation is complete, click 'Preview and Submit' on theright hand menu to proceed to the submission process. (DUKE)
UNC 在官方网站下载的
1. How long and in whatcapacity have you known the applicant?(UNC)
2. Describe the applicant’s potential forbecoming a responsible and successful manager. (UNC)
3. What are the applicant’s major strengths? (UNC)
4. What are the applicant’s most noticeableareas for improvement or growth? (UNC)
5. Please use the space below to elaborate on theapplicant’s qualifications. (UNC)
6. For each attribute listedin the chart below, please mark an X in the box that best describes how thisapplicant compares with others you have known during your professionalcareer. Indicate the reference groupwith whom you are comparing this candidate (for example, other MBA candidates,other employees, other students). (UNC)
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