Study: Being Single in China Is Enough to Make You Sick

4已有 575 次阅读  2011-02-15 13:37   标签Single 

A new survey out of China claims that all the single ladies—and men—are subject to psychological and physical hazards as a result of their crippling loneliness. Happy Valentine's Day.

Beijing-based Ciming Health Checkup Management Group, in conjunction with the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and forty other organizations, has conducted a survey of the country's singles in time for the annual celebration of affection. The results aren't kind. According to the report, China's “leftover” men and women, as unmarried denizens aged over 30 or so are charmingly called, face significant health risks.

(More at See the best songs for loners on Valentine's Day)

Among the dangers it lists are stress and sexual repression. The study also found that of its 160,000 unattached interviewees, over 70 percent have experienced depression related to their singledom. Twenty-five percent are satisfied with their single lives; 22 percent often feel lonely; and 30 percent suffer from emotions like anxiety and frustration. 17.6 percent have regular sexual partners.

(More at See how liquor laws are making Valentine's Day blue in some U.S. states)

Asked why they thought they were still single, most bachelors and bachelorettes answered that they normally head straight home after work. So, in honor of V-Day, NewsFeed invites you to take the afternoon off. (via CNNGo)

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