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    相比于去年 , 哥大前两篇 essay 题目的变化不大 , 依然注重申请人的职业目标和非职业的人生经历 , 只不过人生经历的数量限定为一次。新增加的第三篇则提供一个很好的机会向 adcom 展示: 1 )申请人对哥大 MBA 项目及学校的了解程度; 2 )申请人的 personalities ;三个可选的题目分别为商业计
  • 12
    继上周公布Deadline之后,哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)在其官方网站上公布了2011-2012的essay题目。除了第一篇常规题目的内容保持不变(问题的问法也发生了变化),必需回答(required)的essay从2增加到3篇,同时第三篇是个三选一的题目,这在Columbia的历史上却是头一次。具体的essay题目如下:
  • 14
      We get no shortage of inquiries about Columbia Business School from applicants. It’s no wonder, given the school’s strong ties to the banking sector and its Ivy League heritage. You would be surprised, however, by how many applicants don’t really know the school before they apply. We
    分类: Columbia|963 次阅读|没有评论
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    The Columbia Business School (CBS) deadlines for the 2011-2012 admissions season are now available. The deadlines for this year are as follows: Early Decision: October 5, 2011 Merit Fellowship Consideration: January 4, 2012 Regular Decision: April 11, 2012 Applicants should
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