The 2012-2013 Stanford GSB essay topics have been announced! This year’s essays are below: Essay 1: What matters most to you, and why? The best examples of Essay 1 reflect the process of self-examination that you have undertaken to write them. They give us a vivid and genuine i
Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) this year tops the Financial Times global ranking of MBA programs, becoming only the fourth institution to do so. Stanford, which for the past 13 years has placed in the top 10, bested previous winners Harvard Business School (HBS), the Wharton Scho
Stanford Graduate School of Business Rankings US News 2011 #1 Accounting #6 Entrepreneurship #2 Finance #4 Information Systems #9 Management #2 Marketing #4 Nonprofit #2 Production/Operations #4 Supply Chain/L
斯坦福大学商学院( GSB )几年以来申请短文的格式一直保持不变:前面两篇短文为开放式的必答题,第 3 篇短文为 4 选 2 的简短情景类问题。录取委员会对每篇短文的论述长度进行了建议,但申请人在每篇短文的长度方面依然有很大的自主权,只要所有短文的总字数不超过 1800 字即可。也就是说,申请人除了要考
MBA Class of 2010—Full-Time Positions 88% of graduating students reported a change in both industry and function from their pre-MBA position. 15% of graduating students accepted a job in the Northeast United States. 14% of graduating students accepted a job outside North America.
斯坦福商学院要求每个学生在毕业前完成至少一次“异国体验”,你可以参加学校在假期里组织的学习旅行,或是与清华大学的合作项目,或是夏天里去他国做实习。你可以去世界上任何一个国家,前提是你从来没有去过那个国家。于是,我与其他26名商学院的学生,在寒假里踏上了去印度的为期12天的学习旅行。 参加学习旅行
千呼万唤,Stanford也终于公布了今年的essay题目,与去年相比,基本没什么变化。 Tell us in your own words who you really are. Answer essay questions 1, 2, and two of the four options for essay 3. Essay 1: What matters most to you, and why? The best examples of Essay 1 reflect the proc
人生太多偶然,我 申请 MBA 就是其中一个。直到去年十月,我都没见过 GMAT 试题为何物,两个月以后,却在平安夜孤灯不眠写essay。一年后的今天,我坐在斯坦福校园里和大家分享申请的经历与思绪。 我是工程师出身,原以为MBA这类东西浮夸虚幻,远不及工程务实真切。 硕士 毕业工作一年多,GRE成绩快要过期了。想想是
The Stanford GSB deadlines for the Class of 2014 are now available online. The three rounds are as follows: Round 1 Deadline: October 12, 2011 Notification: December 14, 2011 Round 2 Deadline: January 11, 2012 Notification: March 28, 2012 Round 3 Deadline: April 4, 201
注: 这是TOPWAY一位老会员Jinyuanz的申请经验分享,过些天会把他的经验分享讲座视频传上来,信息会比本文多N倍。 在此分享我的申请经验,希望能对大家有所帮助。 1、感谢:感谢论坛上诸位朋友在我申请过程中对我的帮助和鼓励,以及在我拿到offer后对我的祝福;感谢我的申请战友Desiderata,她的