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    大部分帖子都哇啦啦一大堆说自家MBA的优点,其实个人觉得缺点可能对未来的申请者更有启发,俺来开个头说说缺点吧。不过话又说回来,有两点需要注意:1这可不是骂娘,我还是很感激,庆幸自己上的学校的选择。2 纯属个人经历,想小马过河或者盲人摸象,换个角度完全不一样。 就拿Wharton吧: 1 说实话我觉得校友不是很帮忙
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      沃顿商学院   美国宾西法尼亚大学沃顿商学院位于费城,被誉为现代MBA发源地。沃顿商学院创立于1881年,是美国第一所大学商学院,也是世界上历史最悠久学术声誉首屈一指的商学院。沃顿在各个主要的经济专业领域研究以及管理教育水平方面都有极高的声誉,在美国商学院各种排名中一直名列前茅。一直被认为是全
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    重返Tuck商学院 (作者: 人在纽约)

    去年11月感恩节时,去了趟美国“常春藤”商学院排名前十位的TUCK商学院,那是为看望当时在读的外女。那时是节假日,所到之处,两个字“幽静”,确实是学习的好地方。 半年过去了,近日又去了一趟,是为参加外女的毕业仪式。6月的TUCK学院,热闹了许多,到处可见应届生,研究生和博士生的家人,校园内合影留念的人
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    The shadowing project at LBS enables students to gain a firsthand perspective on the daily role of a high ranking manager by “shadowing” that person for up to a week as they perform their job. Students report that they benefit immensely from this exposure, which illuminates skills they need to d
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    At MIT Sloan, each class of first-year students is divided into six smaller groups, called cohorts or “oceans” (Atlantic, Baltic, Caribbean, Indian, Mediterranean and Pacific), which help to give shape to the core curriculum experience. Oceans, comprised of approximately 60 students each, tak
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    Though the Stern MBA is a general management degree, students may use their elective courses to complete up to three specializations of their choosing. Specializations are not required, but are often used to enhance personal knowledge in a specific field or to highlight an area of expertise on one
    1192 次阅读|没有评论
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    Harvard Business School (HBS) earlier this week released preliminary profile information for the Class of 2012. Though many of the stats this year are very close to last year’s, the information does reveal some interesting admissions trends taking place at the school. Overall class compo