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    Deadlines All deadlines are 11:59pm Central Time on the day listed below.   2014 Application Deadlines Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Oct. 16, 2013 Jan. 7, 2014 Apr. 2, 2014 Decision Rendered by Dec. 18, 2013 Mar. 25, 2014 May 15, 2014 Tuition Deposit
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    Round 1 : October 15, 2013 Round 2 :  January 7, 2014 Round 3 :  March 27, 2014 Interviews for Round 1 will begin in mid-November. Round 2 interviews are schedule to commence in February. Finally, Round 3 applicants will be interviewed in late April. 
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    Round One Application Deadline: October 3, 2013 Final Decision: December 19, 2013 Round Two Application Deadline: January 8, 2014 Final Decision: March 27, 2014 Round Three Application Deadline: April 4, 2014 Final Decision: May 21, 2014 Interview invitations will be distributed
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        来哈佛肯尼迪政府学院进修之前,我还就读过美国的商学院,在查尔斯河对岸的哈佛商学院也接受过高管培训。在哈佛至今将近半年的时间里,我又有机会接触了不少来自两个学院的学生,静心比较二者,感觉虽然两个学院只有一河之隔,但风格却有天壤之别。   肯尼迪学院教授领导力的海菲兹说过,每个人都会有所
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    If you wanted to get smart about business by reading your way through the summer, what would your master reading list look like? Den of Thieves  by James B. Stewart Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco  by Bryan Burrough and John Helyar Liar’s Poker  by Michael
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    Class of 2016 Essay Questions The Admissions Committee is interested in getting to know you on both a professional and personal level. We encourage you to be introspective, candid, and succinct. Most importantly, we suggest you be yourself.   REQUIRED QUESTIONS:  1. What do you
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    Below is the essay question for the Darden MBA 2013 − 2014 application cycle: Share your thought process as you encountered a challenging work situation or complex problem. What did you learn about yourself? (500 words maximum)
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    纽约大学斯特恩商学院( NYU Stern )今年未能免俗,跟在 HBS 屁股后面,对 essay 进行了一定程度的的变革,虽然不疼不痒,却让申请人在动笔前又相当地为难。这种变化体现在:所有的题目和去年一摸一样,但去年的第二篇“ Two Paths ”和第三篇“ Personal Expression ”今年变成了二选一,这个二选一是相当的
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    Early Action Deadline: September 18, 2013 Interview invitations sent by: October 8, 2013 Notification: October 30, 2013 Round 1 Deadline: October 21, 2013 Interview invitations sent by: November 20, 2013 Notification: December 20, 2013 Round 2 Deadline: January 6, 2014 Interview
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