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MBA 百科

麦吉尔大学(McGill)商学院国际排名 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

The MBA program participates in several international rankings. Each ranking surveys different stakeholder groups, including students, alumni and Faculty and evaluates MBA programs from a different points of view and methodology.

The different rankings vary significantly and are just one of the many factors involved in assessing the best MBA program to suit your needs. If you are considering applying, you should determine the MBA program that best meets your learning and living style, your reasons for pursuing an MBA degree and your career aspirations. While rankings provide summaries of how MBA programs compare in certain areas, they do not reveal the true factors that differentiate the Desautels Faculty of Management from other business schools.


Current Rankings: 编辑本段回目录

Business Week
Top 16 outside the United States

America Economia
32 in the world

Forbes 2007
11 outside the United States

30 in North America


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