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Emory戈伊苏埃塔商学院 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

戈伊苏埃塔商学院(Goizueta Business School)


戈伊苏埃塔商学院简介 编辑本段回目录



Goizueta Business School (pronounced goy-swet-ah) is the business school of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. It is named after Roberto Goizueta, a former president of The Coca-Cola Company. The school is considered a top business school, ranked in the top 20 overall and first in leadership by BusinessWeek in 2004. The school's undergraduate Bachelor of Business Administration program ranked fourth in the nation according to BusinessWeek in 2007, up one spot from the previous year.

  The school offers seven degree programs:

•Undergraduate business degree
•Two-year full-time MBA
•One-year full-time MBA
•Weekend Executive MBA
•Modular Executive MBA
•Evening MBA
•Ph.D. program
  Many professors at the school are highly accessible to students and are considered world-class in their field. The Goizueta Business School also houses the Emory Brand Institute, an innovation research group that develops next practices (vs. best practices) in branding through a global network of scholars and partner firms. The business school has established an academic partnership and exchange programme with the prestigious Cass Business School in London.

知名教师 编辑本段回目录

•Jimmy Carter - Former US President and Distinguished Professor
•Lado Gurgenidze - Prime Minister of Georgia
•Narasimhan Jegadeesh - Dean's Distinguished University Chair in Finance
•Ajay Kohli - Isaac Stiles Hopkins Chair in Marketing
•Benn Konsynski - George S. Craft Distinguished University Professor of Decision & Information Analysis
•Jay Shanken - Goizueta Chair in Finance
•Rajendra Srivastava - Roberto C. Goizueta Chair in Marketing
•Jagdish Sheth - Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing


 •Charlie Allen - head of Allen & Co.
•Michael Cascone - COO of Howstuffworks, previous EVP of Homestar Runner
•John Chidsey - CEO of Burger King
•Marvin Ellison - Executive Vice President, The Home Depot
•Duncan Niederauer - CEO of NYSE Euronext


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