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thanks a lot!!!!!!


Why not continue any more??


13.        Some people say that playing a game is fun only when you win. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific reasons to support your answer.It is not a time for any one acting like a gentleman to say “Friendship the first, and competition the second”. It is high time that we disclosed what we are actually thinking about. The fact that only when you win a game can you feel authentic happiness is what I wish to emphasize.
Those who object to this idea forget a universal truth—the motivation for sports, or to be more accurate, for almost all other things, essentially comes from success. Athletes who are willing to be trained so excruciatingly are prompted by a looming hope, a prospective championship. To win the game is what they primarily concern about, whether they are going to play tennis or football. If they win, flowers and honor fly to them and, as a result, their enthusiasm escalates. In addition, playing a game should be an enjoyable entertainment, but frequent loses are second to none in wearing away players’ interest. After several fiascos, one might doubt his ability to achieve. On the other hand, if one has no interest in winning a game, he lacks a goal. When he set an aspiring goal, he is sure to find that his every practice has its own meaning.
Finally, for a previous loser who turns out to be greatly successful later by strenuous exercising and practicing, it is also his eagerness to win, to wipe out his former “stigma” that motivates him to succeed. That “The failure is the mother of success” explains nothing but the eagerness inspired by a definite goal of winning a game. All this gives birth to the ultimate achievement.
So if we take a careful consideration, it is not difficult to get the conclusion: the happiness of playing a game is found only one wins. After all, the success, along with bountiful reward and profound rejoicing, appears to be enormously attractive to every participant.


[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-10 17:23:48编辑过]



12.        Topic: Some people learn best when a classroom lesson is presented in an entertaining, enjoyable way. Other people learn best when a lesson is presented in a serious, formal way. Which of these two ways of learning do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.
Attending lectures is very essential for students whose ability of independent study is not fully established. Consequently their progress is often based on the process of classroom importation. The two different kinds of style, respectively speaking, the serious way and the entertaining way, assume to produce different results, which can sharply be discerned by comparing the two different educational systems of the Europe and of the USA. Personally, I vote for the latter, even though I have been taught in the former system from the very beginning of my education.
The disadvantage of the serious way of learning is found mainly in that students frequently fail to participate in the class actively. The teacher dominated the 45-minute period and the students are refrained from airing their opinions no matter whether they agree or disagree with what the teacher says. In this case, standing up and ringing one’s view forward and therefore breaking the quiet atmosphere require a great deal of courage and, sometimes, a long time premeditation. Even though he does stand up, all these will significantly weaken the effect, and for good reason: the extreme constraint prevents him from expressing his opinion. Furthermore, students are expected to learn only what the teacher tells them. They have little chance to take advantage of others’ ideas.
Such defects as mentioned above can be prevented by the other way of classroom learning. The class organized in an enjoyable atmosphere usually provides students more than what they’ve expected. A joke may inspire students’ interest and enthusiasm and then what they learn give them a deeper impression. A drastic debate among students will prompt them to learn from others. In this kind of class they often find out that they’ve motivated by the pleasure of study. I have an American teacher in whose class I have gained so much. He differs from the image of teacher in my mind enormously in many aspects. What impressed me most is this humor. His satiric remarks are invariable catching. For the first time I found that history is not at all boring. In laughter, not only do I learn the knowledge in books but I also gain some spiritual things brought about by his characteristic by his characteristics and personality.
A light heart is always helpful.


[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-9 11:19:59编辑过]



11.A research center is going to be established in a university. There is an argument about whether to establish an agricultural research center or a business one. Which do you think is better? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
Although Chinese used to think that agriculture is the most fundamental as well as most essential aspect of our national economy, with the opening of our door, more and more Chinese people come to realize the importance of business, for we can not isolate ourselves any longer: we must trade with other nations; we must make our country a really powerful nation. Therefore, if we are to set up a business research center or an agricultural research center, we had better choose the former for the following three specific reasons.
First, we must realize that in modern society, a nation depending on agriculture can never become an advanced country. We can not lag in an agricultural era. Some developed countries such as the USA, Japan and Germany, have already surpassed his period. They caught the opportunity and developed into an industrial age. That’s why those nations become so powerful and advanced.
Second, with the opening policy coming into every Chinese mind, we now face a golden opportunity to develop our business theory. Chinese have begun to learn about the functions of market and stock market and so on. These new things attract more and more people, but few of them really understand how to use these new tools, so business research centers become imperative for us.
Finally, to trade with foreigners and to et advanced techniques from them require us to learn more knowledge and skills. We must know not only our own system, but also theirs, so that we can succeed in negotiation and trading.  
An open China had realized the importance of business. Why should we give up this opportunity instead of relying on agriculture? It’s right time for us to make a historical choice.


[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-9 11:17:26编辑过]



10.        Some university students want to live in a room alone. Others prefer having roommates. Which do you like better—living alone or living with roommates? Give specific examples to support your answer.
It is often difficult for a student to decide whether he shall have roommates or not. But for a college student, the advantages of having roommates always outweigh the disadvantages. Those who object to having roommates claim that several people living together, there is usually a ; lack of privacy.
Although at first glance these arguments sound reasonable and appealing, they are not borne out by a careful consideration. When you and your classmates are at odds, it is the best times for you to learn how to adjust the relationships between yourself and the others. Solving trivial problems in the dorm will, in the long run, enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people’s feelings and learn to be considerate. In addition, some personal experiences and emotion are not so private as not to be known even by friends. Living with other people, you are surely to find out that most of what you previously regarded as privacy, to your surprise, no longer appears “private” at all, because your roommates share a great deal of what you think and feel. As a result, you will find that discussing with roommates over those “primacies” actually clarifies your confusion and brightens your spirits.
Finally, the incomparable advantage is that it offers an excellent chance of cooperation and adequate colorful group activities. Planning a party single-handedly may be a dull and difficult job; your roommates’ help, however, renders it enjoyable and easy. You can make a plan together, take a trip together, you may even start a musical band. All of these are invaluable throughout your life.
So as I see it, rooming together, as a precious opportunity for living in dormitory, is the best way of learning cooperation and of understanding other people and the society in general. Such experience will definitely be helpful in one’s later life. Share your happiness and sadness with your roommates and you will receive high reward.


[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-9 11:16:42编辑过]



9.        Topic: Some people think studying in a university is worthwhile only because you can get a degree. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give specific reasons to support your answer.
University as a significant cultural force has brought itself to wide recognition and undeniable high social status; therefore, studying in a university is considered one of the most important and most valuable experiences in one’s life, and his academic performance in university will significantly set his future. In our society, the most commonly recognized of a student’s academic achievement is the degree. A good degree usually means a decent and well-paid job. Consequently some people regard the degree as the only thing valuable while studying in college. Admittedly, the degree is essential for students who want a prosperous future, but it is by no means the only opportunity university grants us.
First of all, the university provides us with an enjoyable atmosphere of study and of other activities. Associating with different people on campus, discussing with your professor over a sensitive topic, and reading in the quiet library can strongly shape you inclination, mature your thoughts, widen your horizon, and enrich your personality. For students who consider the university often gives them more than degrees—it will be an all-around reward.
Although it is said that the higher the degree, the better the job, it is not always absolutely true.  Many great men made their startling contribution without a good degree or even without a good school record. For example, Einstein got many poor grades in college and sometimes he even thought the exams as “intolerable”. But he turned out to be one of the most brilliant scientific giant in history. The truth is that his university career and the new ideas he contacted with in college gave rise to his profound insight of the world and then the theory of relativity war born. So we can see clearly that degree isn’t everything.
So as I see it, though the degree plays an important role in one’s future career, it will by no means dominate one’s life. Our world is a varied one,  so are the roads leading to prominence. Universities furnish a variety of opportunities for students; degree is only one of them. What you’ve learned in university is more essential, for it is your real asset. Seize every opportunity and take full advantage of what the university provides, then there can be no future save a brilliant one.


[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-5 13:24:28编辑过]



7.        Some people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer. Explain why.
        Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer?
        Maybe you are fond of collecting stamps, then what a pleasure it is to have a friend with the same taste, and exchange the little “treasures” with him; or maybe you are interested in playing tennis, then how wonderful it is to compete with your friend, also a well---matched tennis fan, in a green field. Having friends whose characters, hobbies and social conditions are similar to you can bring you many advantages. They are easy to get along with. Because of the similarity, they can see something in the position of yours, and understand you better.
        But how about making different friends? Yes, they may have not what you have, but they have what you have not. Perhaps the least similar friends are the protagonist of the scientific novel “Around the World in Eighty Days”, Mr. Fogg, and his ardent, humorous and talkative servant, Jean, who was not a bit like his old-fashioned master. But who can say that Mr. Fogg’s courage and brazenness during the great trip and his compassion towards Mrs. Aouda at the end of the story, were not partly from the influence and help of Jean? A different friend is a mirror who can reflect your virtues and shortcomings. From him, you can find what you lack and you can learn what you need. When viewed from these perspectives, different friends may do more in shaping you than do the similar ones.
        No matter how similar they are, every two friends have differences, and no matter how different they are, as friends, they have at least one similarity: the sincerity towards friendship. In the sincere friendship, you can find shelter from danger, courage in need, and hands willing to help. Open your heart to your friends, whether they are similar to or different from you, you may become the happiest man in the world.

[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-5 13:23:08编辑过]



8.        Topic: Some people learn best when a classroom lesson is presented in an entertaining, enjoyable way. Other people learn best when a lesson is presented in a serious, formal way. Which of these two ways of learning do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.
Attending lectures is very essential for students whose ability of independent study is not fully established. Consequently there is often based on the process of classroom importation. The two different kinds of style, respectively speaking, the serious way and the entertaining way, assume to produce different result, which can sharply be discerned by comparing the two different educational systems of the Europe and of the USA. Personally, I vote for the latter, even though I have been taught in the former system from the very beginning of my education.
The disadvantage of the serious way of learning is found mainly in that students frequently fail to participate in the class activity. The teacher dominated the 45-minute period and the students are refrained from airing their opinions no matter whether they agree or disagree with what the teacher says. In this case, standing up and ringing one’s view forward and therefore breaking the quiet atmosphere require a great deal of courage and, sometimes, a long time premeditation. Even though he does stand up, all these will significantly weaken the effect, and for good reason, the extreme constraint prevents him from expressing his opinion. Furthermore, students are expected to learn only what the teacher tells them. They have little chance to take advantage of others’ ideas.
Such defects as mentioned above can be prevented by the other way of classroom learning. The class organized in an enjoyable atmosphere usually provides students more than what they’ve expected. A joke may inspire students’ interest and enthusiasm and then what they learn give them a deeper impression. A drastic debate among students will prompt them to learn from others. In this kind of class they often find out that they’ve motivated by the pleasure of study. I have an American teacher in whose class I have gained so most is his humor. His satiric remarks are invariably catching. For the first time I found that history is not at all boring. In laughter, not only do I learn the knowledge in books but I also gain some spiritual things brought about by his characteristic and personality.
A light is always helpful.


[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-5 13:23:51编辑过]




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