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Dear Sir,

My name is ***. I am an undergraduate student in China, majoring in English of commerce. And I will graduate in July,2006. During the four years in collage, I had learned several courses besides Specialty English, such as Advanced Mathematics, International Trade, Statistics, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics and took TOFEL on Oct 5th, 2005(603) and GMAT in Dec, 2005(550). I think what I have learned can help me effectively in my study at the program.

I once had an informal work experience as a part-timer in a internet cafe in 2004. Firstly, I should provide some information about my work. At that time, the on-line game “Legend of Mir" was so popular that I found there was an opportunity to earn some pocket money by organize a group of people to serve the players, such as selling the gold(used in the game) to them and stepping up the character level for them. Therefore, my work was to contact with the people who need our service. I had been doing the work for one year and at that time, I was a sophomore. I consider that this experience can be the proof of my sense of innovation and acuity and encourage me in the future.

Though I think I am smart and innovative, I have to admit that my knowledge is not enough to develop an admirable career in China. I should learn more systematic theories and scientific managing methods in order to succeed in the crucial competition. American is a developed country where polity, economic, culture, and education are accomplished. So I think going to your country is a sensible idea to pursue my study.

I am planning to pursue a graduate program in your university and I think your school is perfect for me to prepare me for the future employment. My favorite program is MBA. So I would be very grateful if you offer me more information about master degree programs and financial aid. By the way, my primary think is to study in accounting or similar programs; therefore, would you please give me some advice about the choice of my program.

There is something I ought to explain that my GPA is not very decent because I think the courses offered in my university is so theoretical that they can not arouse my interest. But I am confident to say that I can do it well if I want. In order to let you know more about me, I should mention my hobby, such computer, and table tennis, especially roller-skate. I have been playing roller-skate for more than three years in my spare time that I usually go shopping which take me about 20 minutes to arrive to downtown with one of my friend, and praiseworthily once we almost go through the urban area of the city we stay from one terminus of a bus line to another to meet a friend.

Sincerely yours,


问一下 自荐信 怎么说?是self statement letter吗? 这信是作为申请之前的问询

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好像自荐信应该叫:personal statement/ self-recommendation letter/ cover letter.



需要提交的是essay(多数学校)或personal statement(少数学校)。



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