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[商学院活动] 中国留学生在美国百森商学院毕业典礼发表演说:他比哈佛的何江说的更好


五月美国的毕业季,一位中国留学生在全美商学院创业管理学排名第一的百森商学院 MBA 毕业典礼上演讲,他传递了同样的理念:




I may be the only commencement speaker who stands on a chair to deliver a speech. This is what Babson teaches me – Don't think to be the best. Think to be the only.


It is my great honor to speak at our commencement because the audience has no chance to put up laptops and pretend to listen. Today our campus has the highest net worth in the entire year, because we have gathered so many successful leaders from different areas of the world for our commencement.


I am not as successful as many of you. Then why did I come on to the stage to speak? What wisdom can I share when I have not yet recognized the same successes? Well, I found one thing that is reason for me to talk. That thing is called failure. Yes, I guess I cannot go wrong in speaking about failure.


On the first week of our program when we played the game of quilts and puzzles, one of our classmates, Jinji offered a nice definition of failure that I still remember today. He said failure means nothing but NOT-SUCCESSFUL-YET.

我记得在 MBA 课程开始的第一个星期,当我们在玩“被子和拼图”游戏项目的时候,我的一个同学柳锦基给失败下了个很巧妙的定义。他说:失败,只不过是“还没有成功”。

Many business schools teach the case study of successes. At Babson, we learned about life. We learned that failure is an integral part of entrepreneurship. I feel so fortunate that many of my favorite professors have ruthlessly warned us how many twists and turns an entrepreneur needs to experience before he or she succeeds. Babson has a featured methodology called Entrepreneurial Thought and Action. And here is my simplified version of it: as an entrepreneur, I need to try out my ideas, fail fast at an affordable cost, reflect on the failure, make adjustments, try it again, fail again. Try it again and again. Fail again and again, and keep trying until one day I make it to success.


Failure is such an important factor for success that I would argue everyone of us, future entrepreneurial leaders has to experience failure before we can make some thing really great. Here's a case study for you. Just one more. Think about Apple, the company that changed our lives. Think about their products: the Apple III, the Apple Lisa, the Apple Newton. Wait? Why don't these names sound quite right? Because these products all failed. Now the question is – Could Apple have become what it is today had it waited to launch a perfect product that would never fail? A successful product cannot wait to fail, neither can a person.

正因为失败是成功的重要配方,所以我想提醒在座的各位同学——未来的企业家们,我们甚至必须先经历失败的磨练,才能成就伟大的事业。我举一个案例,仅此多举一个(美国商学院的学生每天有读不完的案例,所以听到案例就压力山大)。我们就说改变了世界的苹果公司吧,我们来想想他们的产品:苹果 III 个人电脑、苹果丽莎电脑、苹果牛顿掌上电脑。等一下,为什么这些名字听得不对劲呢?——因为这些产品全都失败了。那么我要问你,假如当年的苹果一直等着做出一款绝不失败的完美产品才肯面对世人,那么苹果还有机会成为今天的苹果吗?一个成功的产品不能因为害怕失败就原地等待;一个创业者也是一样。

This is a big weekend for us, and it's even bigger for me. I am graduating today and I am getting married tomorrow. As we leave Babson to start a new chapter of life, let's remember: There are basically three groups of people: Those who do and create, those who watch and comment, and those naysayers who make sarcastic comments. Of all the three groups, only those doers who never keep themselves from trying new and crazy ideas could fail. But they are not afraid to make mistakes, because they know they didn't come to the world to avoid making mistakes. They came to the world to do things that they believe are meaningful. They came to make the world a better place by turning ideas and words into actions. We call these people entrepreneurs.


To quote prof. JB's words, we have studied so many important cases of entrepreneurs BUT we have not studied the most important one which is our own case. My friends, as we celebrate our graduation, let's also celebrate the start of our journey to the real world. Let's embrace failures in the future! Let's write our own cases by DOING things! DON'T sit back and complain. REMEMBER, Action trumps everything!

最后,我想引用 J.B. Kassarjian 教授(百森商学院管理学系资深教授)的一句话:“我们虽然已经学了这么多重要的创业案例,但是还没学到那个最重要的案例——也就是我们自己的案例”。朋友们,今天,当我们一起庆祝毕业的时候,让我们也一起庆祝我们通往真实世界旅程的开始吧!走向未来,让我们拥抱失败!让我们在实践中写出自己的案例。不要只说不做、消极抱怨。请记住:行动胜过一切!

Congratulations class of 2016! Thank you!

2016 届毕业生,祝贺大家!谢谢!

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美国百森商学院 Babson College 位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿近郊,于 1919 年成立。在创业学领域有着很强的优势,连续 23 年被《美国新闻和世界报道》评为全美第一。


百森商学院 MBA 学生代表郭欣同时也是 MBA 招生办的学生大使。在中国山西长大的郭欣,本科就读于北京交通大学,2014年进入百森商学院学习 MBA。郭欣曾在一家土耳其工业阀门公司担任驻华商务代表,然而他的热情在教育行业。曾把美国的自由艺术教育和夏令营文化带给中国的孩子们。热爱生命的郭欣相信为了更好的世界而努力是自己的使命。

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