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還在等學校AD 和為了deposit deadline 糾結的同學 看過來~~~~~

论坛上的很多同學們不敢寄信給admission催decision 怕 affect admission chance
但是dream school的decision還沒出來 生怕等不到 連realist school都沒了

事實上 這是錯誤的觀念

以下是一個待了 admission committee十年以上的admission dean的分享

Most schools will in fact, expedite interviews or decisions upon request for appropriate reasons (a deposit deadline due is one such example).  The request will not hurt your chance of admission.  If the admissions committee wants to interview you or admit you, they will.  If they expedite the decision upon your request and decide not to admit you, often they will inform you of that decision as a courtesy to you to let you make appropriate decisions regarding the school.  Despite rumors to the contrary, in the 19 years I spent in admissions, I have never heard of any admissions director suggest a candidate attend another school because the candidate asked for an early decision.  Schools may refuse a request for an early decision because they don’t have the resources or processes to review your application.  They will not deny your application because another school admitted you.  If they want you, they will go after you. - See more at: http://blog.accepted.com/2010/03 ... thash.8LkSsP7o.dpuf

所以同學們 別錯失良機了!
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