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duke 的essay sample---25 Random things(4)

So here goes, 25 random things about me.
  • One of my earliest memories is of an aunt telling me not to call her son by a nickname that she didn’t like; I then proceeded to yell out his nickname 3 times and ran out the room — I was 4! To say that I was headstrong is an understatement.
  • I am a really talkative and expressive person. I remember as a child, every time I would start a new grade or school, I tried being less talkative, but I couldn’t keep quiet long enough. Eventually, I just accepted it…and now I like to think I’m the life of the party! Haha!
  • I am the middle child of 3 girls and we lost our parents at a young age. Somehow I always knew that I had to take care of my sisters even though I am not the eldest. Today, I am the person that everyone in my family comes to — no one makes a decision without talking to me. Crazy … I know …
  • I grew up in Trinidad and Tobago and I would go to a beach, river, or waterfall every weekend. Because of that, I love the water. When I am near water, I feel at peace and at home. It’s my safe place.
  • I can climb almost any tree — I can climb a coconut tree! Been doing it since I was a child.
  • When I like something, I stick with it. I go to the same restaurants and order the exact same dishes. Before moving to Durham, almost all the waiters at my favorite spots knew me.
  • Speaking of sticking with things I love, I met my husband when I was in high school. He was the cutest thing ever … wrote me love letters and all! He sneaked into my band class just to be close to me … good ole high school.
  • My husband proposed to me in Atlantic City. I had just won some money and he popped the question. He promises that he didn’t marry me for my money, though.
  • I have a terrible habit of talking in my sleep. I have full conversations with people that I have no recollection of the next morning. All my friends and family know this, yet they still talk to me in my sleep and get mad when I don’t remember our conversation.
  • I snooze for an entire hour every morning. It’s shameful, I know, but I literally need an hour to awake. If I get up any quicker, I have a horrible day.
  • In college when I learned that there was a famine in Sub-Saharan Africa, I took a semester off with a humanitarian relief group at my school and traveled throughout the region. To this day, it is still one of my most amazing experiences I’ve had.
  • I studied abroad in South Africa while in undergrad and I met Nelson Mandela … okay, I only shook his hand, but it was AWESOME!
  • I am deathly afraid of heights but while in South Africa, I bungee jumped off Victoria Falls and Bloukrans Bridge — the highest bungee bridge in the world. Because the one thing I am more afraid of than heights is people thinking that I’m chicken!
  • I have lived in a tent, a thatch hut, a wooden house and most recently, a sweet apartment in NYC.
  • I am a self-professed board game champion! I love board games and I am also really good at it. Before B-school, I held monthly game nights and everyone thought I studied the games because I was just so good.
  • I really enjoy poetry and quotes. I have books filled with writings that I’ve collected over the years that I hope to one day pass down to my children.
  • At Fuqua, I am focusing on social entrepreneurship and Health Sector Management. I hope to move into healthcare strategy after graduation. My ultimate goal is to get into corporate social responsibility. I truly believe that healthcare is a basic human right, and I want to work with corporations to make that a reality for every human being.
  • Un-justified margins in documents drive me crazy.
  • In my head, I am friends with Beyoncé, Jay Z and Oprah.
  • I haven’t eaten meat in 10 years. I initially gave it up for a month to get extra credit in a health and nutrition class and I never started back.
  • I am really intrigued by dreams; I believe that they have meaning and I’m constantly trying to make sense of them.
  • One of my goals in life is to be physically strong, body builder strong. I’ve recently mustered up the courage to start a training program.
  • I have yet to see most of the traditional, classical, must-see movies – The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, Gone With the Wind … you get the picture.
  • I love camping. Something about sleeping under the stars fascinates me.
  • In an interview one time I was asked how I’d like to be remembered. Without thinking I said “as a really old woman.” Though I thought that answer was silly then, I really do want to live to be really, really old.
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