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og13 sc 131

131. Although the term “psychopath” is popularly applied to an especially brutal criminal, in psychology it is someone who is apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.

(A) it is someone who is

(B) it is a person

(C) they are people who are

(D) it refers to someone who is

(E) it is in reference to people

“E :To be correct, this construction needs a main verb such as used; the construction is used in reference to is awkward and much wordier than the single word refers; the plural people should be singular.”

不明白为什么要加used,不明白为什么一定要用singular...我觉得E选项没有错呀~in reference to很好,term指代一群人people也很好!

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我觉得楼主的语感脱离了语法的源头活水。所以就会似是而非。正如你问的另外一题一样。in reference to 作为一种副词性的结构不能作为表语。而作为一种病症显然也不是说的一群人。正如不会说“心脏病是指一群人心口疼"


你咋知道in reference to是副词性结构呢?为啥就不是正常的介短呢?





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