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13.  Financial gain is the most important factor when choosing a career
题库原题:31. “Financial gain should be the most important factor in choosing a career.”
1.        把收入作为选择职业的首要考虑因素会使人忽视了生命中更应该追求的其他东西。事实上有许多人为了追求更为重要的目标而放弃了使自己获得最大收入的职业。象是特蕾莎修女,她以助人为快乐。尽管在物质上是清贫的但是却在别人快乐的同时自己也得到了幸福的回报。Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India. Although she was not rich all through her life, she was happier than most of her contemporaries because she gained happiness when she helped the poor. bliss blessedness  还有一些人为了做全职家长更好的照顾孩子更是完全牺牲了得到钱的职业。在他们看来和家人在一起生活照顾他们的起居饮食是自己最开心的事情。
2.        诚然经济基础是一切其他活动的前提,但追求钱以外更重要的目标并不一定意味着就会得不到物质回报或者是一定会过得潦倒。事实上两者是可以相互促进的。一个追求智力上或者是创造力上的成就的人象是作家艺术家或者是音乐家当他们的作品问世时候他们同时也得到了物质的回报。others choose to pursue intellectual or creative fulfillment-as writers, artists, or musicians. 而这些钱反过来又会为他们的创作提供更好的条件和环境.

1.        Admittedly, 人们都不是生活在童话里fairy tale,人们需要面对日常生活中的各种花费,而金钱是保障这一切,从而保障人们生命的基础。financial gain does be an important factor in choosing a career.
2.        但是,这不代表说,所有人都应该把它regard it as the most important…因为after all, 金钱只是满足我们生活的手段,还有更多更家重要的东西,金钱无法满足。比如精神生活:首先,很多人选择很多工作,造福社会,但它们pay less than others,比如social work, nursing. 人们认为精神世界更重要,帮助别人。。。;另外,良好的工作环境,同事关系,使人们精神好。
3.        因为首先:不同人有不同的需要,又比如说,有的妈妈为了照顾孩子,选择地点离家比较近的工作,even though this job can provide her less money than those far from her home.。。再比如说,有的人为了事业上更大的成就,会选择能提供更多机会promotion,或者培训之类的。如果全部考虑金钱,则很可能丧失更多进步的机会。
View1: Financial gain is an important factor in choosing a career.
View2: However, there are more factors play important roles in making job decisions. chance for promotion, training, work environment, corporate culture and reputation, welfare other than financial form
Evidence: Vincent Van Gogh .If he transfer to other career for monetary consideration, there will be no such beautiful scenes as starry night and sunflowers shining forever in our art history.
View3: In my opinion, the best career is the combination of special interests and financial benefits.

范文:Financial gain is certainly one factor to consider when selecting a career. But many people do not, and should not, focus on this factor as the main one. The role that money plays in career choice should depend on the priorities, goals and values of the particular person making the choice.
The main problem with selecting a career primarily on the basis of money is that for many people to do so would be to ignore one’s personal values, needs, and larger life goals. Indeed, many people appreciate this notion when they choose their career. For example, some people join one of the helping professions, such as nursing, teaching or social work, well aware that their career will not be financially lucrative. Their choice properly stems from an overriding altruistic desire, not from an interest in financial gain. Others choose to pursue intellectual or creative fulfillment—as writers, artists, or musicians—knowing that they are trading off dollars for non-tangible rewards. Still others forego economic gain to work as full-time parents; for these people, family and children are of paramount importance in life. Finally, many people subordinate economic prospects to their desire to live in a particular location; these people may place a high value on recreation, their physical health, or being near a circle of friends.
Another problem with focusing primarily on money when selecting a career is that it ignores the notion that making money is not an end in the end of itself, but rather a means of obtaining material goods and services and of attaining important goals—such as providing security for oneself and one’s family, lifelong learning, or freedom to travel or to pursue hobbies. Acknowledging the distinction, one may nevertheless select a career on the basis of money—since more money can buy more goods and services as well as the security, freedom, and time to enjoy them. Even so, one must strike a balance, for if these things that money is supposed to provide are sacrificed in the pursuit of money itself, the point of having money—and of one’s career selection—has been lost.
In conclusion, economic gain should not be the overriding factor in selecting a career. While for a few people the single-minded pursuit of wealth may be fulfillment enough, most people should, and indeed do, temper the pursuit of wealth against other values, goals, and priorities. Moreover, they recognize that money is merely a means to more important objectives, and that the pursuit itself may undermine the achievement of these objectives.


14. 合并至4

15. 原文是这个114. “Technology ultimately separates and alienates people more than it serves to bring them together.”


题库原题:114. “Technology ultimately separates and alienates people more than it serves to bring them together.”
1.        不能交流的可以交流了,不容易交流的变得容易拉
2.        增进交流也就加强了理解使得交流有更深的层次
3.        当然有些工具的产生确实也使得交流变得肤浅但是综合来看不支持作者的观点
范文:I believe there is some truth to the speaker’s claim that technology separates and alienates people. However, there is certainly at least as much evidence that technology serves best to bring people together.
The most obvious way that technology separates and alienates people from one another is symbolized by the computer nerd sitting glazed-eyed before his computer screen in a basement, attic, bedroom, or office cubicle. While this scene is a caricature, of course, it’s true that practically everybody who uses email or surfs the Internet does so alone, with only his or her computer for company. And, to the extent that computer use increases the amount of time we collectively spend in solitary activities, it increases the amount of time we spend separated from our fellow humans.
On the other hand, technology has been a wonderful aid in bringing people together, or, in many cases, back together. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have become connected with quite a number of people via email with whom I might never have spoken otherwise. These include old friends with whom I had fallen out of the habit of writing regular letters but with whom I now correspond regularly because of the ease with which email can be sent and delivered.
A second way in which the new technology has brought people together is by allowing individuals who have common interests to make contact with one another. It is possible to find people who share one’s interest in nearly anything, from aardvarks to zippers. Such contacts may be ephemeral, but they can be a great source of information and amusement as well. I would hazard a guess that for each person who sits neurotically at home, eschewing personal contacts with others in favor of an exclusive relationship with his computer, there are hundreds of others who have parleyed their email capacity and their access to the Web into a continuous succession of new acquaintances.
In sum, it seems clear to me that technology has done more to bring people together than to isolate them.


16. it is the duty of employees put the needs of the company first.
考古:it is duty for an employee to put needs of a company first


17. If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries.
1,        advantage: make students better prepared for the future competition, etc.
2,        disadvantages:very pressure and stressful
3,        a refined educational system is preferred
View1: education play a very important part in determine a nation’s economic success.
Employees, government regulation strategies, corporate management level, technology—competitive power of products  
View2: as the development of open market and global economy, education is also required to face international challenge.
Although sometimes competition might produce desired results such as efficiency and productivity, I still believe that our national economic success will be better promoted by an educational system that encourages cooperative learning among students, and with students from other countries.
being competitive fixes our focus externally, on marking and beating the progress of others with whom we compete. Such external motivation can direct our attention away from creative solutions to our problems, and away from important human values like cooperation and fair play. Indeed, a highly competitive environment can foster cheating and ruthless back-stabbing within an organization, and ill-will and mistrust among nations. In the extreme case, competition between nations becomes war.
I don’t think it is a good idea to design an educational system that focuses mainly on competition. For although a little competition might produce desired results, in the long run too much competition will be destructive. Instead, I believe that our national economic success will be better promoted by an educational system that encourages cooperative learning among students, and with students from other countries.
Granted, competitiveness is an important aspect of human nature. And, properly directed, it can motivate us to reach higher and produce more, not to mention meet deadlines. But being competitive fixes our focus externally, on marking and beating the progress of others with whom we compete. Such external motivation can direct our attention away from creative solutions to our problems, and away from important human values like cooperation and fair play. Indeed, a highly competitive environment can foster cheating and ruthless back-stabbing within an organization, and ill-will and mistrust among nations. In the extreme case, competition between nations becomes war.
On the other hand, an environment of cooperation encourages us to discover our common goals and the best ways to achieve them. At the national and international levels, our main interests are in economic wellbeing and peace. In fact, economic success means little without the security of peace. Thus, global peace becomes a powerful incentive for developing educational models of cooperative learning, and implementing exchange programs and shared research projects among universities from different countries.
Moreover, research suggests that cooperative settings foster greater creativity and productivity than competitive ones. This has been shown to be the case both in institutions of higher learning and in business organizations. If true, it seems reasonable to argue that national economic success would be similarly tied to cooperative rather than competitive effort.
In conclusion, competition can provide an effective stimulus to achievement and reward. Even so, I believe it would be unwise to make competition the centerpiece of our educational system. We stand to reap greater benefits, including economic ones, by encouraging cooperative learning.


18. People have a duty to disobey the laws that they consider unjust

19. successful professional life is hard to achieve wihtout sacrificing personal life

题库39. “It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.”
1.        两者并不矛盾而是相互促进相辅相成
2.        科学技术的进步使人更高效率的工作也能让人更好的协调两者的关系
3.        诚然一定的牺牲是必然要做出的但是绝对不是生活中的重要方面

1.        cost of living, growing population, increasingly scarce resource… all contribute to a radical competitive society. 是客观条件force people to work longer hours, 自然, 无法避免地剥夺了人们的personal life. 这一点在很多发展中国家尤其明显:缺乏社会福利lack of social welfare, 人口膨胀population explosion, 人们面临更大的失业压力.
2.        而反对这种观点的人说, 先进的科技已经帮助人们沟通更加便利,提高效率, 甚至在家中办公, 已经大大地减少了对个人生活的压榨. 但是close scrutiny will reveal that 事实上,这种进步,更加剧了exacerbate人们工作的强度intensity. 提高的效率, 更要求人们一天干更多事, 在家中办公的可能, 也被充分地利用成了加班overtime.

View1: a fulfilling personal life guarantees a healthy mind and energetic body which enhance professional performance.
View2: Having a joyful career to devote to also in turn help to ensure a fulfilling personal life.
View3: if to achieve professional success must have something to sacrifice, the things may not necessarily the important aspects of personal lives.

Are professional success and a fulfilling personal life mutually exclusive? Probably not, although it is more difficult today to achieve both.
Undeniably, today’s professionals must work long hours to keep their heads above water, let alone to get ahead in life financially. This is especially true in Japan, where cost of living, coupled with corporate culture, compel professional males to all but abandon their families and literally to work themselves to death. While the situation here in the states (United States) may not be as critical, the two-income family is now the norm, not by choice but by necessity.
However, our society’s professionals are taking steps to remedy the problem. First, they are inventing ways—such as job sharing and telecommuting—to ensure that personal life does not take a backseat to career. Second, they are setting priorities and living those hours outside the workplace to the fullest. In fact, professional success usually requires the same time-management skills that are useful to find time for family, hobbies, and recreation. One need only look at the recent American presidents—Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and Carter—to see that it is possible to lead a balanced life which includes time for family, hobbies, and recreation, while immersed in a busy and successful career. Third, more professionals are changing careers to ones which allow for some degree of personal fulfillment and self-actualization. Besides, many professionals truly love their work and would do it without compensation, as a hobby. For them, professional fulfillment and personal fulfillment are one and the same.
In conclusion, given the growing demands of career on today’s professionals, a fulfilling personal life remains possible by working smarter, by setting priorities, and by making suitable career choices.


20. government对于制定standards and regulation不用承担责任 反而是企业自己要承担责任 社会也会因此得益  题库里有的
V2说businesses and organizations 不在政府管理下, society will benefit.
No.132  “Governments should not be responsible for regulating businesses and other organizations. Instead, society would benefit if the organizations themselves assumed responsibility for establishing and enforcing their own standards and regulations.”
1.        Admittedly, the goveronment should not regulate the business or other organizations too much. Too much supervision will harm the development of the business or an organization.
2.        Let the business alone to regulate itself will also cause problems. The ultimate goal of the business is to gain benefit, therefore all the activities will serve this pivotal goal even at the expense of the social benefit.
3.        The ideal combination can be the midst.
1.        too much interference from the government would undoubtedly impede the development of businesses and organizations. 1, 政府干涉过多可能或扼杀企业的积极性positivity. 显然如果没有自主决定the power of independently making decisions, 那么eventually, lead to the less active economy. 2, 政府过度的exorbitant干涉可能会打乱市场发展的自然规律disturb the natural order of the market. 比如regulation on the type of product 可能市场上的excessive demand or supply.
2.        但是也不是说政府should assume no necessary supervision over the business. 首先, 毕竟,企业的一切行为都是为了利益最大化. 缺乏管理,很可能产生很多negative results.政府有义务确保keep the national market in healthy condition. 如果缺乏suitable regulation, 有可能会出现恶性的竞争inordinate competition. 又比如Enron cheat on the financial condition. 第二, 政府有时要帮助企业度过recession.依靠企业自身的力量, 可能不能overcome the huge destroy of the recession.
3.        要有适当的regulation, 同时adequate freedom. 才能健康地发展.

View1: if organizations are allowed to establish their own regulations, the enforcement of regulations will be enhanced and the governmental burden of organizations will be released.
View2: however, the lack of authoritative and uniform regulations will ultimately do harm to both organizations and entire society.
Evidence: disturb of market order, monopoly, unfair competition.
To society: Unqualified products, high prices, environmental pollution, waste of resources
Do harm to international trade because the lack of uniform standards and the assurance of credit.


21. the constant innovation and change within an organization is as likely to damage the organization as to improve it.
V1: issue是 constant innovation and change 能为企业带来improvement的同时也会带来一样damage   
用的 as  as 结构 具体不记得了  improvement在后面一个as后的  就一句话
V2:.AI: the constant innovation and change within an organization is as likely to damage the organization as to improve it.
题库原题:Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve to it.

V1Innovation and changes are as likely do damage to an organization as do good to it. 大意就是创新和变化能够给一个组织带来的不良影响并不比好的影响少。
V2Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve it.

1.We are living in a world which is developing at a termendous speed which requires constant innovation and change.
2.However, constant change and innovation can do harm to the organization if we can not adapt the organization to the innovation and changes.
3.Innovation and change is a double-edged sword. We should quickly adjust ourselves to the innovation and change and make them better serve us.



22. To make grate achievement in business, conventional practices is very important.

23. 有人主张要学校花更多的时间在science and technology 上而不是art and humanities上,问你的看法
题库原题: “Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”

范文:Because scientific knowledge is increasingly important in our technological world and in the practical world of jobs and careers, schools should devote sufficient time to teaching mathematics and science. This is not to say, however, that schools should devote less time to the arts or humanities. To the contrary, in a technological age the study of arts and humanities is probably more important than ever—for three reasons.
First of all, studying the arts and humanities can help students become better mathematicians and scientists. For example, recent studies of cognitive development show that studying music at an early age can strengthen a child’s later grasp of mathematics. And understanding philosophical concepts has helped scientists recognize their own presuppositions, and frame their central questions more accurately.
Secondly, studying the creative and intellectual achievement of others helps inspire our own creativity and intellectual questioning. This is particularly important in an era dominated by technology, where we run a serious risk of becoming automatons who fit neatly into the efficient functioning of some system.
Finally, technology is valuable as an efficient means to our important goals. But neither technology, nor the science on which it is founded, decides which goals are best, or judges the moral value of the means we choose for their attainment. We need the liberal arts to help us select worthwhile ends and ethical means.
In conclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and humanities. These areas of study augment and enhance learning in mathematics and science, as well as helping to preserve the richness of our entire human legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplines within the humanities provide methods and contexts for evaluating the morality of our technology and for determining its proper direction.


24. the quality of life is becoming better in most societies becase of recent advencements in such areas as business and technology

No.111 “Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time.”
111. “因为最近商业和技术方面的发展,大多数社会的总体社会质量前所未有的好。”
1,        物质生活更丰富,生活更便利,不受天灾威胁
2,        节奏太快,远离自然
3,        进步是双刃剑要好好利用double-edged sword

1.        progress in technology and business确实给人们的生活带来了considerable improvement. a, in the material life,提供了unprecedented diversity of service and products。supermarket:hundreds and thousands of products for people to choose;——三月份就可以吃到新鲜的草莓fresh strawberry   b, 方便。高效率in the convenience of our own homes :得到信息在网上,订餐order a dinner via internet; c, 人们的健康状况更好了,很多曾经可以威胁人生命的病现在只要简单的医疗手段就可以解决。
2.        但是,也不是说全都是好处,同时也有消极的影响。比如a, 人们spend more time on television and internet, 忽略了overlook the necessary communication in the family。造成了alienation between the family members. b, 再比如,fast communication on-line 剥夺了人们深入思考的可能。deprive people of deep and comprehensive thinking.
3.        使人们更加忙碌,疲劳。a, 人们的效率提高了,却被要求做更多的事了,实际上,人们更加忙碌了。比如the invention of laptops provide the possibility for people to continue their work after they leave the company.  even on holiday. b, 新技术发展很快,demand changes every day. 这样accelerate the job obsolescence。造成人们suffer more pressure and anxiety.

The stated opinion is that recent advancements in business and technology have made overall quality of life better than ever. I disagree somewhat with the speaker’s viewpoint. For although such advancements have improved our lives in many respects, they have also diminished our quality of life in other ways.
Clearly, progress in business and technology has produced many benefits. For example, we can research problems and their solutions in minutes on the Internet; productivity is at an all-time high. And we can get more done in less time, leaving more time for hobbies, entertainment or other leisure activities. We can even mix a little work into our leisure time, by taking our laptops and cell phones on vacation. This way, we can stay one step ahead on projects at work, anticipating deadlines and staying in touch with co-workers and important clients.
In addition, leisure time has itself been enhanced by business and technology. Never before have we had so many spectacular diversions available, or so many leisure- and entertainment-related businesses vying for our attention. Moreover, we can obtain everything form airline tickets to a language course and holiday wardrobe via the Internet, in the convenience of our own homes.
Nevertheless, advances in business and technology have compromised our quality of life as well. For all the wonders of computers, they have spawned their own special illnesses and ailments, like severe eyestrain, back and neck problems, and carpal tunnel syndrome. And though we now have a world of information available in a keystroke, some of this information—like pornography, hate group diatribes and bomb-building instructions—are harming our society, especially our children. Even apparently harmless material, like direct mail advertising and telephone soliciting, is endlessly annoying. Finally, family life is sometimes a casualty of all this progress, with parents and children spending more time transfixed before their computer monitors and less time together.
In conclusion, advances in business and technology are a mixed blessing. For while we enjoy many benefits of this so-called progress, in many ways it has changed our lives for the worse.


25.说location is the most important determination for a new business, 尽管现在电脑通讯技术很发达。
AI: 原来business location is one of the most determinants for the business. 现在,即使是computer communication advance了,location的重要地位还是不变的.我驳斥的,举例说明了,location不那么重要了.
题库原题:26. “Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kinds of technology becomes.”
2.        事实上现在的趋势是:由于网络电话电子通讯交通越来越便利,地点对与一个企业来说正在变得越来越不重要。无形的商品可以通过网络、电话进行购买,和使用的地点不是很重要了。例如:保险、电子期刊等。有形商品由于售货方式的改变,地址的重要性也在淡化。很多厂家通过在互联网上展示自己产品的照片和电话直销的形式销售商品。其中比较突出的例子就是AMWAY、DELL
3.        当然有很多的需要体验和身体力行的产品供应商的地址还是很重要的,象是餐饮业健身房等。
trend tendency net telecommunication transportation location position site important significant determinant factor reason tangible intangible palpable tactile touchable insurance electronic periodic periodical production goods commodity manufacturer producer essentiality significance importance strengthen reinforce weaken demonstrate show exhibit display conveient  
1.        location的重要性体现在:首先,在交通便利的地方,比如沿海地区,near the sea or the river,有利于运输transportation of the cargo…,这也是为什么沿海地区经济通常发达的原因。第二,经济发达的地区,人们的购买能力比较强purchasing power。the demand of various goods may be relatively greater. 有利于the sale.
2.        Admittedly, the burgeoning technologies have changed the way of purchasing and selling. However, the extent, to which such technologies will threaten the pivotal role played by location in business, depends on the types of such business. 首先,对于很多retail business, 需要面对面地persuade the consumers to buy,比如化妆品cosmetics. 再比如,try on the clothes and compare the different types and textures…地点仍然是十分重要的。dinner out…
3.        Things may be different when it comes to other kinds of companies, for example, those who used to produce large-scale goods make sale depends on the contract signed with other companies. 现在的网络,以及先进的运输,都改变了这些操作模式,他们不再需要面对面接触彼此,也不必过多考虑运输的费用,因为一切都很简单,所以地点变得不那么重要。

View1. To many traditional businesses, location still plan an fatal role on its success.
Evidence: restaurants transportation services
View2. as commuter technology and electronic communication become more and more convenient, the intangible locations on the internet have replaced the location in the real world in some business areas.   
Evidence: Electronic publications, on line banks, internet retail stores, DELL

范文:In retail, or “storefront,” business, location is still a key ingredient of business success. The extent to which this will continue to be true, given the inexorable growth of Internet commerce, will vary among industries.
In more traditional retail sectors, such as clothing, cosmetics, and home improvement, an in-person visit to a retail store is often necessary—to try on clothes for fit, compare fragrances, or browse among a full selection of textures, colors, and styles. Also, activities such as shopping and dining out are for many consumers enjoyable experiences in themselves, as well as excuses to get out of the house and mingle with others in their community. Finally, shipping costs for large items such as appliances and home-improvement items render home shopping impracticable. Thus, burgeoning technologies pose no serious threat to Main Street, and location will continue to play a pivotal role in the fate of many retail businesses.
Nevertheless, technology-related industries are sure to move away from physical storefronts to virtual ones. Products that can be reduced to digital “bits and bites,” such as books and magazines, recordings, and software applications, are more efficiently distributed electronically. Computer hardware will not disappear from Main Street quite so quickly, though, since its physical look and feel enters into the buying decision. Computer superstores should continue to thrive alongside companies such as Dell, which does not distribute through retail stores.
In conclusion, consumer demand for convenient location will continue with respect to certain tangible products, while for other products alternative distribution systems will gradually replace the storefront, rendering location an obsolete issue.



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