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第一段:上岛方式有二:private boat私船和charter boat租船。从1975~1985年,两种方式都涨了。分析认为游船增加的主要是1970年初期,政府出台了一项税收tax政策(有题),这法案(有题)减免购买游艇人税收。

第二段:船多了,本该觉得拥挤crowd,相反,游客perception of crowd decreased有题)。分析认为,是人们的normexpectation等因素变化了(确认作者是否推翻?)。

第三段:为什么游船增加了,但是游客的perception觉得less congested呢?老游客嫌吵都离开了,新游客来景区之前expectation人会很多,但是实际发现没那么拥挤,perception反而就觉得不crowd了(有题)新手novice,他们不熟悉skill和路线,所以更愿意去人多的地方,这样发生危险的时候可以求助。(有题,最后一段作用)


Crowding and carrying capacity research has been dominated by cross-sectional studies.
Researchers have modeled the impact of visitor use on the quality of the outdoor recreation experience by measuring social conditions (use levels and encounters with others), psychological conditions (evaluation of encounters and perceived crowding), and social psychological conditions (encounter expectations and preferences). From these measures, one can aggregate visitor responses into a normative standard for "appropriate" use levels that can help resource managers set visitor use policy.

his study incorporates time into an analysis of crowding and carrying capacity to investigate how change affects visitor evaluations and experiences. The analysis employed three cross-sectional surveys of boaters to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin over a 22-year period, beginning in 1975 and each administered approximately 10 years apart.

This framework assumed that perceived crowding is an expression of
individual judgment and socially shared norms标准 about "appropriate" density at a given site and at a given time.也就是说,挤不挤,感觉说了算 How crowded people feel depends, in part, on the expectations and preferences they bring to a recreation site. People may feel more crowded if they expect a low number of encounters but see more people than they expected. Moreover, based on these evaluative criteria, the individual may not feel crowded or evaluate the experience negatively until visitor encounters reach some threshold临界值 number.

      This normative approach, however, is problematic in cross-sectional crowding frameworks because visitors may change over time. Time related issues of change were recognized in the early 1970s during the planning stages of early carrying capacity studies (Shelby & Heberlein, 1986). At the Grand Canyon, there were concerns that the study of current visitors could not truly assess carrying capacity because past visitors, who might be more sensitive, would have been displaced. It is possible that they could have left the Canyon because use levels had increased from 500 visitors a year in the mid 1960s to over 16,000 in 1972. The "last settler syndrome" (Nielson & Endo, 1977) or "uninitiated newcomer" phenomenon (West, 1981) suggests that some newcomers to an area may have weakly defined normative expectations and preferences about an area (Roggenbuck, Williams, Bange, & Dean, 1991) and therefore will define current conditions as normal. Thus, aggregate measures of norms may change because of shifts in visitor composition over time.

Norms may also change independently of visitor composition. Cole and Stewert (2002) used a diary sampling method among Grand Canyon backpackers, and found substantial variation in individual responses to normative evaluations when measured at different backcountry zones and at different times during their trip. The product shift phenomenon suggests that people can also change their minds about standards of appropriate use given changing personal and social contexts (Shelby et al, 1988; Shindler & Shelby, 1995). The norms that they hold may change over time, and hence a relationship between encounters and perceived crowding that holds at one point in time may not hold at a second point. So, collective evaluations may also change, even while visitor characteristics remain roughly the same over time. Even though use level may be increasing, aggregate crowding levels may shift depending on a variety of broad social factors that may change the way people define appropriate uses of a recreation site. The only way to observe the potential for change, either in visitor composition or in the normative standards of visitors, is to measure social conditions and visitor evaluations at a single site over time.

主旨通过游客perception反而就觉得不crowd说明了,实际和expectation的差别(实际没想象的那么挤)反而counter expectation也就是说,挤不挤,感觉说了算


1、(确定) 1975年和1985年的情况相比,Boater认为?(应该选认为不那么挤了那项

2 1980年前后情况不一样,问 “1970年的法律暗示什么?  80-85年的情况和75-80年的情况出现不同

3.、以下哪个因素不会影响Boater对拥挤程度的感觉: 答案推测(待定?)

– changes in norms, preference of the visitors 就前面解释推翻了

我选的是不仅仅适用于business boat。这个选项是比出来的答案,其他几个明显与文中相反(待定?)


elaborate an explanation suggesting a phenomena in the second paragraph

7主旨题。我选分析一个unexpected phenomena的原因(待定?)我选的是解释湖区船多了但是大家还是不觉得挤的现象

8、关于bottle water哪个说法正确?选Amanufacturing of plastic bottle

processing the water更浪费能源

novice boater为啥没有预期到拥挤,我选的答案就是他们没有被告知应该去什么地方划船,怎么划等具体信息



第一段:日本经济腾飞啦,支持者拿出(泰罗Taylor/福特理论)日本的企业生产力通过,详细分工的方法得以提高(有题,位置待定?)。认为是由于创新innovationskillcorporation方面的原因;反对者critics则认为根本不是什么创新(有题),只是assembly line

第二段:批评家critics继续说,小日本只是press工人增加pressure强度,注重个人能力individual ability而已,并不创新。

第三段:最后作者站出来:两种说法都缺陷,应该将二者综合起来,中庸最好(有题)。作者还认为日本工人dependent on skills,这提高了他们bargainpace讨价还价空间(有题


Find the middle ground of two controversial theories。折中(确定)

High skill 小日本工人技术高

日本工人dependent on skills,提高了他们bargainlevel

反对派critics认为日本经济体系?critics 会认可关于production system哪个观点
根本不创新not innovative










第一段:economist 有一个 hypothetical model, 内容主要说: when firms apply for a bank loan, 他们需要知道自己的operating costs,但是operating cost会被其他因素影响,因此还需要向bank 申请evaluation, bank要对他们进行investigation

第二段:银行给企业贷款要做评估screening,只对成功贷到款approved的收费。(有题)两种公司:Low-costHigh-cost,因low cost firm更容易被approved而缴费,这相当于在补贴subsidizes High-cost公司,于是,low 公司就想办法了。.

higher cost firms不容易被approved, while low cost firm更容易被approved那么high cost firms will be subsidisized by low cost firms. and the low cost firm knows that. 因此,to distinguish from the high cost firm, they will 跟银行弄一个collateral.collateral 的风险成本很大,所以high cost firm基本上不会collateral,而low cost firm 因为本身low cost,不特别在乎其带来的风险. 所以到后来,就只有low cost firm collateral,而且他们只要弄了collateral银行就基本上不会对他们进行evaluation.


第四段:讲这个手段为什么有效呢,因为 high cost公司模仿的成本很高——如果他们提供抵押担保的话,他们是很容易还不了债而出去抵押物的

High-cost公司抵押的话风险risk更大,不会选择抵押,这样Low公司就不再补贴High公司了。银行得出经验啦,如果看到low cost公司提出“抵押”,就证明它挺有实力的,并且它不想帮High付评估费



银行没动力去认真评估(防止拿钱不干事) 我选的就是如果全部都收bank就不会认真评估了

高亮:第二段的作用?讲述Low costs公司为了逃避帮别人付额外的评估费所采取的措施

这个screening model assumption是基于什么?

作者认为low cost以怎样的方法获得贷款?Collateral


银行只对批准贷款的公司作风险评估,为什么?  第二段说,银行的evaluation是有cost,

high cost firms

low cost公司为啥选择去抵押,选的

为了不subsidize high cost公司



第一段:老观点:企业一般把资源花在降低成本和产品开发上,认为治污会产生成本cost。但新发现表明污染pollution会产生机会成本opportunity cost有题):waste resources, waste efforts等污染带来的损失代价。

第二段:举例:类比1980s“quality revolution”的运动。该运动前,企业认为产品缺陷defects是生产过程中不可避免的,后来,企业认识到其实是生产效率低下:Viewing defects as a sign有题of inefficient product and process design,然后defect是可以避免的。

第三段:和“quality revolution”的运动一样,企业治污也是一个道理:Efforts to eliminate pollution can therefore follow the same basic principles widely used in quality programs:


cost。举例,“quality revolution”的运动,类比说明企业治污道理一样,支持新观点。


introduce a new concept on the pollution-prevention method



opportunity cost污染的机会是指什么?
possible losses if not prevent pollution

stop pollution before it begin

5有一题问有junction molecule的作用吧。有两个选项挺接近的。一个说improve interactive ability of two types of molecule还有一个是conduit for information among cells. 我当时选了第一个,仔细想想的话应该是后一个吧。。



第一段:15世纪,法国出现了一种衣服样式manteau有题)而打破了tailor的垄断。女性提供更多参与商业的机会。CC学者开始研究,发现除了经济影响还base on political support from政府。











Any analysis of why the early fourteenth-century agrarian economy was so predisposed先有倾向的 to 'crisis' necessarily requires careful consideration of class and property relations on the land, for, as Robert Brenner and S. H. Rigby have both emphasized, these could be of decisive果断的 importance.7At that time landlords exercised feudal封建的 rights of lordship over their tenants, many of whom were of servile status and therefore legally subordinate to their lords. This power relationship shaped the tenurial土地保有的 relationship between those who owned the land and those who occupied and worked it. Thus it was tenure, as regulated by landlords, that determined the supply of holdings and the form and level of rents that were charged. Until recently it was widely believed that feudal tenurial relationships sanctioned and facilitated促进 the extra-economic exploitation of tenants by their lords. Together, the heaviness of rent charges and the arbitrariness of lordship discouraged and depressed tenant investment in agriculture.8Meanwhile, lords were more interested in pursuing a feudal lifestyle of conspicuous consumption than in enhancing the productivity and profitability of their estates.9The upshot结果, it has been claimed, was a vicious circle恶性循环 of underinvestment, static technology, and low and declining agricultural productivity.(封建社会中,地主对承租人的剥削关系,有人认为这是投资不足的恶性循环)

Such pessimistic悲观的 views of lords and their relations with their tenants have long exercised a compelling appeal.15 Nevertheless, they have become increasingly difficult to reconcile with a growing body of historical evidence. The preoccupation(当务之急) with serfdom农奴身份 overlooks the numerous free tenants who were exempt from the most coercive aspects of lordship.16Free tenants mostly paid fixed and low rents and their property rights enjoyed the protection of the royal courtsThe more substantial customary tenants were, in fact, relatively well off 。(自由租户收到宫廷的保护,交给地主较少的固定租金,相对富裕。) Many of these tenants certainly paid a proportion of their rent in labour, but historians, probably because of a modern abhorrence of the institution of forced labour, have exaggerated its economic significance. In reality, only a minority of tenants actually performed labour services, and the aggregate value of rents in cash far exceeded that of rents in kind.21 Notwithstanding the much-vaunted powers of lordship, tenants had long been remarkably effective at opposing efforts by lords to raise rents and increase labour services in line with rising land values and commodity prices.22They did so by countering seigniorial power with custom and denying that, as tenants, they were obliged to pay their lords anything more than a de facto实际上 ground rent for the land. Tenant right, in fact, often proved more powerful than landlord right.

As this article argues, the fact that so many tenants were in such conspicuous明显的 economic difficulties by the early fourteenth century had less to do with feudal lordship per se and the supposed oppressions and inequalities of serfdom, than with the contradictions and inefficiencies inherent in the coexistence of customary, contractual and commercial relationships. Herein在此 lay the real source of the agrarian problem in the early fourteenth century. In so far as lords were the inadvertent疏忽的 agents of this adverse state of affairs, it was because their dealings with their tenants were typically more compliant than coercive强制的
. By yielding to tenant demands for access to land on terms that were so favourable to the tenants, lords created the preconditions for the subdivision细分 and subletting转包 that stoked population growth and thereby engendered the rural congestion that was the source of so much under- and unemployment, with all the negative consequences that this implies for labour productivity, living standards and purchasing power. This deteriorating situation in the countryside acted as a brake upon the continued growth of the economy and, from 1315, left increasing numbers ever more cruelly exposed to the heightened risk of environmental hazard(地主想尽办法遏制了人口的发展和经济的增长,并使社会经济也衰退了)

第一段:B:传统的观点认为,lordtenant,特别是serf tenant (隶属于lord的,给其交租纳贡的tenant),带来了极大的经济压力,因为tenant要交很高的税负,要孝敬lord,缺乏人身自由。


第三段:S:因为其一,有很大一部分是non serf tenant,这些人只要交很低的钱,有很大的自由度,小日子还挺滋润;其二,即便是serf tenant,他们的生活也没有那么糟糕,他们还是有一定自主权的,诸如lord要增加税赋的时候,他们可以提出反对意见,并且有一定的力量。

第四段:S:但是中世纪的经济还是恶化了,这是为什么呢?究其原因,是因为,为了应付tenant想多租地扩大自身利益的欲望,地主想出了一系列方法。。。,生词很多,看不太懂。。。结果就是造成巨大的 unemployment in rural area. 地主的这种做法相当于对经济的一个“brake”,阻碍了14世纪的英国经济发展。lord在表面上向tenant做了让步使tenant获得短期经济利益,但是从长期来看,lord通过这些举措遏制了人口和经济的发展,并最终带来了社会环境的恶化。




二段中作者举free tenant例子的目的是?

3.、关于landlord赋予free tenant对土地的权利,作者同意哪个?

serve short term interest of tenant but not the long term(待定?)


landlord的土地政策:把土地权放给佃农。access to land

5问是从文章infer出什么,我选项是landlord对土地权利神马的,不是totally free(因为第二段提到那个free tetant他们好像有royal court保护,所以landlord不是



第一段:关于遗传和环境,苏联两派生物学家:李森科TDL认为生物的遗传性状来自于与环境的直接影响“neo-Lamarckian”理论, .支持环境会影响基因的遗传,不利于物种进化的基因也会传给下一代。;另一派IIS认为环境对生物的有容忍度,一般不变,只有环境发生巨大变化时才会变异,即最优基因繁殖最多

A苏联生物学家支持neo darwinsn,我猜测可能就是达尔文的进化论,然后叙述了一下neo darwinsn的观点,什么适者生存,不适者被淘汰,大家都学过的。但是另一个B苏联生物学家提出反对,认为环境的改变会给生物带来一些ungenetic traits,这些traits也可以inherit到下一代。





3.TDLIIS两人的分歧在于? TDL认为环境对遗传有直接影响,但IIS不认为



2Dobzhansky 的现代达尔文主义:现代综合进化论不同于传统的darwinismneo darwinism,彻底否定获得性状的遗传,强调进化的渐进性,认为进化是群体而不是个体的现象。引入了群体遗传学的原理,弥补了新达尔文主义基因论的不足。并重新肯定了自然选择的压倒一切的重要性,继承和发展了达尔文进化学说。


Ivan Ivanovich Schmalhausen(简称Swas a Soviet evolutionary biologist working at the Academy of Sciences in Minsk. In the 1940's his book "Factors of Evolution" appeared and was denounced(谴责, 告发, 通告废除) by T.D. Lysenko, whose neo-Lamarckian(这是L这个人的理论) theories of genetics were then on the ascendancy
支配力量). At the close of the 1948 Congress of the Timiryazev Academy of Agricultural Science it was revealed that Stalin had endorsed支持 Lysenko's report to the Congress in which it was affirmed that the environment can alter the hereditary makeup of organisms in a directed way by altering their development(斯大林都表示支持,可见L的理论在苏联的地位,L认为环境可以直接影响遗传)

In the West, Lysenko's views were simply dismissed.(在西方不受重视)But Schmalhausen could not ignore the Lysenko agenda which insisted on a more complex interpenetration of heredity and environment than genetics generally recognized. (这里讲因为大家都认可L的理论,所以S也不能无视)Along with Marxist and progressive scientists in the west such as C.D. Waddington in the UK, he accepted rather than ignored the challenge. As a result he developed a more sophisticated approach to these interactions which explained the observations of some of the better studies cited by Lysenkoists

Schmalhausen argued that natural selection was not only directional, producing new adaptations to new circumstances, but stabilizing. That is, if a characteristic of a species causes it to be well adapted, then random variation in the characteristic caused by external or internal disturbances would reduce the fitness of the organism, so natural selection will operate to prevent such disturbances(这里讲了S支持natural selection的理由)

Schmalhausen’s realization that natural selection operates to change the sensitivity of physiology and development to perturbations, but that this selection operates only under the usual and normal range of environmental and genetic variations experienced by the species in its evolution, leads to a result with very wide implications. That result, which we shall call “Schmalhausen’s Law”(这个理论是S最著名的理论), is that when organisms are living within their normal range of environment, perturbations in the conditions of life and most genetic differences between individuals have little or no effect on their manifest physiology and development, but that under severe or unusual general stress conditions even small environmental and genetic differences have major effects



Recent feminist scholarship con-

cerning the United States in the 1920’s


challenges earlier interpretations that


assessed the twenties in terms of the

维修“promises” of the women’s

Suffrage选举权 movement.
This new scholar-

ship disputes the long-held view that

because a women’s voting bloc did not

materialize after women gained the right

to vote in 1920, suffrage failed to

produce long-term political gains for

These feminist scholars also


challenge the old view that pronounced


suffrage a failure for not delivering on

the promise that the women’s vote

would bring about moral, corruption腐败-

free governance.
Asked whether

women’s suffrage was a failure, these

scholars cite the words of turn-of-the-

century social reformer Jane Addams,

“Why don’t you ask if suffrage in

general is failing?”

In some ways, however, these递进


scholars still present the 1920’s as a

period of
decline. After suffrage, they


argue, the feminist movement lost its

Cohesiveness凝聚力, and gender consciousness

After the mid-1920’s, few

successes could be claimed by fem-

inist reformers: little could be seen in

the way of legislative victories.
衰退的年代 new scholarship的另一观点

During this decade,
however, there


was intense activism aimed at achiev-


ing increased autonomy for women,

broadening the spheres within which

they lived their daily lives.

organizations worked to establish

opportunities for women: they strove to

secure for women the full entitlements


of citizenship, including the right to hold

office and the right to serve on juries.



1P: recent scholarship challenges earlier interpretations unkept “promise” of women suffrage. Disputes, also challenges older view…

2P: in some ways, however, decline….

3P: during this decade, however, intense activism…. Women’ organization worked to establish opportunities for women…



The passage is primarily concerned with

  • providing evidence indicating that feminist reformers of the 1920’s failed to reach some of their goals
  • presenting scholarship that contrasts suffragist “promises” with the historical realities of the 1920’s
  • discussing recent scholarship concerning the achievements of women’s suffrage during the 1920’s and presenting an alternative view of those achievements

Recent feminist scholarship concerning the United States in the 1920’schallenges earlier interpretations thatassessed the twenties in terms of theunkept “promises” of the women’ssuffrage movement.

  • Outlining概括 recent findings concerning events leading to suffrage for women in the 1920’s and presenting a challenge to those findings
  • providing support for a traditional view of the success of feminist attempts to increase gender consciousness among women during the 1920’s



It can be inferred that the author of the passage disagrees with the “new scholarship” mentioned in lines 6-7 regarding the

degree to which the “promises” of the suffrage movement remained unkept

degree to which suffrage for women improved the morality of governance

degree to which the 1920’s represented a period of decline for the feminist movement

During this decade, however, there was intense activism aimed at achieving increased autonomy for women,。。。

degree of legislative success achieved by feminist reformers during the 1920’s

accuracy of the view that a women’s voting bloc did not materialize once suffrage was achieved



The purpose of the second paragraph (lines 23-31) of the passage is to

  • suggest a reason why suffragist “promises” were not kept
  • contrast suffragist “promises” with the reality of the 1920’s
  • deplore谴责、哀叹 the lack of successful feminist reform in 1920’s
  • explain a view held by feminist scholars
  • answer the question asked by Jane Addams


1.        GWD-4-Q5 to Q7工业化城市化理论不能解释妇女选举权问题(以瑞士为例)
Many scholars have theorized that 老观点
           economic development, particularly          很多学者提出,经济发展,特别是工业
           industrialization and urbanization, con-       化和城市化能促进共享民主制的发展。
Line           tributes to the growth of participatory
(5)    democracy;  according to this theory, it      按照该理论,每当经济发展扩大妇女
would seem logical that women would      的机会,妇女能要求和获得更多数的
both demand and gain suffrage in ever       选举权,这是合乎逻辑的。
greater numbers whenever economic
development expanded their economic
(10)        opportunities.  However, the economic 否定老观点
development theory is inadequate to        但是这个经济理论不足以解释某些
explain certain historical facts about the     关于妇女选举权实行的历史事件。
implementation of women’s suffrage.
For example, why was women’s suf-        例如,为什么妇女选举权在1920年
(15)        frage, instituted nationally in the United     就在美国得以全面实施,但直到
States in 1920, not instituted nationally      1970’s才在瑞士全面实施?
in Switzerland until the 1970’s?  Indus-     到1920年,两个国家均高度工业化
trialization was well advanced in both       超过33%的美国工人受雇于各种工
countries by 1920:  over 33 percent        业,瑞士的比例则超过44%。
(20)   of American workers were employed
           in various industries, as compared
           to 44 percent of Swiss workers.
Granted, Switzerland and the United        当然,瑞士和美国不同在于工业扩
States diverged分歧 in the degree to            张与城市化程度的吻合程度。
(25)   which the expansion of industry coin-
cided with the degree of urbanization:
only 29 percent of the Swiss population      到1920年,只有29%的瑞士人口
lived in cities of 10,000 or more inhabi-       居住在1万或以上居民的城市里。
tants by 1920.  However, urbanization     但城市化不能完全解释妇女的选举
(30)   cannot fully explain women’s suffrage.      权。
Within the United States prior to 1920,       例如1920年前,在美国,只有低
for example, only less urbanized             度城市化的州赋予妇女选举权。
           states had granted women suffrage.
Similarly, less urbanized countries           近似地,诸如C和G等低度城市
(35)        such as Cambodia and Ghana had           化的国家远早于瑞士赋予妇女投
voting rights for women long before           票权。
Switzerland did.  It is true that Switzer-      瑞士城市化的州确实比农村州更早
land’s urbanized cantons (political           执行妇女投票权的立法。
subdivisions) generally enacted颁布
women’s suffrage legislation earlier
than did rural cantons.  However,           但这些州通常共有其它特点- 类似
these cantons often shared other             的语言背景,更强的左翼党派- 这
characteristics—similar linguistic back-       些可以解释以上的现象。
grounds and strong leftist parties—that
may help to explain this phenomenon.
Many scholars theorized economic development(industrialization and urbanization) contributes to women’s suffrage.
However, inadequate to explain…… however, urbanization cannot fully explain….
It is true… however, shared other characteristics …… may help to explain
The passage states which of the following about Switzerland’s urbanized cantons?
A.        These cantons shared characteristics other than urbanization that may have contributed to their implementation of women’s suffrage.
B.        These cantons tended to be more politically divided than were rural cantons.
C.        These cantons shared with certain rural cantons characteristics such as similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties.
D.        The populations of these cantons shared similar views because urbanization furthered the diffusion of ideas among them.
E.        These cantons were comparable to the most highly urbanized states in the United States in their stance toward the implementation of women’s suffrage.
It is true that Switzerland’s urbanized cantons (political subdivisions) generally enacted women’s suffrage legislation earlier than did rural cantons.  However, these cantons often shared other characteristics—similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties—that may help to explain this phenomenon.

The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.        contrast two explanations for the implementation of women’s suffrage只说了一种理论
B.        demonstrate that one factor contributes more than another factor to the implementation of women’s suffrage
C.        discuss the applicability of a theory for explaining the implementation of women’s suffrage
D.        clarify certain assumptions underlying a particular theory about the implementation of women’s suffrage
E.        explain how a particular historical occurrence was causally connected to the implementation of women’s suffrage

The passage suggests which of the following about urbanization in Switzerland and the United States by 1920?

A.        A greater percentage of Swiss industrial workers than American industrial workers lived in urban areas.反
B.        There were more cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants in Switzerland than there were in the United States.反
C.        Swiss workers living in urban areas were more likely to be employed in industry than were American workers living in urban areas.无
D.        Urbanized areas of Switzerland were more likely than similar areas in the United States to have strong leftist parties.
E.        A greater percentage of the United States population than the Swiss population lived in urban areas.
Granted, Switzerland and the United States diverged in the degree to which the expansion of industry coincided with the degree of urbanization: only 29 percent of the Swiss population lived in cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants by 1920.



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