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2.2.2 limb进化
V2 by joandjaygbd 710
新老观点并提出解释,讲vertebrate怎么evolve legs
第一段:Fish 先cross dry land 再evolve legs
第二段:但是,a new finding of fossils of S(一种鱼) 显示,fish evolve legs in aquatic conditions.
第三段:解释为什么,讲了limb 的作用,可以帮助它们从水里探头出来,呼吸还是干嘛~~~
V3 by 风雨楼台
V4 by lnl
第二段,最近的关于一个XX化石的研究发现,XX是在aquatic condition下下LEG,然后就 介 绍XX特殊处,说什么什么可以保证在水中呼吸,还有什么器官太大到陆地上会向下沉(考到推 断题)


2.2.3 GWD27 q3-q6(原文)
GWD-27-Q3-Q6 鸟为什么会飞的两种理论
Two opposing scenarios,        两种解释鸟飞的假设:树栖和疾走。
the “arboreal” hypothesis and
the “cursorial” hypothesis, have
Line traditionally been put forward con-
(5)  cerning the origins of bird flight.
The “arboreal” hypothesis holds      树栖论说鸟祖先爬上树滑行下来,随
that bird ancestors began to fly       着羽毛越来越大,最终飞了起来。
by climbing frees and gliding
down from branches with the
(10) help of incipient feathers: the
height of trees provides a good
starting place for launching flight,
especially through gliding. As
feathers became larger over time,
(15) flapping flight evolved and birds
finally became fully air-borne.
This hypothesis makes intuitive       树栖论的问题:始祖鸟和M恐龙没有
Sense, but certain aspects are         明显的栖树适应性,如合适的脚。
Troubling. Archaeopteryx (the
(20) earliest known bird) and its
maniraptoran dinosaur cousins
have no obviously arboreal
adaptations, such as feet fully
adapted for perching. Perhaps        没分析显示始祖鸟曾用前肢爬树和飞,
(25) some of them could climb trees,
but no convincing analysis has
demonstrated how Archaeopteryx
would have both climbed and
flown with its forelimbs, and there
(30) were no plants taller than a few       始祖鸟化石发现的地方也没有发现高
meters in the environments where      树。
Archaeopteryx fossils have been
found. Even if the animals could       即使它会爬树也不表明会滑翔。
climb trees, this ability is not
(35) synonymous with gliding ability.
(Many small animals, and even
some goats and kangaroos,
are capable of climbing trees
but are not gliders.) Besides,
(40) Archaeopteryx shows no obvi-
ous features of gliders, such as        它没明显的滑翔特征。
a broad membrane connecting
forelimbs and hind limbs.
   The “cursorial”(running)
(45) hypothesis holds that small           疾走论认为鸟为了躲避猎食者,奔跑
dinosaurs ran along the ground        并张开双臂平行
and stretched out their arms for
balance as they leaped into the
air after insect prey or, perhaps,
(50) to avoid predators. Even rudi-         前肢的原始特征能帮助身体稍微升高
mentary feathers on forelimbs
could have expanded the arm’s
surface area to enhance lift
slightly. Larger feathers could         然后鸟慢慢就飞起来了。
(55) have increased lift incrementally,
until sustained flight was gradu-
ally achieved. Of course, a leap
into the air does not provide the
acceleration produced by drop-
(60) ping out of a tree; an animal
would have to run quite fast
to take off. Still, some small
terrestrial animals can achieve
high speeds. The cursorial
(65) hypothesis is strengthened by
the fact that the immediate the-         兽脚亚目恐龙祖先拥有各种疾走的
ropod dinosaur ancestors of            特点。
birds were terrestrial, and they
had the traits needed for high
(70) lift off speeds: they were small,
agile, lightly built, long-legged,         另外,
and good runners. And because         它们用两足走,双臂有空用来拍打。
they were bipedal, their arms
were free to evolve flapping flight,
(75) which cannot be said for other
reptiles of their time.

Q 3:
The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.        present counterevidence to two hypotheses concerning the origins of  bird flight
B.        propose and alternative to two hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight
correct certain misconceptions about hypotheses concerning the  origins of bird flight
C.        (missing)
D.        refute a challenge to a hypothesis concerning the origins of bird flight
E.        evaluate competing hypotheses concerning the origins of bird flight

Q 4:
The passage presents which of the following facts as evidence that tends to undermine the arboreal hypothesis?

A.        Feathers tend to become larger over time
B.        Flapping flight is thought to have evolved gradually over time
C.        Many small animals are capable of climbing trees.
D.        Plants in Archaeopteryx’s known habitats were relatively small
E.        Leaping into the air does not provide as much acceleration as gliding out of a tree

Q 5:
Which of the following is included in the discussion of the cursorial hypothesis but not in the discussion of the arboreal hypothesis?

A.        A discussion of some of the features of Archaeopteryx
B.        A description of the environment known to have been inhabited by bird ancestors
C.        A possible reason why bird ancestors might have been engaging in activities that eventually evolved into flight
D.        A description of the obvious features of animals with gliding ability
E.        An estimate of the amount of time it took for bird ancestors to evolve the kind of flapping flight that allowed them to become completely airborne

Q 6:
The passage suggests which of the following regarding the climbing ability of Archaeopteryx?

A.        Its ability to climb trees was likely hindered by the presence of incipient feathers on its forelimbs.
B.        It was probably better at climbing trees than were its maniraptoran dinosaur cousins.
C.        It had certain physical adaptations that suggest it was skilled at climbing trees.
D.        Scientists have recently discovered fossil evidence suggesting it could not climb trees.
E.        Scientists are uncertain whether it was capable of climbing trees


2.2.4 伽利略水泵
关于气压的理论,伽利略合理接受力亚里士多德的部分理论,却在further research中astray了;然后另一个人discover了正确的理论
题目:1. 主旨,备选答案记得有 A-说明伽利略在发现某问题里的作用 B-描述 a series of scientists 不断找寻某答案的过程(我选的这个)C-说明两种实质相同的,对某现象的解释/推论方法(应该是一对一错,不是实质相同吧)
2.问了以下哪些因素与水可以上升的高度无关 选项包括什么 水管的直径 和什么什么的
4.问哪个不影响实验结果还是什么的,选项有weight of water, pressure of air, width of the pipe, height of the water, 还有一个不记得了
Galileo’s parti non quante seem to account for his curious physical treatment of vacua. His attention had been directed to failure of suction pumps and siphons for columns of water beyond a fixed height. He accounted for this by treating water as a material having its own limited tensile strength, on the analogy of rope or copper wire, which will break of its own weight if sufficiently long. The cohesion of matter seemed to him best explained by the existence of minute vacua. Not only did he fail to suggest the weight of air as an explanation of the siphon phenomena, but he rejected that explanation when it was clearly offered to him in a letter by G. B. Baliani. Yet Galileo was not only familiar with the weight of air; he had himself devised practicable methods for its determination, set forth in this same book, giving even the correction for the buoyancy of the air in which the weighing was conducted.
重要提示:http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Galileo.aspx这个是原地址, 介绍Galileo 生平. 然后大家search pump, 第一个pump的那一段就是了


2.2.5 galaxy cluster
V1 by cgzjessieli740
第三篇是讲什么galaxy cluster 和galaxy,还提到black whole, heating cooling(关键词有了,大家自己google一下~~), 反正第一段说发现一个现象,然后和什么不符(好像),第二段给出一个能解释的factor, 第三段,完了,彻底失忆了~~~
GWD27-Q10 to Q12:
      Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it. Astronomers must infer the existence of black holes, which are invisible, from their gravitational influence on the visible bodies surrounding them. For example, observations indicate that gas clouds in galaxy M87 are whirling unusually fast about the galaxy’s center. Most astronomers believe that the large concentration of mass at the galaxy’s center is a black hole whose gravity is causing the gas to whirl. A few skeptics have argued that the concentration of mass necessary to explain the speed of the whirling gas is not necessarily a black hole: the concentration in M87 might be a cluster of a billion or so dim stars.
    The same hypothesis might have been applied to the galaxy NGC 4258, but the notion of such a cluster’s existing in NGC 4258 was severely undermined when astronomers measured the speed of a ring of dust and gas rotating close to the galaxy’s center. From its speed, they calculated that the core’s density is more than 40 times the density estimated for any other galaxy.  If the center of NGC 4258 were a star cluster, the stars would be so closely spaced that collisions between individual stars would have long ago torn the cluster apart.


2.2.6        海洋动物
V1 by 小贝elaine
大致讲的是海里的两种动物(一个是鱼类 另一个忘了什么东西了)有着很特殊的生存关系。它们从不互相作为猎食对象,其中一种动物活着的时候还生存在那个鱼类的背上,而不寄生在鱼类背上的这一类动物也不会被鱼类吃掉。还讲到这类动物在活着的时候才会寄生在鱼身上,死了就自动离开了。这是前面两段的内容。
第二次是最后一段全段高亮,太长了,各种意思 基本有点看晕的状态,问题也是和全段总体内容相关的,具体题目实在想不起来了,对不起啊!
哦,对了,在文章中后部分(忘了是哪段了),写到现在还没有出现什么方法能完全清晰的说明这两种生物之间的生存关系一类。(这地方有题,问题。。。记不清了 哇)


V1 by 小贝Elaine
是一种行星还是什么的 现在的颜色和10年(还是20年)前的颜色不一样了,是因为blabla因素,blabla因素,阐述这两个因素的句子不算太长,较容易懂。然后提到这行星的温度和它的一个什么条件有关:下面解释的是温度和此条件呈负相关的关系,即温度increase了,此条件就decrease了(这里有根据这个负相关关系所出的细节题:问题意思是一个升高了,会引起什么样的变化),记得还有一道跟全文观点有关的题目,具体怎么问的 记不清了。。。再次抱歉啊!!



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