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1.3.2 GWD women suffrage
1.        GWD-11-Q35 -Q37当代女权主义者对20年代妇女选举权运动的评价
      Recent feminist scholarship con-         早期人们以妇女选举权运动众所周知地
        cerning the United States in the 1920’s     “得到保证”来评价美国的1920’s,
        challenges earlier interpretations that     最近,女权主义者挑战这一观点。
Line        assessed the twenties in terms of the
  (5)        unkept “promises” of the women’s
suffrage movement.  This new scholar-         新观点驳斥道,因为妇女在1920年获
ship disputes the long-held view that            投票权后,妇女投票组织没有实体化,
because a women’s voting bloc did not          选举权不能为妇女争得长久的政治利益。
materialize after women gained the right
(10)        to vote in 1920, suffrage failed to
produce long-term political gains for
women.  These feminist scholars also          女权学家也认为选举权失败,因为它没
challenge the old view that pronounced         有遵守妇女投票将带来道德的无腐败的
suffrage a failure for not delivering on           统治的诺言。
(15)        the promise that the women’s vote
would bring about moral, corruption-
free governance.  Asked whether              被问到选举权是否失败时,他们引用世
women’s suffrage was a failure, these           纪交替时的社会改革家JA的话:“为
scholars cite the words of turn-of-the-            何你不问选举权是否全面失败?“
(20)        century social reformer Jane Addams,
        “Why don’t you ask if suffrage in
        general is failing?”学者的观点认为suffrage是失败
      In some ways, however, these递进       在某些方面,这些女权学者仍然认为
scholars still present the 1920’s as a              1920’s是衰落时期。
(25)        period of decline. After suffrage, they     他们说选举权后,女权运动失去了凝
argue, the feminist movement lost its              聚力,性别意识下降。
cohesiveness, and gender conscious-
ness waned.  After the mid-1920’s, few          1920’s中期后,鲜见女权改革家的成
successes could be claimed by fem-              就:在成功立法方面很少见。
(30)        inist reformers: little could be seen in
the way of legislative victories. 衰退的年代 new scholarship的另一观点
      During this decade, however, there        然而在此时期,以取得更多妇女自治
        was intense activism aimed at achiev-      为目标的强烈的激进主义存在着,扩
ing increased autonomy for women,             宽到妇女的日常生活领域。
(35)         broadening the spheres within which
they lived their daily lives.  Women’s            妇女组织的工作为妇女提供机会:
organizations worked to establish
opportunities for women: they strove to          他们致力于保障妇女完全的公民权利,
        secure for women the full entitlements        包括管理办公室及服务陪审庭的权利。
(40)        of citizenship, including the right to hold
office and the right to serve on juries.最终观点 不同意recent的观点
1P: recent scholarship challenges earlier interpretations unkept “promise” of women suffrage. Disputes, also challenges older view…
2P: in some ways, however, decline….
3P: during this decade, however, intense activism…. Women’ organization worked to establish opportunities for women…
The passage is primarily concerned with
A.        providing evidence indicating that feminist reformers of the 1920’s failed to reach some of their goals偏
B.        presenting scholarship that contrasts suffragist “promises” with the historical realities of the 1920’s
C.        discussing recent scholarship concerning the achievements of women’s suffrage during the 1920’s and presenting an alternative view of those achievements
Recent feminist scholarship concerning the United States in the 1920’s challenges earlier interpretations that assessed the twenties in terms of the unkept “promises” of the women’s suffrage movement.  
D.        outlining recent findings concerning events leading to suffrage for women in the 1920’s and presenting a challenge to those findings
E.        providing support for a traditional view of the success of feminist attempts to increase gender consciousness among women during the 1920’s
It can be inferred that the author of the passage disagrees with the “new scholarship” mentioned in lines 6-7 regarding the
A.        degree to which the “promises” of the suffrage movement remained unkept
B.        degree to which suffrage for women improved the morality of governance
C.        degree to which the 1920’s represented a period of decline for the feminist movement
During this decade, however, there was intense activism aimed at achieving increased autonomy for women,。。。
D.        degree of legislative success achieved by feminist reformers during the 1920’s
E.        accuracy of the view that a women’s voting bloc did not materialize once suffrage was achieved
The purpose of the second paragraph (lines 23-31) of the passage is to

A.        suggest a reason why suffragist “promises” were not kept
B.        contrast suffragist “promises” with the reality of the 1920’s
C.        deplore the lack of successful feminist reform in 1920’s
D.        explain a view held by feminist scholars
E.        answer the question asked by Jane Addams


2.        GWD-4-Q5 to Q7工业化城市化理论不能解释妇女选举权问题(以瑞士为例)
      Many scholars have theorized that 老观点
        economic development, particularly          很多学者提出,经济发展,特别是工业
        industrialization and urbanization, con-       化和城市化能促进共享民主制的发展。
Line        tributes to the growth of participatory
  (5)        democracy;  according to this theory, it   按照该理论,每当经济发展扩大妇女
would seem logical that women would      的机会,妇女能要求和获得更多数的
both demand and gain suffrage in ever     选举权,这是合乎逻辑的。
greater numbers whenever economic
development expanded their economic
(10)        opportunities.  However, the economic否定老观点
development theory is inadequate to        但是这个经济理论不足以解释某些
explain certain historical facts about the     关于妇女选举权实行的历史事件。
implementation of women’s suffrage.
For example, why was women’s suf-        例如,为什么妇女选举权在1920年
(15)        frage, instituted nationally in the United     就在美国得以全面实施,但直到
States in 1920, not instituted nationally      1970’s才在瑞士全面实施?
in Switzerland until the 1970’s?  Indus-     到1920年,两个国家均高度工业化
trialization was well advanced in both       超过33%的美国工人受雇于各种工
countries by 1920:  over 33 percent        业,瑞士的比例则超过44%。
(20)        of American workers were employed
        in various industries, as compared
        to 44 percent of Swiss workers.
Granted, Switzerland and the United        当然,瑞士和美国不同在于工业扩
States diverged in the degree to            张与城市化程度的吻合程度。
(25)        which the expansion of industry coin-
cided with the degree of urbanization:
only 29 percent of the Swiss population      到1920年,只有29%的瑞士人口
lived in cities of 10,000 or more inhabi-       居住在1万或以上居民的城市里。
tants by 1920.  However, urbanization     但城市化不能完全解释妇女的选举
(30)        cannot fully explain women’s suffrage.      权。
Within the United States prior to 1920,       例如1920年前,在美国,只有低
for example, only less urbanized             度城市化的州赋予妇女选举权。
        states had granted women suffrage.
Similarly, less urbanized countries           近似地,诸如C和G等低度城市
(35)        such as Cambodia and Ghana had           化的国家远早于瑞士赋予妇女投
voting rights for women long before           票权。
Switzerland did.  It is true that Switzer-      瑞士城市化的州确实比农村州更早
land’s urbanized cantons (political           执行妇女投票权的立法。
subdivisions) generally enacted
women’s suffrage legislation earlier
than did rural cantons.  However,           但这些州通常共有其它特点- 类似
these cantons often shared other             的语言背景,更强的左翼党派- 这
characteristics—similar linguistic back-       些可以解释以上的现象。
grounds and strong leftist parties—that
may help to explain this phenomenon.
Many scholars theorized economic development(industrialization and urbanization) contributes to women’s suffrage.
However, inadequate to explain…… however, urbanization cannot fully explain….
It is true… however, shared other characteristics …… may help to explain
The passage states which of the following about Switzerland’s urbanized cantons?
A.        These cantons shared characteristics other than urbanization that may have contributed to their implementation of women’s suffrage.
B.        These cantons tended to be more politically divided than were rural cantons.
C.        These cantons shared with certain rural cantons characteristics such as similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties.
D.        The populations of these cantons shared similar views because urbanization furthered the diffusion of ideas among them.
E.        These cantons were comparable to the most highly urbanized states in the United States in their stance toward the implementation of women’s suffrage.
It is true that Switzerland’s urbanized cantons (political subdivisions) generally enacted women’s suffrage legislation earlier than did rural cantons.  However, these cantons often shared other characteristics—similar linguistic backgrounds and strong leftist parties—that may help to explain this phenomenon.

The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.        contrast two explanations for the implementation of women’s suffrage只说了一种理论
B.        demonstrate that one factor contributes more than another factor to the implementation of women’s suffrage
C.        discuss the applicability of a theory for explaining the implementation of women’s suffrage
D.        clarify certain assumptions underlying a particular theory about the implementation of women’s suffrage
E.        explain how a particular historical occurrence was causally connected to the implementation of women’s suffrage

The passage suggests which of the following about urbanization in Switzerland and the United States by 1920?

A.        A greater percentage of Swiss industrial workers than American industrial workers lived in urban areas.反
B.        There were more cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants in Switzerland than there were in the United States.反
C.        Swiss workers living in urban areas were more likely to be employed in industry than were American workers living in urban areas.无
D.        Urbanized areas of Switzerland were more likely than similar areas in the United States to have strong leftist parties.
E.        A greater percentage of the United States population than the Swiss population lived in urban areas.
Granted, Switzerland and the United States diverged in the degree to which the expansion of industry coincided with the degree of urbanization: only 29 percent of the Swiss population lived in cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants by 1920.


1.3.3 guardianship
V1 by 我爱开开

1.3.3 南丁格尔 原文
By eccon
1)Two recent publications offer different assessment of the career of the famous British nurse Florence Nightingale.(主题句,由此句和三段首句可知本文是结论解释型文章,即主要特点是总分式)A book by Anne Summers (观点之一)seeks to debunk (负评价的实义动词)the idealizations and present a reality(正评价词)at odds with Nightingale’s heroic reputation. According to Summers, Nightingale’s importance during the Crimean War(和观点二比较的差别点) has been exaggerated(负评价的实义动词): not until near the war’s end did she become supervisor of the female nurses. Additionally, (递进副词,表示行文方向一致,因此后面内容可以略读,仅提炼关键词即可,或不读)Summers writes that the contribution of the nurses to the relief of the wounded was at best marginal. The prevailing problems of military medicine were caused by army organizaitonal pratices, and the addition of a few nurses to the medical staff could be no more than symbolic. Nightingale’s place in the national pantheon, Summers asserts, is lrgely due to the propagandistic efforts of contemporary newspaper reporters.(以上略读)

2)By contrast(重要的强转折词,注意对比方/观点的差异点), the editors (对比观点二)of a new volume of Nightingale’s letters view Nightingale as a person who significantly influenced(正评价词) not only her own age but also subsequenct generations. They highlight her ongoing efforts to reform sanitary conditions after the war(观点二比较的差别点,和观点一中during the Crimean War对比,这一句是后面举例的总结句,重要,知道总结句可以不用看后面的例子。). For example,(举例通常可以略读,只提取例子中的关键词,如peacetime living conditions,举例的关键看前后的总结句,这里是for example 前面的一句话,因为例子都是用来说明总结句的,只要明白总结句的意思就行了。 ) when she leanred that peacetime living conditions in British barracks were so horrible that the death rate of enlisted men far exeeded that of neighboring civilian populations, she succeeded in persuading the government to establish a Royal Commission on the Health of the Army. She used sums raised through public contributions to found a nurses’ traning hospital in London. Even in administrative matters, the editors assert, her practical intelligence was formidable: as recently as 1947 the British Army’s medical services were still using the cost-accounting system she had devised in the 1860’s.(以上略读)

3)I believe that the evidence of her letters supports(正评价词) continued respect for Nightingale’s brilliance and creativity(正评价词). (总结句后举例说明,提取关键字,略读)When counseling a village schoolmaster to encourage children to use their faculties of observation, she sounds like a modern educator. Her insistence on classifying the problems of the needy in order to devise appropriate treatments is similar to the approach of modern social workers.(以上略读) In sum(文章最后一句话通常要仔细读,此处为总结句), although (让步略读,重点是让步后的转折句)Nightingale may not have achieved all of her goals during the Crimean War, her breadth of vision and ability to realize ambitious projects have earned(正评价词) her an eminent(正评价词) place among the ranks of social pioneers.(重点读,表明作者对以上两个不同观点的评述)

73. The passage is primarily concerned with evaluating
(A) the importance of Florence Nightingale’s innovations in the field of nursing
(B) contrasting approaches to the writing of historical biography
(C) contradictory accounts of Florence Nightingale’s historical significance
(D) the quality of health care in nineteenth-century England
(E) the effect of the Crimean War on developments in the field of health care
主题题,直接定位首段首句主题句:Two recent publications offer different assessment of the career of the famous British nurse Florence Nightingale

74. According to the passage, the editors(定位在观点二出现段) of Nightingale’s letters credit(正评价的实义动词,将定位进一步限制在观点二中的正评价处,即找贡献) her with contributing to which of the following?
(A) Improving of the survival rate for soldiers in British Army hospitals during the Crimean War(时间状语为观点一的内容,观点二的比较点在after the war,大胆排除)
(B) The development of a nurses’ training curriculum (原文未出现,排除)that was far in advance of its day
(C) The increase in the number of women doctors (原文未出现,排除)practicing in British Army hospitals
(D) Establishment of the first (极端词文章没有,选项出现,排除!)facility for traiing nurses at a major British university
(E) The creation of an organization for monitoring the peacetime living conditions of British soldiers
原文对应:she succeeded in persuading the government to establish a Royal Commission on the Health of the Army.
直接事实题,定位在2)段,for example 后具体内容中,此题重点在于对于文中未出现的信息的果断排除,千万不要超出文章半步的猜测。

75. The passage suggests which of the following about Nightingale’s relationship with the British public(定位在二段举例中,观点一或其他段落未谈到) of her day?
(A) She was highly respected, her projects receiving popular and governmental support.
(B) She encountered resistance both from the army establishment and the general public.
(C) She was supported by the working classes and opposed by the wealthier classes.
(D) She was supported by the military establishment but had to fight the governmental bureaucracy.
(E) After intially being received with enthusiams, she was quickly forgotten.
She used sums raised through public contributions to found a nurses’ traning hospital in London.  原文中唯一有public这个词的句子只有一处,确定无疑。

76. The passage suggests which of the following about sanitary conditions in Britain after the Crimean War(重要的定位依据,说明是观点二的内容,所以我以前说,对题干的提炼一定要注意,即使只是一个时间状语)?
(A) While not ideal, they were superior to those in other parts of the world.
(B) Compared with conditions before the war, they had deteriorated.
(C) They were more advanced in rural areas than in the urban centers.
(D) They were worse in military camps than in the neighboring civilian populations.
(E) They were unifromaly crude and unsatisfactory throughout England.
(They highlight her ongoing efforts to reform sanitary conditions after the war. For example, )when she leanred that peacetime living conditions in British barracks were so horrible that the death rate of enlisted men far exeeded that of neighboring civilian populations,....

77. Which  of the following statements regarding the differing interpretations of Nightingale’s importance would the author most likely agree(定位于作者的观点,作者观点的总结句,而不是文中提到的两个观点)?
(A) Summers misunderstood both the importance of Nightingale’s achievements during the Crimean War and her subsequent influence on British policy.

(B) The editors of Nightingale’s letters made some valid points about her practical achievements, but they still exaggerated her influence on subsequent genrations.
(C) Although Summers’ account of Nightingale’s role in the Crimean War may be accurate, she ignored evidence of Nightingales’ subsequent achievement that suggests that her reputation as an eminent social reformer is welldeserved.
In sum, although Nightingale may not have achieved all of her goals during the Crimean War(观点一内容), her breadth of vision and ability to realize ambitious projects have earned her an eminent place among the ranks of social pioneers.
(D) The editors of Nightingale’s letters mistakenly propagated the outdated idealization of Nightingale that only impedes attempts to arrive at a balance assessment of her true role.
(E) The evidence of Nightingale’s letters supports Summers’ conclusions both about Nightingale’s activities and about her influence.

78. Which of the following is an assumption underlying the author’s assessment of Nightingale’s creativity(定位关键词,三段首句中,所以读原文注意评价词!)?
(A) Educational philosophy in Nightingale’s day did not normally emphasize developing children’s ability to observe.
When counseling a village schoolmaster to encourage children to use their faculties of observation, she sounds like a modern educator.
(B) Nightingale was the first to notice the poor living conditions in British military barracks in peacetime.
(C) No educator before Nightingale had thought to enlist the help of village shcoolmasters in introducing new teaching techniques.
(D) Until Nightingale began her work, there was no concept of organized help for the needy in nineteenth-century Britain.
(E) The British Army’s medical services had no cost-accounting system until Nightingale devised one in the 1860’s.


79. In the last paragraph(直接定位), the author is primarily concerned with
(A) summarizing the arguments about Nightingale presented in the first two paragraphs
(B) refuting the view of Nightingale’s career presented in the preceding pargraph
(C) analyzing the weaknesses of the evidence presented elsewhere in the passage
(D) citing evidence to support a view of Nightingale’s career
(E) correcting a factual error occurring in one of the works under review
I believe that the evidence of her letters supports continued respect for Nightingale’s brilliance and creativity.
1) 对N贡献评价有两个不同观点+第一个观点: TS(主题句), AS (Anne Summers), during the Crimean War, exaggerated ( — )
2)第二个观点:By contrast, Editors, significantly influenced(+), after the war, for examples
3)作者的观点:I believe....supports(+)...  brilliance and creativity(+). In sum,eminent(+)


1.3.4 neo理论
V1 by callida
一个是neo 什么理论IIS和TDL两个人的观点对比……


1.3.5 广告用气味
V1 by callida
然后第二段吧好像,忘了分没分段了,暂且当分了。举例子说,做实验,给人们一杯黄色的和红色的水,然后说柠檬味,人们就都想的是黄色的那个。后面有题,问哪个的比喻方式和这个是一样的。有两个选项说的都是和食物有关的,有一个是说Pine,给的是绿色的液体。记得是。狗主选的是,说的是皮革,给的是车- -


1.3.6 妇女地位与政党
V1 by joyhu0814
一个关于妇女地位及在政党中的什么的文章,有些内容类似prep07 RC-2 189   再加上在政党中的什么的
Traditional social science models of class groups in the United States are based on economic status and assume that women's economic status derives from association with men, typically fathers or husbands, and that women therefore have more compelling common interest with men of their own economic class than with women outside it.  Some feminist social scientists, by contrast, have argued that the basic division in American society is instead based on gender, and that the total female population, regardless of economic status, constitutes a distinct class.  Social historian Mary Ryan, for example, has argued that in early-nineteenth-century America the identical legal status of working-class and middle-class free women outweighed the differences between women of these two classes:  married women, regardless of their family's wealth, did essentially the same unpaid domestic work, and none could own property or vote.  Recently, though, other feminist analysts have questioned this model, examining ways in which the condition of working-class women differs from that of middle-class women as well as from that of working-class men.  Ann Oakley notes, for example, that the gap between women of different economic classes widened in the late nineteenth century:  most working-class women, who performed wage labor outside the home, were excluded from the emerging middle-class ideal of femininity centered around domesticity and volunteerism.

Question #16.  189-01        (21999-!-item-!-188;#058&000189-01)

The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) offer sociohistorical explanations for the cultural differences between men and women in the United States
(B) examine how the economic roles of women in the United States changed during the nineteenth century
(C) consider differing views held by social scientists concerning women's class status in the United States
(D) propose a feminist interpretation of class structure in the United States
(E) outline specific distinctions between working-class women and women of the upper and middle classes

Question #17.  189-03        (22045-!-item-!-188;#058&000189-03)

It can be inferred from the passage that the most recent feminist social science research on women and class seeks to do which of the following?

(A) Introduce a divergent new theory about the relationship between legal status and gender
(B) Illustrate an implicit middle-class bias in earlier feminist models of class and gender
(C) Provide evidence for the position that gender matters more than wealth in determining class status
(D) Remedy perceived inadequacies of both traditional social science models and earlier feminist analyses of class and gender
(E) Challenge the economic definitions of class used by traditional social scientists

Question #18.  189-05        (22091-!-item-!-188;#058&000189-05)

Which of the following statements best characterizes the relationship between traditional social science models of class and Ryan's model, as described in the passage?

(A) Ryan's model differs from the traditional model by making gender, rather than economic status, the determinant of women's class status.
(B) The traditional social science model of class differs from Ryan's in its assumption that women are financially dependent on men.
(C) Ryan's model of class and the traditional social science model both assume that women work, either within the home or for pay.
(D) The traditional social science model of class differs from Ryan's in that each model focuses on a different period of American history.
(E) Both Ryan's model of class and the traditional model consider multiple factors, including wealth, marital status, and enfranchisement, in determining women's status.


V1 by 老张1119
说某种生物的进化吧好像 我只记得大体结构了 因为我两篇超长阅读之后发现第三篇还这么长就崩溃了
第一段是说这种生物的和水有关的一种能力 好像还和水生生物比较了一下
第三段是科学家详尽的解释了这种理论 第三段很长 全段高亮…还高亮了两次…== 第一次好像是问下面哪一个strength了科学家的这种解释 第二次好像是infer题 问可以从这段里面得出什么


2.1.2 玻璃*
V1 by 周游ing

V2 by 沫澧 700
第四段说(还有第四段!!!是有多长) 还有一种方法,就是在玻璃里加什么东西。。。。忘记了额
V3 by joandjaygbd 710
第一段:很多建筑师用玻璃建房子,但玻璃易碎,于是要找protective coating,但它们不透明,所以不好。
第四段:一些建筑师想找一种material,来制作uncommon glass。。。。。
V4 by fanyanyun 710
一篇是寂静里的玻璃的 这篇阅读很长 四段 而且问题考得很细 大家看的时候稍微仔细一点
V5 by 我爱开开
structual glass那一片,不是雅思阅读确定。很长,如基金所述不同的方法解决玻璃的问题。第二段主要说tempering,最后一段说conventional glass怎么样怎么样
v6 by 李潇潇0714
钢化玻璃那篇,有一题是问conventional grass 的定位就好
V6 by coollijun v40
第一段:很多建筑师用玻璃建房子,但整块玻璃易碎,于是要找protective coating,但它们不透明,所以不好。
第四段:一些建筑师想生产uncommon glass解决上面的问题,一拨人用其他材料添加进玻璃的制作工艺,做出来的玻璃和传统的二氧化硅的玻璃比有什么什么特点。另外一拨人则用Adhesive来粘,但悲剧的是粘贴玻璃Reliability没有经过时间的验证。
第个类比题,说下列选项中哪个和 Lamination这种工艺比较相近。


2.3.1 Glass
V1 by zhangquan8882

一篇是关于glass得,broken,strength,broken into small pieces 不长,两端,不好意思只能记起几个关键词。

V2 by gzpeva

.glass 那篇,3段,比较长。
我选的是:让玻璃的exterior 比 interior 降温rapidly, temper 什么的
有人考古了,可以读下,对做题有帮助还有一道:有一种玻璃,它碎的时候不会产生大块,这样不会伤到人,细节题,考到了。单词的同义替换,原文中有句话高亮,问 integrity 在文中的意思与选项中那个最相近





最后一道,好像那种随后产生小碎片的玻璃,在制作过程中会很难控制 error什么的,所以不能用来干嘛

V3 by zhepeking



V4 by Gratuitous


V5 by clair1024

P3。。integrity 高亮(题中问哪个词替换integrity的话差异最小根据上下文说钢化玻璃小块的不易碎有完整性)

V6 by anono2010

1, 关于玻璃的制作,以及有机玻璃(tempered glass)具体的制作过程,好处。(这个应该可以考古得到,因为我有印象我在哪里看过)
有一个问题是举了其他几种东西的例子,问哪一个是跟有机玻璃一样的性质,因为文章里有提到有机玻璃的一个“缺点”就是碎了会碎得很细小,但这一点对于安全来说是却是好事。(我选的就是xxx, but....有一个转折的那个,不知道对不对)。

V7 by cztom

首先是那个词汇题,我自己整理过阅读狗狗,所以里面的题目印象很深,integrity: completeness, conformity, high quality, soundness, complexity五个选项都有了哦!我和JJ选的不一样,我觉得应该是soundness,因为单词所在句之前说到这种玻璃要碎的话,会碎成小块,不会碎成大块,就是还保持着integrity的形状或形态吧。。。虽然也有可能是completeness。。。

V8 by candicece

Temper Glass 机经挺全的~

V9 by linnan

还有glass那篇,和JJ排版不太一样。3段,一段说传统glass易碎,有2中解决办法,一是cooling时只接触air,另一种方法是外面加coat,但是transparent就下降了(此处有考题),因为一般玻璃就是为了transparent的。二段说第三种方法是调节温度,就是JJ里说的有机玻璃(lim神马的词),外面比里面冷却的快所以就算碎也只是碎成小块,不会伤人(有考题,有一个选项说large fragment 不会伤人直接叉掉,我选的是E额,你妹的我再度失忆)第三段对比有机玻璃和普通玻璃,有什么structure(有考题),但最后来了个大正小负说有机玻璃的缺陷(太着急没仔细看,没考题)

V10 by woyaoshuijiao


背景资料 by zhu8809(仅供参考)

Flawed Beauty:. the problem with toughened glass
On 2nd August 199.9, a particularly hot day in the town of Cirencester in the UK, a large pane of toughened glass in the roof of a shopping centre at Bishops Walk shattered without warning and fell from its frame. When fragments were analysed by experts at the giant glass manufacturer Pilkington, which had made the pane, they found that minute crystals of nickel sulphide trapped inside the glass had almost certainly caused the failure.
'The glass industry is aware of the issue,' says Brian Waldron, chairman of the standards committee at the Glass and Glazing Federation, a British trade association, and standards development officer at Pilkington. But he insists that cases are few and far between. 'It's a very rare phenomenon,' he says.
Others disagree. 'On average I see about one or two buildings a month suffering from nickel sulphide related failures,' says Barrie Josie, a consultant engineer involved in the Bishops Walk investigation. Other experts tell of similar experiences. Tony Wilmott of London-based consulting engineers Sandberg, and Simon Armstrong at CIadTech Associates in Hampshire both say they know of hundreds of cases. 'What you hear is only the tip of the iceberg,' says Trevor Ford, a glass expert at Resolve Engineering in Brisbane, Queensland. He believes the reason is simple: 'No-one wants bad press.'
Toughened glass is found everywhere, from cars and bus shelters to the windows, walls and roofs of thousands of buildings around the world. It's easy to see why. This glass has five times the strength of standard glass, and when it does break it shatters into tiny cubes rather than large, razor-sharp shards. Architects love it because large panels can be bolted together to make transparent walls, and turning it into ceilings and floors is almost as easy.
It is made by heating a sheet of ordinary glass to about 620°C to soften it slightly, allowing its structure to expand, and then cooling it rapidly with jets of cold air. This causes the outer layer of the pane to contract and solidify before the interior. When the interior finally solidifies and shrinks, it exerts a pull on the outer layer that leaves it in permanent compression and produces a tensile force inside the glass. As cracks propagate best in materials under tension, the compressive force on the surface must be overcome before the pane will break, making it more resistant to cracking.
The problem starts when glass contains nickel sulphide impurities. Trace amounts of nickel and sulphur are usually present in the raw materials used to make glass, and nickel can also be introduced by fragments of nickel alloys falling into the molten glass. As the glass is heated, these atoms react to form tiny crystals of nickel sulphide. Just a tenth of a gram of nickel in the furnace can create up to 50,000 crystals.
These crystals can exist in two forms: a dense form called the alpha phase, which is stable at high temperatures, and a less dense form called the beta phase, which is stable at room temperatures. The high temperatures used in the toughening process convert all the crystals to the dense, compact alpha form. But the subsequent cooling is so rapid that the crystals don't have time to change back to the beta phase. This leaves unstable alpha crystals in the glass, primed like a coiled spring, ready to revert to the beta phase without warning.
When this happens, the crystals expand by up to 4%. And if they are within the central, tensile region of the pane, the stresses this unleashes can shatter the whole sheet. The time that elapses before failure occurs is unpredictable. It could happen just months after manufacture, or decades later, although if the glass is heated - by sunlight, for example - the process is speeded up. Ironically, says Graham Dodd, of consulting engineers Arup in London, the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions was in Pilkington's glass research building in Lathom, Lancashire. The pane was 27 years old.
Data showing the scale of the nickel sulphide problem is almost impossible to find. The picture is made more complicated by the fact that these crystals occur in batches. So even if, on average, there is only one inclusion in 7 tonnes of glass, if i you experience one nickel sulphide failure in your building, that probably means you've got a problem in more than one pane. Josie says that in the last decade he has worked on over 15 buildings with the number of failures into double figures.
One of the worst examples of this is Waterfront Place, which was completed in 1990. Over the following decade the 40 storey Brisbane block suffered a rash of failures. Eighty panes of its toughened glass shattered due to inclusions before experts were finally called in. John Barry, an expert in nickel sulphide contamination at the University of Queensland, analysed every glass pane in the building. Using a studio camera, a photographer went up in a cradle to take photos of every pane.
These were scanned under a modified microfiche reader for signs of niclrel sulphide crystals. 'We discovered at least another 120 panes with potentially dangerous inclusions which were then replaced,' says Barry. 'It was a very expensive and time-consuming process that took around six months to complete.' Though the project cost A$1.6 million (nearly £700,000), the alternative - re-cladding the entire building - would have cost ten times as much.

toughened glass为钢化玻璃

Brian Waldron在英文原文中一共出现了三次。第一次出现:“‘The glass industry is aware of the issue,’ says Brian Waldron.”意思是:“Brian Waldron说:‘整个玻璃行业已经意识到了这个问题(在没有任何征兆的情况下,一种硫化镍微型晶体可以导致钢化玻璃破碎)。’”第二次出现:“But he insists that cases are few and far between.”意思是:“但他坚持认为这种案例只不过是沧海一粟罢了。”第三次出现:“‘It’s a very rare phenomenon,’ he says.”意思是:“他说:‘这是一个非常罕见的现象。’”

Trevor Ford在原文中一共出现了两次。第一次出现:“‘What you hear is only the tip of the iceberg, ’ says Trevor Ford”意思是:“Trevor Ford说:‘你所听到的只是冰山一角(言外之意,实际上,硫化镍导致钢化玻璃破裂这类问题发生了很多次,但被我们听到的很少)。”第二次出现:“He believes the reason is simple: ‘No-one wants bad press.’”意思是说:“他认为(上述这件事的)原因很简单:‘没有人喜欢坏消息。’”

Graham Dodd在原文中只出现了一次:“Ironically, says Graham Dodd … the oldest pane of toughened glass known to have failed due to nickel sulphide inclusions … was 27 years old.”意思是:“Graham Dodd说,具有讽刺意味的是,由于含有硫化镍而导致破裂的钢化玻璃中,使用时间最长的一块用了27年。”(原文中出现了“最”这样含义,原文中“使用时间最长”和选项中“出事时间最晚”是一个意思。)

John Barry在原文中一共出现了三次。第一次出现:“John Barry, an expert in nickel sulphide contamination at the University of Queensland, analysed every glass pane in the building.”意思是:“Queensland大学硫化镍方面的专家 John Barry检查了这栋大楼中的每一块玻璃。”第二次出现:“‘We discovered at least another 120 panes with potentially dangerous inclusions which were then replaced,’ says Barry.”意思是:“Barry说:‘我们发现还有另外的120块玻璃也存在同样的危险,后来将它们换掉了。’”第三次出现:“‘It was a very expensive and time-consuming process that took around six months to complete.’”意思是说:“(替换存在危险的玻璃)是一个昂贵而又费时的过程,它花了大约整整六个月的时间。”


2.1.3 地震前鸟行为
V1 by 周游ing
V2 by YueYiLei
V3 by 李潇潇0714
地震前鸟飞的,什么summer,本来鸟是遇到THE END OF THE BAD WHETHER,大事故才飞的,现在小动静它飞毛啊。。
V4 by holdonzz 730
V5 风雨楼台
V6 by 鸭梨山大 680
The weather is influenced by factors such as solar activity, globe rotation, warming of the land masses and oceans, and the orbits of the Sun, Moon and planets.
      As humans, we consider ourselves to be the most intelligent species on the planet  -  however, through the refining of our natural behaviours and through the process of our education and ‘advancements’ we  have actually lost many (or most) of our basic instincts.
      Animals, birds, insects and plant life have a far greater ability to sense and interpret weather changes and signs than humans, and this is linked to their natural survival instincts.
      Birds are closer to nature than humans and therefore more sensitive to invisible energies.   Their physical actions express approaching prevailing energy – such as earthquakes – before even the most psychic human is aware of it.
      If a bird or flock of birds acts strangely, you may be able to deduce that they ‘know’ something that you do not about changes in the weather or an impeding natural event or disaster.  
Animals and birds react to signs in many different ways and their irregular behaviour and reactions can predict future significant changes in the weather. Science is yet to determine exactly How animals know what’s to come.  Is it a rise or fall in atmospheric pressure;  a reaction to the electromagnetic forces generated by sunspots;  or even changes in the levels of humidity?  Or, is it a combination of these factors, or something entirely different altogether?  Whatever the triggers may be, they have an effect on the natural world around us.



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