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Minimum number of credit hours required to receive an undergraduate business degree:
BS 123
BBA 123
BBA/H 123



Average class size in required business classes, excluding those offered in electronic format: 28
Average class size in BUSINESS ELECTIVES, excluding those offered in electronic format: 23
Percentage of business classes:
With 20 or fewer students: 26 %
With 21 to 50 students: 72 %
With more than 50 students: 2 %


Number of elective courses (not different sessions of same course) available in the business program in the current academic year: 78
Names of new electives that have been added to the business program in the current academic year: Economics of Arts; Pol Eco of Development Aid

In what year was the last major change or significant overhaul to the business program's core curriculum?: 2009
Total number of faculty currently teaching in the undergraduate business program: 127
Percentage of the total faculty that is tenured or tenure track: 62.20
Most prominent faculty:
Jonathan Doh
Michael Pagano
Quinetta Roberson
Business program's leading areas of study:

International Business
Other leading area of study: Real Estate


New electives added in current academic year:
Economics of Arts; Pol Eco of Development Aid
The Art and Value of Investing; Global Leadership
Global Talent Management
Global Social Entrepreneurship: Microfinance
Database Marketing; The Philosophy of Exchange
Special Programs:
Special programs available to business students: Read to Lead connects students around a relevant business theme: www.villanova.edu/business/undergrad/curriculum; Learning Communities: www.villanova.edu/studentlife/learningcommunities; Competitive Effectiveness integrates mkt. and mg;. Intl. Econ/Global Political Economy focuses on economic theory in an emerging nation; VSB’s Finance Lab, a simulated trading room for students: www.villanova.edu/business/about/facilities; Academic and career planning occur in a Professional Dev. Module.
Work study:
Does the business program offer work study or co-op opportunities?: Yes
Opportunities available for work study or co-op: VSB offers CoOps: 6-month, full-time job experiences. VSB’s CoOps include: Morgan Stanley Operations, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Sales, Delaware County District Attorney’s Office: Forensic Accounting/Economic Crimes (only undergrad program of its kind in the country), DuPont Marketing Communications, Johnson & Johnson Finance/Accounting, Johnson & Johnson/McNeil Brand Marketing, SAP Mgt. Info Systems. http://www.villanova.edu/busines ... er/internship_coop.


Study abroad:
Does the business program offer opportunities to study abroad?: Yes
Study abroad programs: Over 50% of VSB students study abroad. In 09-10, 81% also included internship/service. Students may go almost anywhere in the world, provided location is deemed safe. Students visit London (Global Citizens), Galway (NUI Galway with internship in Dublin); Shanghai; Rome; The London Intl Business and Internship Program at LSE; The Intl Business Studies and Internship Program in Madrid; and Intl Business & Internship Program at Univ. College Dublin. http://www.villanova.edu/vpaa/intlstudies.
Volunteer opportunities:
Are opportunities for volunteer work and community service available to business students?: Yes
Available opportunities for volunteer work and community service: Named the #1 undergrad Net Impact Chapter in the nation, Villanova’s Augustinian commitment to volunteerism encourages service learning projects in VSB courses. A large percent of students perform volunteer work, and during fall break many participate in a service trip. Each year, students provide more than 220,000 hours of service to communities locally, regionally, and nationally. Villanova Univ. sponsors the largest student-run Special Olympics Festival in the world.
Extracurricular activities:
Business-related clubs and extra-curricular activities are available to undergraduate students: Accounting Society; Beta Alpha Psi; • Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society
Business in Entertainment Society; Business without Borders Society; Economics Society
Entrepreneurial Society; Equity Society; Financial Management Society
Fixed Income Society; Gamma Phi Honor Society; International Business Society
Investment Banking & Private Equity Society; Villanova Women in Business Society; VSB Student Government Senators
Management Society; Management Information Systems Society; Marketing Society
National Association of Black Accountants; Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honor Society
Real Estate Society; Undergraduate Business Law Society; Villanova Technical Analysis Group



Who manages financial aid for the business program?: Central financial aid office at the university
Financial aid web site: http://www.finaid.villanova.edu
Total scholarship money distributed to undergrad business students through the financial aid office: $17,145,818.00
Total scholarship money expected to be distributed to undergrad business students through the financial aid office: $15,980,566.00
On what basis are scholarships awarded to students in your business program?: a combination of need and merit
Other criteria for scholarship consideration: N/A
Percentage of undergraduate business students receiving institutional scholarships or grants for the 2010-11 academic year: 48 %
Percentage of undergraduate business students receiving FULL-TUITION scholarships for the 2010-11 academic year: 7 %
Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to undergraduate business students based on need: 67 %
Percentage of institutional scholarship money distributed to undergraduate business students based on merit: 33 %
Does the school offer a guaranteed loan to all business students, regardless of nationality?: No

Mean outstanding debt among 2010 undergraduate business program graduates: $38,999.00


Employment Information
Percentage of 2010 graduates from the business program for whom you have information regarding employment: 92 %
Percentage seeking full-time professional employment in business: 91 %
Percentage not seeking full-time professional employment in business: 9 %

Number of companies that recruited undergraduate business students on campus: 148
Number of companies that posted full-time job offers for undergraduate business students on school job boards: 479
Other activities and services: On-campus recruiting; resume collection; career fairs; information sessions; networking events; alumni mentorships; career and graduate school counseling; career library; interview, resume, and cover letter preparation assistance; workshops and seminars; online job postings; eNewsletter.


Job Offers
Accepted first job offer by graduation : 60 %
Accepted first job offer after graduation, but within 3 months: 7 %
Accepted first job offer more than 3 months after graduation: 30 %
Did not report having accepted a job offer : 3 %
Firms that hired the most 2010 undergrad business majors for full time jobs
Ernst & Young 27
PriceWaterhouseCoopers 26
Deloitte 19
JPMorgan Chase 9
Vanguard 8
Barclays Capital 7
Citigroup 7
Morgan Stanley 7
Goldman Sachs 6
Bank of America, Merrill Lynch 5
PNC Bank 5
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. 4
Credit Suisse 4
Johnson & Johnson 4


Mean base salary: $51,381.00
Median base salary : $53,000.00
Mean signing bonus: $6,082.00
Median signing bonus: $5,000.00
Percentage of 2009-10 academic year graduates who accepted jobs in the following functional areas:
Consulting: 3 %
Finance/Accounting: 63 %
General Management: 5 %
Human Resources: 1 %
Management Information Systems: 2 %
Marketing/Sales: 15 %
Operations/Production: 6 %
Logistics/Transportation: 1 %
Other: 4 %


Percentage of 2009-10 academic year graduates who accepted jobs in the following industries:
Accounting: 27 %
Consumer Products/Retail : 8 %
Consulting: 6 %
Government/Education: 3 %
Pharma/Biotech/Health: 3 %
Manufacturing: 0 %
Media/Entertainment: 8 %
Petroleum/Energy: 0 %
Real Estate: 1 %
Sports/Leisure: 1 %
Technology/Science: 2 %
Non-Profit: 1 %
Transportation: 0 %
Utilities: 0 %
Other: 0 %
Percentage of 2009-10 academic year graduates who accepted jobs in North America:
US: 100 %
Canada: 0 %
Percentage of 2009-10 academic year graduates who accepted jobs in regions of US:
Northeast: 58 %
Mid-Atlantic: 36 %
Midwest: 1 %
South: 2 %
Southwest: 1 %
West: 2 %
Possessions and territories: 0 %



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