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1.2.18 ceo的职责
P1: 董事会里的directors分成outsider和insider,公司业绩有问题时,outsiders喜欢将CEO换掉,insiders are declined to换CEO。
P2: blablabla  , outsider喜欢换CEO是和reputation有关, insider 不喜欢换CEO的原因有两个(这里有题):第一,原来的CEO倾向于延续公司的既定policy;第二,原来的CEO不会裁掉公司的manager什么的。


1.2.19 Household savings V.s. Business savings
by yiw006  3/12/2011
4.    Household savings V.s. Business savings(GWD-12-Q35 to Q37)
Many economists believe that a high rate of business savings in theUnited States is a necessary precursor to investment, because business savings,as opposed to personal savings, comprise almost three-quarters of the nationalsavings rate, and the national savings rate heavily influences the overall rateof business investment. These economists further postulate that real interestrates—the difference between the rates charged by lenders and the inflationrates—will be low when national savings exceed business investment (creating asavings surplus), and high when national savings fall below the level ofbusiness investment (creating a savings deficit).  
However, during the 1960’s real interest rates were often higher whenthe national savings surplus was large.  Counter-intuitive behavior alsooccurred when real interest rates skyrocketed from 2 percent in 1980 to 7percent in 1982, even though national savings and investments were roughlyequal throughout the period.  Clearly, real interest rates respond toinfluences other than the savings/investment nexus.  Indeed, real interestrates may themselves influence swings in the savings and investment rates. As real interest rates shot up after 1979, foreign investors pouredcapital into the United States, the price of domestic goods increasedprohibitively abroad, and the price of foreign-made goods became lower in theUnited States.  As a result, domestic economic activity and the ability ofbusinesses to save and invest were restrained.
Q35:  The passage is primarily concerned with  
A.    contrasting trends in two historical periods
B.    presenting evidence that calls into question certain beliefs
C.    explaining the reasons for a common phenomenon
D.    criticizing evidence offered in support of a well-respected belief
E.    comparing conflicting interpretations of a theory
According to the passage, which of the following resulted from foreign investment in the United States after 1979?
A.    An increase in real interest rates
B.    A decrease in the savings rate of certain other nations
C.    An increase in American investment abroad
D.    An increase in the price of American goods abroad
E.    A decrease in the price of domestic goods sold at home
Q37:   The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the economists mentioned in line 1?      
A.    Their beliefs are contradicted by certain economic phenomena that occurred in the United States during the 1960’s and the 1980’s.
B.    Their theory fails to predict under what circumstances the prices of foreign and domestic goods are likely to increase.
C.    They incorrectly identify the factors other than savings and investment rates that affect real interest rates.
D.    Their belief is valid only for the United States economy and not necessarily for other national economies.
E.    They overestimate the impact of the real interest rate on the national savings and investment rates.


1.3History &Politics
1.3.1. 女性结婚后财产权
1,        以前妇女财产归男人
2,        经济危机男人破产了,开始立法保护女人财产.S1非常推崇此法.
3,        B反对S1; S2反驳B,支持S1
V1 wtbzeus
第三段:讲了不同学者间的评价。忘了讲了2个人还?个。但是考了两个人,第一个人认为法律的转变起到了积极作用。第二个人认为并没有起到什么作用,举了好多例子:很多州,像康涅狄可州,和很多传统保守实力,反对这种社会、法律发展的趋势。(后面有道题考这些法律你能infer出什么,我选了not universal in all states,我觉得universal这个改写还可以。反正请大家读的时候,注意这种法律变化有什么社会影响,该怎么评价)最后一句话,讲了有些人愿意接受这种法律,也是为了破产的丈夫把财产转移给妻子,赖债权人的钱。

Married women's property rights and their social status.
Saying in the 18 and early 19 century, common laws dictated that when a woman is married, her husband takes over all her properties.  The man had control the right to use the woman's properties while she lived and became the owner of the properties upon the woman's death.  Only one thing can prevent this from happening, something like "pre-marriage settlement"
Then..some law about women's right of property was finally established!!  then blah blah blah, how good the law was and things like that.  Then, a scholar named Sammas? said this law substantially changed women's status.
BUT, another scholar named Beard? disagreed with Sammas and said the effects of this new law  was overstated because before this new law was established, there always existed "equity court " that serve the same purpose.
BUT, a third scholar named Salmon came out to challenge Beard.  Salmon said equitty court can't do much because most states were very hostile against equity court and in the cases where the court gave women the right of properties, some were attempts made by men to transfer all properties to their women to avoid consequences of bankruptcy.
1. purpose of the passage
to cronicle laws regarding women's right of properties and examine the implication to women's status.
2. inferred from the passage, what would Beard mostly likely think of equity court


某2个学者认为1915年以前GOV只为BUSINESS服务不是为了PUBLIC INTERESTING 然后作者,HOWEVER,即使政府的regulation目地是为了服务于BUSINESS,但是有时候效果是得其反。


第一段,In the 1970s,K和S  independently 得出了一个结论,在美国一八几几年的progressive era,政府的policy因为经济的发展在struggle,这两位都认为,立法者更处于对business的考虑来制定policy,而不是在当时人们认为的出于对public interest的考虑。(这里有题)政府的power可以使其控制进口量,稳定物价,这些都是和business的利益息息相关的。最后一句话提到了正如商界会资助政界的竞选者。

第二段,意思有所转折,其一,有些business未必想要政府的这些政策来干预它,其二,这些政策实施后是否有预期的效果。 然后说了在1905年的一个铁路的事件,ICC(什么商会的缩写)制定的ACT在1906年通过,这个ACT赋予了什么power,但是因为这个法案的通过,相关各界产生了分歧,有三个industry,有的支持,有的反对。我记得农业是farvor的。(这里有细节题)" 说修某条铁路的时候有一个ICC(好像是这三个字母代表的政府组织)在1905年要求对铁路建设及运营进行规制,遭到很多大企业的拒绝或者不合作。另一个组织YYYY给了ICC一些权利什么的,这个法案在1906年还是通过了。但是工业企业反对它,农业企业支持它,另一个行业一半一半。

(1)某2个学者认为1915年以前GOV只为BUSINESS服务不是为了PUBLIC INTERESTING(这里有题,问如果这个学者是对的,以下哪个STATEMENT是对的)
俺选的是:为了老百姓 (public interest)
俺选的是,XX ACT 拓宽了ICC的power "


1.3.4.labour market
by sammm (2/26/11) v34 m47 作者未标总分
3)4段,讲一种形式的labour market, 叫 AA capital.. 多数是skilled labour, 在English country比较普遍。
第一段就是介绍这种labour market和其他的有什么不一样, 第二段应该也差不多 = = 实在不记得了
这篇基本都是high light 题,虽然有点长但是不难


第一段说economists批评美国政府对公民买房进行税收优惠的政策(policy about tax reduction on loan)的。
1 哪三个词可以作为Label代表房税的三个LIMITATIONS:魏小妞要出国, 卜一 700+ & einpause V31都选" unfair; Inflation; risky" 其它选项有swings, subsidy,---; ---, subsidies, ---; ---, inelastic, ---;
2魏小妞要出国 下列那个观点作者最赞同:选的是经济学家不认同这个政策



V1.P1:历史学家对女性历史的研究,但是说研究的那个Range不同。其中一个是研究是把Female作为victim而不是“什么”,另一个是只研究突出女性,对普罗大众的女性,没有代表性;还有一个是contemporary 研究,这个研究是在于突出女性unrecognized contribution….
V3.传统的historian只重public层面上的研究但是,但是social historian从社会层面上去研究女性,拓宽了视野。比较简单


1.4 Other Social Science Division
1.4.1.informal social network
V1  by zero_120 (2/26/11)北美 51 38 730
最后一个讲注重informal social network,有道题选college friends
V2  by 夜幕如斯3/1/11
P1 先说什么A-A 资本家出现了。他们信息流动大,有什么优点blah blah blah.
P2 举了硅谷的例子。但是其他地方不适用这个方法,硅谷有很好的社交网络,为什么不适用。


2. Natural science division
2.1Geography & Astronomy
2.1.1. lava
1.Mars 上有一种C开头的lava,以前呢科学家一直觉得它是rilly(lunar上常见的)的一种,然后后来说它其实很特殊,根本不是那个的一种,是一种新的!然后就说了它的很多特点,就是什么东西比较低,然后所以就什么流的慢还是什么的,然后凝固的也很慢,可以让里面的东西沉淀下来,而且也会形成很长的东西。(岩浆轨道是得经过 两种岩浆经常性喷发才能喷出来的。可是! 1  如果是这两种岩浆喷的轨道,要喷出这么长的轨道需要的量,这两种岩浆很快就冷却了,实际上是无法喷出来这么长的轨道的2  这两种岩浆  虽然理论上 也可以喷出这么长的轨道,但是 需要的量很大, 多大量呢? 已经超过了这些轨道的容积)还说这个C的特点,和地球上有一种rare carbonized lava是一样的!
(1)只记得有一道问地球上那个carbonized lava 有什么特点?就定位最后两句话,说那个C的low 【】,然后这个low【】和地球上那个是一样的,就选这个low 【】。具体单词不记得了。
(2)最后一句话高亮了,就是它moving slowly什么的,问作用。我选的是“来解释为什么会有东西deposit下来”


2.1.2 .地球上的水是怎么形成的
V1. 有人说是小新星撞到地球上形成的,因为小新星含有很多水。有人说也有可能是像哈雷彗星这样的东西掉的地球上形成的,但是说它里面含有什么东西X,所以水里面也要含有相同的东西X
一道问下面那个undermine彗星上的****对地球上water的产生的理论的影响? 【从很久以来水里X的含量从来就没有变过】。



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