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1.2.8. 不同industry之间的合并
本文旨在反驳一个enduring的观点,这个观点就是说导致美国七十到八十年代公司拆分成各个部门的原因在于美国antitrust law的施行。(此处有主旨题)作者先阐述了这个antitrust law的适用情况,其特点就是限制一个企业在单个领域里的规模而不限制它各个领域规模里的规模(说的有点儿乱,具体意思就是说一个企业如果想收购一个跟自己业务相同的企业,那么这个收购将受到法律严格的约束,为了反垄断;但是如果一个企业想收购一个跟自己业务不同的企业,那么收购多大的公司都行,法律没有约束,因为这样的收购不会产生一个更大的垄断者)。


1.2.9. 公司内部交易
by Clairexxx  (M50 V24 620) 3/1/11
1 是讲内部交易的 说有人认为内部交易不合法 但作者认为内部交易对公司有利 若将内部交易定位不合法的范围,会对公司很不利 最后还提到什么内部交易可以作为鼓励员工的额外奖励 而不会影响真个工资的buget.


1.2.10. Mutual fund公司的社会责任与盈利
p2:人们在选择共同基金时,主要按照基金经理的以前的业绩,然而,以前的业绩好不代表以后也能好,(我顿时神马觉得我在写argument)并且经济形式的转变也会让一个原来成功的基金FAIL.另外一种基金,是可以自动的参照别的基金经理成功的投资策略投资,并且管理费用低,但是由于缺少COMMISION TO THE INTERMEDIRA,所以,人们并不热衷。

指数是什么?答案是:representativeof a portfolio of stocks,类似的意思,原文就有representative这个词,带回去看就好。注意题目中没写是问定义(whatis...),不过问的就是定义,混淆选项里有说什么指数基金比managed更赚钱什么的,不要搞混了。


说sandinavia斯坎迪纳维亚,就是北欧芬兰,瑞典,北欧国家经济状况,首先第一段说,北欧国家social model--是captism,然后就大体上他们因为这样的social model在世界范围内比较,比如福利好,失业率低,经济发展速度快,等,
第二段就说:瑞典这个国家9 million,(这里有一个考点,是说因为人口大,是不是导致在评价北欧时被排除了,少拿了一些荣耀云云的,得综合上下文来看这个population的事情,注意一下就好了),然后说瑞典高素质人口,然后一堆其他的优势,所以保持瑞典是疙瘩经济体系中间保持了很好的competitive advantage


1.2.12.德国的unemployment rate

说德国政府失业率太高,专家叫兽说 因为政府给失业的人的待遇太高了,所以他们也懒得找工作。于是政府就把待遇降低了,结果失业率还是没有变化,为什么捏?因为待遇降低了,application fee of a job 却很高, 失业的人更没钱申请工作了,而且有工作的人也不敢随便换工作了,因为 什么  trade in union 导致了 negotiating wage 低了。最后说降低了待遇,还导致工作的人 wage 低了, wage 低了大家的消费水平下降了, 企业sales 也下降了, 导致企业更不敢随便招聘了


1.2.13.   black larbor黑人劳力
阅读:有一篇讲black larbor的,说他们在二战时期的地位的改善。开始就说说二战期间黑人劳力有所改善。很多黑人从从村到了城市,进入了industry larbor force,还说什么vote,大概是有了什么vote的权利。 第二段讲了几个方面的改善,有political方面的,有工资方面的,有什么racial方面的。。。(后面有一题是except题,问下面那个方面不是文中提到的XXX导致的结果,结果都是好的结果,选项有经济方面的(应该就是工资),有racial什么的, 有法律的, 有进入workforce的,我觉得就是没有法律吧。。大家再看看,题不难。)。第三段最后说虽然二战时期他们有了改善,但是好像后来就不行了,就从什么转向了church...(对不起。。有点不记得了。。)
In the 1930’s and 1940’s, African American industrialworkers in the southern United  States, who constituted 80 percent of theunskilled factory labor force there, strongly supported unionization. While theAmerican Federation of Labor (AFL) either excluded African Americans ormaintained racially segregated unions, the Congress of Industrial Organizations(CIO) organized integrated unions nationwide on the basis of a stated policy ofequal rights for all, and African American unionists provided the CIO’sbackbone. Yet it can be argued that through contracts negotiated and enforcedby White union members, unions—CIO unions not excluded—were often instrumentalin maintaining the occupational segregation and other forms of racialdiscrimination that kept African Americans socially and economically oppressedduring this period. However, recognizing employers’ power over workers as acentral factor in African Americans’ economic marginal unionization, AfricanAmerican workers saw the need to join with White workers in seeking changedespite White unionists’ toleration of or support for racial discrimination.The persistent efforts of African American unionists eventually paid off: manybecame highly effective organizers, gaining the respect of even racist Whiteunionists by winning victories for White as well as African American workers.African American unionists thus succeeded in strengthening the unions whileusing them as instruments of African Americans’ economic empowerment.

The passage is primarily concerned with
A.   demonstrating that unions failed to addressthe concerns of African American workers during a particular period
B.   arguing that African Americanworkers’ participation in unions during a particular period was ultimatelybeneficial to them
C.   contrasting the treatment of AfricanAmerican workers by two different labor organizations during a particularperiod
D.   giving reasons for the success of AfricanAmerican unionists in winning victories for both African American and Whiteworkers during a particular period
E.    questioning one explanation for theattitudes of African American workers toward unionization during a particularperiod

According to the passage, which of the following wastrue of many racist White unionists during the period discussed in the passage?
A.   Their attitudes toward AfricanAmerican union organizers changed once they recognized that the activities ofthese organizers were serving workers’ interests.
B.   They were a powerful element in the southernlabor movement because they constituted the majority of the unskilled factorylabor force in the southern United  States.
C.   They persisted in opposing the CIO’sadoption of a stated policy of equal rights for all.
D.   Their primary goal was to strengthen thenegotiating power of the unions through increasing White union membership.
E.    Their advocacy of racial discriminationhampered unions in their efforts to gain more power for workers.

The author of the passage suggests which of thefollowing about African American workers who participated in union activitiesin the 1930’s and 1940’s?
A.   They believed that the elimination ofdiscrimination within unions was a necessary first step toward the achievementof economic advancement for African Americans.
B.   They belonged exclusively to CIO unionsbecause they were excluded from AFL unions.
C.   They believed that the economicadvancement of African American workers depended on organized efforts toempower all workers.
D.   Some of them advocated the organization ofseparate African American unions because of discriminatory practices in the AFLand the CIO.
E.    Many of them did not believe that Whiteunionists in CIO unions would tolerate or support racial discrimination againstAfrican American workers.



1.2.14. 技术工人的流动性有助于提高业内的创新
by ms小刺 m50 v36  3/3/2011


by elaineliang  680,Q50, V31  3/7/2011
关于公司对公共事业的关注会影响financial profit. 文章非常非常长,但是论证很严密逻辑性很强,很容易读懂。大概分为三段,第一段提出这个主题,中间一段提到investment有增加,貌似在论证人们对这类关注公众利益公司的关注。最后一段是对survey的论证,认为结果未必可信。
讲的是关注public interest对cooperation的效益的影响。
第一段,传统分析不考虑这种影响,然而,作者认为关注public interest对公司的long-run效益有着非常重要的作用。举了几个例子但是没有考点,就不赘述了。
第二段,很短的一段,举了个例子说1995-2005(要不就是2000-2005),越来越多的人invest关注public interest的公司的stock。(此处有考点,问这句活的作用,我选的是provide an example to...)


1.2.16.market pioneer
Introduction: Pioneer Business  - Posivtive view
However, it’s bias (1. sample data, employee’s emotional, ambigious standard)
P1:Pioneer business介绍 & 正评价
介绍:一些学者透过研究也对pioneer business抱持正面的态度。公司可以透过宣称产品有先驱性来吸引投资者,说先驱者的事业能lasting。通常的理论认为公司越早进入一个领域在之后的发展中其优势就会越明显。研究发现在某一领域非常杰出的那些企业大多都是该领域的pioneer。并且那些后进入者在发布自己的产品时不得不想办法说明自己的production和之前的那些pioneer企业有什么不同,加大了成功的难度。好处:做market pioneer是大多数企业选择的strategy,好处有能够获利较多且能够宣传新产品introduction lure investors。根据对past decade的调查,发觉pioneer确实在XX和YY等方面做到了leader。【但是这些研究所使用的数据实际上是不准确的。有调查者做的survey showing the practice is prevail in the market,而且有很高的成功率(大概是这个意思)。因为,该调查可能是biased,所以,作者提出质疑】
1. 主旨:【question the research data of a established view】
2. 问关于通常理论的说法哪个正确? 有人选【这个理论所基于的研究数据缺少了关于失败的pioneer的部分】,因此不准确
3. 文中说一个调查的数据采自对服务于Pioneer companies的员工的调查,他们对Pioneer companies多持正面观点,作者说因为Pioneer companies经常对员工进行宣灌,说作为pioneer的好处。考题是,作者的assumption、strengthen是什么?【员工倾向于按公司宣灌的观点(而不是其自己的观点)对调查进行回答】,【选employers 都爱往对自己有利的方面说】


P1 非洲钻石生产占到世界的很大比重,但是他只是出口一些rough diamond。以某国为例,该国的diamond cutting and polishing切割和洗矿业总共才有2000个empolyees因而Gov决定对钻石进行出口限制,对出口征收高税负,这样来促进就业发展本国钻石业。
P2 industry觉得这不是个好招。因为出口限制后do little good to the downstream industry(高亮)同时副业每5%的就业增长就会造成15%的mining业的失业,同时不像china india有很廉价的劳动力,因而这个招不成。
Q1 主旨:有两个很像1.讲一个政策的后果 2,对比两种观点
Q2 高亮:能infer啥?选那个polishing and cutting那个
Q3 细节:那个为真?该国大量出口毛矿



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