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OSU Fisher面经

昨天刚刚电面了Fisher的student ambassador.前几天看到还有其他XDJM也在申这校,所以把面试问题列一下供大家参考吧。

1 career goal

2 personal goal (career 以外的)

3 why Fisher

4 期望从Fisher获得什么帮助?

5 What motivates you?

6 a situation where you showed passion

7 a time when you have to look from other people’s perspective to solve conflict


8 a hypothetical situation where breaking corporate rules might be the right thing to do

9 Suppose you did all the work, but in a meeting, someone else took all the credit, what would you do?

10 Describe an industry that you think is obsolete.



补充一下,还有个问题是describe your leadership style,我刚想起来.
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