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Let us try:

Conclusion: Therefore, given that a price that will prove to be right is virtually impossible for the seller to gauge in advance, the seller should make sure that any error in the initial asking price is in the direction of setting the price too high.

Question: The argument recommends (a certain pricing strategy ) (on the grounds that)

R: A certain pricing strategy which the argument recommends is high pricing because of trying to sell such an item fast by asking too low a price is a serious error, since it calls into question the very thing---exclusivity---that is supposed to be the item’s chief appeal.

==> A : this strategy lacks a counterproductive feature of the rejected alternative.  We can see, anwer A summarize the premise,that is the reason.


to zyh79,


the strategy recommended by the author is:The seller should make sure that any error in the initial asking price is in the direction of setting the price too high. (也就是说,既然这种商品的价值不可能预先估算,那么卖主必须肯定他的要价是向着尽量高估这种商品的方向去的,虽然这样的策略有可能最终是个error)

A:这种策略的根据是 它不存在那个被rejected alternative的缺陷(counterproductive feature).  这里所谓的counterproductive feature 就是采取低价策略会使人们怀疑这种商品的与众不同( the low pricing calls into question the very thing---exclusivity---that is supposed to be the item’s chief appeal.)  

归根到底就是一句话: 采取高价销售的策略至少可以消除买主对该商品的与众不同性的怀疑.


另外,不只能否帮我看看这道题, 3-IV-7

7.A certain retailer promotes merchandise by using the following policy: At all times there is either a “manger’s sale” or a “holiday sale” or both going on. All sales are run for exactly one calendar month. In any given month, if a manager wishes to clear out particular Line of merchandise, then a managers’ sale is declared, If a holiday falls within the calendar month And there is excess merchandise in the warehouse never contains excess merchandise

Which one of the following can be concluded from the passage?

(A) If a holiday falls within a given month and there is no extra merchandise in the warehouse that month, then a holiday sale is declared

(B) If a holiday sale is not being run, then it is the month of August.

(C) If a manger’s sale is being run in some month, and then there is no excess merchandise in the warehouse in that month.

(D) If there is not a manger’s sale being run some month. Then there is holiday sale being run in that month.

(E) If there is no excess merchandise in the warehouse, then it is the month of August.



13. Physician: The patient is suffering either from disease X or else from disease Y. but there is no available test for distinguishing X from Y. Therefore, since there is an effective treatment for Y but no treatment for X, we must act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y.

The physician’s reasoning could be based on which one of the following principles?

(A) In treating a patient who has one or the other of two diseases, it is more important to treat the diseases than to determine which of the two diseases the patient has.

(B) If circumstances beyond a decision maker’s control will affect the outcome of the decision maker’s actions, the decision maker must assume that circumstances are unfavorable

(C) When the soundness of a strategy depends on the truth of a certain assumption, and the first step in putting the strategy into effect must be to test the truth of this assumption.

(D) When success is possible only if a circumstance beyond one’s control is favorable, and then one’s strategy must be based on the assumption that this circumstance is in fact favorable

(E) When only one strategy carries the possibility of success. Circumstances must as much as possible be changed to fit this strategy.

我选的A,答案是D, 看过答案之后,我觉得D和A都可以的, 很难从中做出选择,请高手帮忙!




  二段最后一句,then a holiday sale is declared
  还有三段,However,there is no holiday that falls within the month of August and ,in that month, the warehouse never contains excess merchandise.


[U]7. D

13. Conclusion: Therefore, since there is [U]an effective treatment for Y[/U] but no treatment for X,) we must act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y.

Asking: The physician’s reasoning could be based on which one of the following ([U]principles?)[/U]


D) When success is possible only if a circumstance beyond one’s control is favorable,( means: when effective treatment for Y is possible only if a condition is favorable that patient Y is suffering Y) is  and then one’s strategy must be (based on the assumption that this circumstance is in fact favorable) -> (act on the assumption that the patient has a case of Y)

(A) In treating a patient who has one or the other of two diseases, it is more important to( treat) the diseases than to (determine )which of the two diseases the patient has.  

Comparing the purpose of doctor is not the principle , actually not the doctor's meaning. You know , we often act this way to treat patient under such condition , the way having an effect that if fail, we could know the patient probably suffering X , that we call: " 治疗性诊断".



T5-S2-4,4. A work of architecture, if it is to be both inviting and functional for public use, must be unobtrusive, taking second place to the total environment. Modern architects, plagued by egoism, have violated this precept. They have let their strong personalities take over their work, producing buildings that are not functional for public use.

Which one of the statements below follows logically from the statements in the passage?

(A) Unobtrusive architecture is both inviting and functional.

(B) Modern architects who let their strong personalities take over their work produce buildings that are not unobtrusive.

(C) An architect with a strong personality cannot produce buildings that functional well for the public.

(D) A work of architecture that takes second place to the environment functions well for public use.

(E) A work of architecture cannot simultaneously express its architect’s personality and be functional for public use.

第一句话到底是表示成: Inviting+Functional ==> Unobtrusive, 还是: Unobtrusive ==> Inviting + Functional ,如果是第一种的话, 那就得不出 not Functional ==> not Unobtrusive 也就得不出答案B,

12. Photovoltaic power plants produce electricity from sunlight. As a result of astonishing recent technological advances, the cost of producing electric power at photovoltaic power plants, allowing for both construction and operating costs, is one-tenth of what it was 20 years ago, whereas the corresponding cost for traditional plants, which burn fossil fuels, has increased. Thus, photovoltaic power plants offer a less expensive approach to meeting demand for electricity than do traditional power plants.

The conclusion of the argument is properly drawn if which one of the following is assumed?

(A) The cost of producing electric power at traditional plants has increased over the past 20 years.

(B) Twenty years ago, traditional power plants were producing 10 times more electric power than were photovoltaic plants.

(C) None of the recent technological advances in producing electric power at photovoltaic plants can be applied to producing power at traditional plants.

(D) Twenty years ago, the cost of producing electric power at photovoltaic plants was less than 20 times the cost of producing power at traditional plants.

(E) The cost of producing electric power at photovoltaic plants is expected to decrease further, while the cost of producing power at traditional plants is not expected to decrease.

D是不是写错了, 应该是 less than 10 times the cost of 吧?


17. A society’s infant mortality rate is an accepted indicator of that society’s general health status. Even though in some localities in the United States the rate is higher than in many developing countries, in the United States overall the rate has been steadily declining. This decline does not necessarily indicate, however, that babies in the United States are now, on the average, healthier at birth than they were in the past.

Which one of the following reasons, if true, most strongly supports the claim made above about the implications of the decline?

(A) The figure for infant mortality is compiled as an overall rate and thus masks deficiencies in particular localities.

(B) Low birth weight is a contributing factor in more than half of the infant deaths in the United States.

(C) The United States has been developing and has achieved extremely sophisticated technology for saving premature and low-birth-weight babies, most of whom require extended hospital stays.

(D) In eleven states of The United States, the infant mortality rate declined last year.

(E) Babies who do not receive adequate attention from a caregiver fail to thrive and so they gain weight slowly.

我选的是A, 可能我没有真正理解问题的意思, 问题是不是问:下列那个最支持关于上述出身死亡率下降的暗示?

不好意思,这个Section我有好几题需要帮助!! 谢谢


1。T5-S2-4,must表示必要条件,故Unobtrusive ==> Inviting + Functional
2。D是写错了, 是 less than 10 times the cost of


to zyh79,

我理解了后两个,但对must 表示必要条件我还是有点疑惑: 既然must 表示必要条件,那么应该是 I + F ==> Unobtrusive 才对啊?  就好比 A=>B 则B才是必要条件.

这道题的问题是: Which one of the statements below follows logically from the statements in the passage?

好像是"完成逻辑推理题", 因为题干有这么一句话: Modern architects, plagued by egoism, have violated this precept 越搞越混了!!!!



BTW, T5-S2-22
22. Public reports by national commissions, governors’ conference, and leadership groups have stressed the great need for better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry. If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, the need is Undesirable. If there is such a need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs, then all of our new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.

If all of the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true?

(A) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then new teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation.

(B) If new teachers are prepared to teach their subject matter with an international orientation, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.

(C) If there is better understanding of international affairs by the citizenry, then the country will remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness.

(D) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era of international competitiveness, then there is no need for the citizenry to have a better understanding of international affairs.

(E) Public reports from various groups and commissions have stressed the need for a more international orientation in the education of teachers.

题干中的 Undesirable 是不是应该改成 desirable , 否则就得不到: ramain leading => better understanding => must be prepared ( 另外,你有没有发现这里的must 表示必要条件)




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