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另外,最后问问题的时候,我跟500cc一样,只问了两个关于学校的问题,然后james觉得这人怎么什么学费、financial aid啥也不问呀,只好跟我说:i believe u will have much more questions later, u can write email to me in future.

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


我今天去面了一下,On campus的,说不上面试的好不好。把面经发上来攒个rp吧。

自己准备过的问题严格说只用上一个,就是why kelley


然后就问我why kelley了

在下来就是leadership style


还有就是,如果要你组织一个team,作为team leader,你选什么样的人,为什么。作为team member,你能为team做什么。

面试时间控制的还比较严格。我也问了几个问题,得到的一个坏消息就是,今年kelley打断把international students的比例控制在35%,也就是说比往年要减少了一些。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


2.21 Kelley (iu) Shanghai 积攒RP

上海是INTERVIEW TRIP的最后一站,但是还是有北美的同志们可能没有面过,所以分享一下我面试的题目~~~

By the way, interviewer Jame Holmen is so nice and kind.

1. Why MBA?

2. Why Kelley?

3. Team work (group work) experience?

4. Long Term Career goal and Short Term Career goal.

5. motivation?(I also didn't have a good answer about this one )

6.your contribution to kelley

7. your questions about kelley

small tips:to prepare more questions, 我面了好像时间还多挺多的,我问了5个问题,好像面试官还问有没有什么问题,然后我觉得好像没什么问题了就说NO了~~~,也不知道结果怎么样
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kelley面经 OF Feb. 21 2008


1. why MBA(结合了我的背景问我为什么会来读MBA)

2. why Kelley

3. contribute to MBA classmates?

4. What is the good thing about working in a team?

5. Your hobby?

6. what do you want to gain from your classmates

7. short-term and long-term goal?

8. team work experiences?

9. what's the best part of your work?

10. what motivates you?

11. question to kelley?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


kelley IU 面经

11:15 上海希尔顿
interviewer是著名的james 老爷爷,非常可爱
q1: why mba
q2: why kelley
q3: working experience
q4: how to build a successful team
q5: what can you contribute to kelley
q6: what will you learn from your kelley classmates
q7: most significant achievement
q8: what do you do for fun
q9: question for kelley


q1: what are your strengths?

q2: There's much teamwork in MBA. How can you work well with your teammates? What do you expect to learn from your teammates?

q3: How did your Chinese New Year?

q4: Have you ever worked or travelled outside China?


这么短的时间里,居然还和他讨论了一会昨天espn转播的IU vs Purdue的NCAA比赛,sigh...
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


did the interview in the afternoon, my questions:

1.       What you are interested in? Why?

2.       Short term career goal

3.       Long term career goal

4.       Why Kelley?

5.       What you felt most proud for?

6.       How your colleagues evaluate you?

7.       What’s your motivation to work hard?

8.       What do you think your teammates in Kelley will learn from you?

9.       What do you learn from Kelley?

10.   Any questions?
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Timothy Smith面的,人非常nice。有2个感觉没有回答太好,他也觉得不算太满意的也礼貌性地说good。


why MBA
why Kelley
what is the good thing about working in a team?
What is my understanding about leadership?
what is the toughest thing in job?
My short term career goal?
Why did I end up in my current master's program?
what did I learn in my undergraduate study?
what do you like to do in your spare time?
Tell him something about communitity experience(the one I wrote in the resume)
What do I think I can contribute to the program?
Is my characteristic affected by my family? (because I memtioned a little bit about my family and my characteristic built in early life)
Questions about kelley.

我Notre Dame当初也是问人家能否给我免学费,结果后来人家也就没有回复我了。最后只给了我2万的奖学金,555。
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kelley 热腾腾的冒着气的面经


早到了二十分钟,八点五十的时候看到一个带着眼睛的高大老外手拿一本很明显的Indiana University的红色文件夹出现在前台。过去打招呼,寒暄。


Why MBA?
Why Kelley
Contribute to MBA(哥们这个问题发挥多了,准备了三点,前两点说的太多,最后一点没来得及说)
What will your collegues describe you?
Your leadership style?
What is the good thing about working in a team?
Your hobby?(J说IU的football不是很好,basketball还可以)
Any other things admissions committe should know?
What's your questions about kelley?

Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kelley interview sharing

phone interview, 30 minutes

1. Why MBA
2. Why School
3. The most tough thing in job
4. Work in a team, what will others describe you
5. What personality is most difficult to handle in a group
6. Recommend a person to our program
Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.


Kelley 面试归来,面试题目如下:大部分都是借前人经验,少部分是没遇到过的。

1.    Why MBA?(只说了一半就被温和地打断)

2.     Why Kelley?

3.     Short-term and long-term goal?

4.     What is your quality bringing to the team?

5.     Team work experience?

6.     How did you resolve conflicts in your team?

7.     What do you think the ideal working environment if you are a team leader?

8.  When you are facing projects with same priority, what will you do?

9.  What if you have to make a decision but without enough information?

10.  Your leadership style?

11.    What is the good thing about working in a team?

        What would your boss say about your strength and describe it in two words.

13.  What's your concern on pursuing an MBA program?(you weakness in your application )

14.     What are your questions about kelley?

15.     Any other things admissions committee should know?






    亲自到Indiana University看过后,感觉这是个很漂亮的学校,学生很多,充满活力和青春气息,商学院很气派,一看就知道是最有钱的。只是去学校之路,让我深深领会了美国中部大农村的风采,我甚至觉得不象是去面试,而是要去打猎,呵呵~~喜欢大城市精彩生活的朋友可能要失望了,但我相信因为现在是冬天,所以景致稍差,其他季节风景一定是很优美的,这个安静美丽的地方还是很适合学生生活的。


Your Future, Our Mission. Topway--the world's best business school admission service.



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