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27.=In order to understand the nature/ of the ecologist’s investigation/,we may think of the density-dependent effects/ on growth parameters/ as the "signal"/ ecologists are trying to isolate and interpret/,one that tends to make the population/ increase from relatively low values/ or decrease from relatively high ones/,while the density-independent effects act to produce "noise"/ in the population dynamics.
28.=But the play’s complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible/ is no more "contradictory"/ than Du Bois’ famous,well-considered ideal/ of ethnic self-awareness/ coexisting with human unity/,or Fanon’s emphasis on an ideal internationalism/ that also accommodates national identities and roles.
#但是这部剧的这一复杂观点/把黑人自尊和人类团结看作是和谐的/并不矛盾/比Du Bois的著名的、深思熟虑的理想/民族自觉意识的/共存和人类大同/;或Fanon的强调/对于理想的国际主义/, (这一理想)同样也能兼容民族身份与角色。
29.=Inheritors/ of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century/ Progressive historians/ such as Beard and Becker/,these recent historians/ have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.
#继承者/某些观点的二十世纪早期的/, “进步派”史学家/如Beard和Becker等人/,这些近期的史学家/所提出的观点/它值得我们予以评价。


30.=Despite these vague categories/,one should not claim unequivocally/ that hostility between recognizable classes/ cannot be legitimately observed.

31.=Yet those/ who stress the achievement/ of a general consensus /among the colonists/ cannot fully understand that consensus/ without understanding the conflicts/ that had to be overcome or repressed in order to reach it.
#然而,那些(史学家)/ 他们强调成果/一种普遍的一致意见的/在殖民者之间曾出现的/不能充分理解/这种一致意见/而不理解各种矛盾的存在/(那些矛盾)只有在被克服或压制之后才有可能获得它(那种一致意见)。
32.It can be inferred from the passage/ that the author would be most likely to agree with/ which of the following statements/ regarding socioeconomic class/ and support for the rebel and Loyalist causes/ during the American Revolutionary War?


33. =Although it has been possible/ to infer from the goods and services/ actually produced/ what manufactures and servicing trades/ thought their customers wanted/,only a study of relevant personal documents/ written by actual consumers/ will provide a precise picture/ of who wanted what/.
#尽管这是有可能的/推知从商品和服务中/实际制造出来的/是什么制造商和服务业/认为他们的顾客所需要的/, 但是只有一番研究对相关的个人文件进行的/由真实的顾客撰写的/能够提供一幅精确的图像/关于“什么样的人”需要 “什么样的东西”。
34.=Such philosophical/ as the mind-body/ problem or,more generally/,the nature of human knowledge/ they believe/,are basic human questions/ whose tentative philosophical solutions/ have served as the necessary foundations/ on which all other intellectual speculation/ has rested.
35.=The idea of an autonomous discipline/ called "philosophy"/, distinct from/ and sitting in judgment/ on such pursuits/ as theology and science turns out/,on close examination/,to be of quite recent origin.


36.=But the recent discovery of detailed similarities/ in the skeletal structure of the flippers/ in all three groups/ undermines the attempt/ to explain away superficial resemblance/ as due to convergent  evolution/—the independent development of similarities/ between unrelated groups/ in response to similar environmental pressures.
37.=Human genes/ contain too little information/ even to specify/ which hemisphere of the brain/ each of a human’s 10’’ neurons/ should occupy/,let alone the hundreds of connections/ that each neuron makes/.
38.=These questions are political/ in the sense/ that the debate over them/ will inevitably be/ less an exploration/ of abstract matters/ in a spirit of disinterested inquiry/ than an academic power struggle/ in which the careers and professional fortunes/ of many women scholars/—only now entering the academic profession/ in substantial numbers/—will be at stake/,and with them/ the chances for a distinctive contribution/ to humanistic understanding/,a contribution/ that might be an important influence/ against sexism in our society.
#这些问题带有政治色彩/从这一点上讲/这些辩论围绕这些问题展开的/将不可避免地与其说是一种探索/对抽象问题的/在客观冷静的科研精神指导下/,倒不如说是一种学术上的权力斗争/在此斗争中, 职业生涯和学术命运/许多女学者的/——只是在现在才开始进入学术界/以众多的人数/——将前途未卜/,与她们相伴随的/是机遇去作出一种独特贡献/对人文理解的/,这一贡献/则很有可能成为一个重要影响/消除性别主义在我们社会中所存在的。


39.=In experiments/,an injection of cytoplasm/ from dextral eggs/ changes the pattern of sinistral eggs/,but an injection/ from sinistral eggs/ does not influence dextral eggs.
40.=Recently/ some scientists have concluded/ that meteorites/ found on Earth/ and long believed to have a Martian origin/ might actually have been blasted free of Mars’s gravity/ by the impact on Mars of other meteorites.
41.=Under the force of this view/,it was perhaps inevitable/ that the art of rhetoric/ should pass from the status/ of being regarded as of questionable worth/—because/ although it might be both a source of pleasure/ and a means to urge people/ to right action/,it might also be a means to distort truth/ and a source of misguided action/—to the status/ of being wholly condemned/.


42.=None of these translations/ to screen and stage/,however/,dramatize the anarchy/ at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee/,which ends with the violent overthrow/ of Morgan’s three-year-old progressive order/ and his return to the nineteenth century/,where he apparently commits suicide/ after being labeled a lunatic/ for his incoherent babblings/ about drawbridges and battlements.
#没有任何一部作品在所有这些改编的作品中/被搬上银幕和舞台的/,然而/,能生动地再现无政府状态/,在结尾处《康乃涅克州的美国佬》(A Connecticut Yankee)的/,原作以如下情节为结尾/摩根为期三年之久的进步秩序被暴力推翻/他又重返于十九世纪/,在那里他显然自杀身亡/在被列为疯子之后/由于他的那些语无伦次的蠢话/关于吊桥和城垛的。
43.=Calculations/ of the density of alloys/ based on Bernal-type models/ of the alloys metal component/ agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values/ from measurements on alloys/ consisting of a noble metal/ together with a metalloid/,such as alloys of palladium and silicon/,or alloys/ consisting of iron,phosphorus,and carbon/,although small discrepancies remained/.
44.=It is now established/ that the Milky Way is far more extended/ and of much greater mass/ than was hitherto thought.


45.=And Walzer advocates/ as the means/ of eliminating this tyranny/ and of restoring genuine equality/ "the abolition of the power of money/ outside its sphere" .
#Walzer赞成/作为这样的手段/消除这种专制暴政/和恢复真正平等的/“废除金钱的权利/在其范围之外的” 。
46.=Is it not tyrannical/,in Pascal’s sense/,to insist/ that those who excel in "sensitivity"/ or "the ability to express compassion"/ merit equal wealth/ with those who excel in qualities (such as "the capacity for hard work")/essential in producing wealth?
47.=Yet Waizer’s argument/,however deficient/,does point to one of the most serious weak-nesses of capitalism/,namely/,that it brings to predominant positions/ in a society/ people who/,no matter how legitimately/ they have earned their material rewards/,often lack those other qualities/ that evoke affection or admiration.


48.=The appreciation/ of traditional oral American Indian literature/ has been limited,hampered/ by poor translations/ and by the difficulty/,even in the rare culturally sensitive/ and aesthetically satisfying translation/,of completely conveying the original’s verse structure,tone,and syntax/.
49.=Mores/,which embodied each culture’s ideal principles/ for governing every citizen/,were developed in the belief/ that the foundation of a community/ lies in the cultivation of individual powers/to be placed in service/ to the community.
50.=Only in the case of the February Revolution/ do we lack a useful description of participants/ that might characterize it/ in the light of what social history has taught us/ about the process of revolutionary mobilization.


51.=Anthropologists and others/ are on much firmer ground/ when they attempt to describe the cultural norms/ for a small homogeneous tribe or village/ than when they undertake the formidable task/ of discovering the norms/ that exist in a complex modern nation state/ composed of many disparate groups.
52.=It has thus generally been/ by way of the emphasis/ on oral literary creativity/ that these Chicano writers/,whose English language works are sometimes uninspired/,developed the powerful and arresting language/ that characterized their Spanish-language works/.
53.=To measure them properly/,monitoring equipment/ would have to be laid out/ on a grid/ at intervals of at most 50 kilometers/,with sensors/ at each grid point/ lowered deep in the ocean/ and kept there for many months/.


54.=This declaration/,which was echoed in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment/,was designed primarily/ to counter the Supreme Court’s ruling/ in Dred Scott v. Sandford/ that Black people in the United States/ could be denied citizenship.
#这一宣言/,它被复述在文本中第十四条修正案的/,主要是为了对抗最高法院的判决/在“Dred Scott诉Sandford”一案中/,(此判决裁定)黑人在美国的/可被剥夺公民权。
55.=The broad language of the amendment/ strongly suggests/ that its framers/ were proposing to write into the Constitution/ not a laundry list/ of specific civil rights/ but a principle of equal citizen-ship/ that forbids organized society/ from treating any individual/ as a member of an inferior class.
56.=This doctrine/ has broadened the application of the Fourteenth Amendment/ to other,nonracial forms of discrimination/,for while some justices/ have refused to find/,any legislative classification/ other than race/ to be constitutionally disfavored/,most have been receptive to arguments/ that at least some nonracial discriminations/,sexual Discrimination in particular/,are "suspect" and deserve this heightened scrutiny/ by the courts.



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