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6.The Forbidden City in Beijing, from which the emperors ruled by heavenly mandate, was a site which no commoner or foreigner could enter without permission, on pain of death.
# 紫禁城/在北京的,从那里/皇帝统治国家/顺应天意,是一个地点/那没有普通人或者外国人能够进入/没有允许的情况下,或是没有死的痛苦的情况下。
7.A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head, lasts for hours or days, and may recur as infrequently as once every other month or as often as daily.
# 偏头痛/典型的特点是使一边的头疼,延续很多个小时或者很多天,并且可能再次发生/有可能不经常到/几个月一次/或者是经常到/每天都疼。
8.Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted that poets honor their own regions and employ specifically American rhythms.
# 和Gertrude Stein,Ezra Pound还有其他的脱离国籍者不一样,William Carlos Williams 坚持认为/诗人以他们所在的地域为荣/并且使用特殊的美国的韵律。
9.According to some analysts, whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital gains on short-term investments would, if enacted, have a disastrous effect on Wall Street trading and employment.
# 根据一些分析家的分析,不管它的优点是什么,提议/对于征税的/对所有资本收益/在短期投资上/将会,如果指定为法律,有灾难性的影响/在华尔街贸易和雇佣上。
10.Some biographers have not only disputed the common notion that Edgar Allan Poe drank to excess but also questioned whether he drank at all.
# 一些传记记者/不但争论通常的概念/即Edgar Allan Poe 喝酒过量/而且提出疑问/他是否喝酒了。


11.Affording strategic proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco was also of interest to the French throughout the first half of the twentieth century because they assumed that without it their grip on Algeria would never be secure.
# 负担的起战略性的接近/对于Gibraltar海峡,摩洛哥同样是有利益的/对于法国/在上半个世纪/二十世纪的/因为他们假定/没有他们的控制/对于阿尔及利亚的/那将永远不是安全的。
12.Unlike the honeybee, the yellow jacket can sting repeatedly without dying and carries a potent venom that can cause intense pain.
# 和蜜蜂不一样,黄蜂(黄色的外套)能够刺痛/反复地/而没有死亡,并且带着一个有效的毒液/它能引起强烈的疼痛。


1. =The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships/ that kept presenting and rearranging themselves/ on all levels/,from abstract intelligence/ to profound dreamy feelings/, made it difficult /for Proust/ to set them out coherently.
2.=It is possible to make specific complementary DNA’s (cDNA’s)/that can serve as molecular probes/ to seek out the messenger RNA’s (mRNA’s)/of the peptide hormones/. If brain cells are making the hormones/,the cells will contain these Mrna’S./ If the products/ the brain cells make/ resemble the hormones/ but are not identical to them/,then the cDNA’s should still bind to these mRNA’s/,but should not bind as tightly as they would to mRNA’s/ for the true hormones.


3. =The molecular approach/ to detecting peptide hormones/ using cDNA probes/ should also be much faster/ than the immunological method/ because it can take years/ of tedious purifications/ to isolate peptide hormones/ and then develop antiserums to them.
4. =This succession/ was based primarily on a series of deposits and events/ not directly related to glacial and interglacial periods/,rather than on the more usual modern method of studying biological remains/ found in interglacial beds themselves/ interstratified within glacial deposits/.
5. =There have been attempts/ to explain these taboos/ in terms of inappropriate social relationships/ either between those who are involved/ and those who are not simultaneously involved/ in the satisfaction of a bodily need/,or between those already satiated/ and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging.


6.=Many critics/ of Eamily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights/ see its second part as a counterpoint/ that comments on,if it does not reverse,the first part,where a "romantic" reading/ receives more confirmation.
#很多文学评论家/研究Emily Bronte小说《呼啸山庄》的/,把小说的第二部分视为(小说第一部分)的一个对比/进行评论/,如果不是将第一部分逆的话/,在小说第一部分/,一种“浪漫主义的”的解读/得到了更多的确证。
7.=Granted/ that the presence of these elements/ need not argue an authorial awareness/ of novelistic construction/ comparable to that of Henry James/, their presence/ does encourage attempts/ to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts.
#当然这些因素的存在/并不意味着作者的意识/对小说架构的/可与Henry James的相比/;然而他们的出现的确/鼓励了这些想法/统一小说各种各样的部分。
8.=This is not because/ such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis/(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger)/,but because/ Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power/ that,ultimately,/resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.
9.=The isotopic composition/ of lead/ often varies/ from one source of common copper ore/ to another/,with variations exceeding the measurement error/;and preliminary studies/ indicate/ virtually uniform/ is topic composition of the lead/ from a single copper-ore source.


10. =More probable/ is bird transport/,either externally/,by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers/,or internally/,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.
11.=It is not known/ how rare this resemblance is/,or whether it is most often seen/ in inclusions of silicates/ such as garnet/,whose crystallography/ is generally somewhat similar/ to that of diamond;  but when present/,the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence/ that the diamonds and inclusions are truly co genetic.
12.=Even the "radical" critiques of this mainstream research model/,such as the critique/ developed in Divided Society/,attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically/ to factors of economic and social mobility/ and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination/ of Puerto Ricans/ as a colonial minority/.
13.=They are called virtual particles/ in order to distinguish them from real particles/,whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way/,and which can be detected/.


14. =Other theorists/ propose/ that the Moon was ripped out of the Earth’s rocky mantle/ by the Earth’s collision/ with another large celestial body/ after much of the Earth’s iron/ fell to its core.
15.=Thus,what in contrast to the Puritan colonies/ appears to Davis/ to be peculiarly Southern/— acquisitiveness/,a strong interest in politics and the law/,and a tendency to cultivate metropolitan cultural models/—was not only more typically English/ than the cultural patterns/ exhibited by Puritan Massachusetts and Connecticut/,but also almost certainly characteristic/ of most other early modern British colonies/ from Barbados/ north to Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
#因此,那些形成鲜明对比/与(北方)清教殖民地/显得对戴维斯来说/特别南方化——占有欲/, 浓厚兴趣对政治和法律的/, 以及倾向培养大都市文化模式的/——不但是更典型的英国式/比文化形式/展现出来的清教的马萨诸塞州和康乃涅克州/,而且几乎是固定特征/大多数其它早期近代英国殖民地的/从巴巴多斯/北至罗得岛和新罕布什尔州。
16.=A very specialized feeding adaptation/ in zooplankton/ is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian/ who lives in a walnut-sized (or smaller) balloon of mucus/ equipped with filters/ that capture and concentrate phytoplankton.
17.=These historians/,however/,have analyzed less fully the development/ of specifically feminist ideas and activities/ during the same period.


18.=When the core of a giant star/ whose mass surpasses 1.4 times the present mass of our Sun/ exhausts its nuclear fuel/,it is unable to support its own weight/ and collapses into a tiny neutron star.
19.=This is so/ even though the armed forces operate/ in an ethos of institutional change/ oriented toward occupational equality/and under the federal sanction/ of equal pay for equal work.
20.=Not only are liver transplants never rejected/,but they even induce a state/ of donor-specific unresponsiveness/ in which/ subsequent transplants of other organs/,such as skin/,from that donor/ are accepted permanently.


21.=While the new doctrine seems almost certainly correct/,the one papyrus fragment/ raises the specter/ that another may be unearthed/,showing/,for instance/,that it was a posthumous production/ of the  Danaid tetralogy/ which bested Sophocles/,and throwing the date/ once  more into utter confusion.
#尽管这个新学说看起来几乎一定正确/,可是这个莎草纸的残片/却引起了恐惧/,即另外一个残片可能会被挖掘出来/,显示出/,比如说/,它是作者死后发表的遗作/ Danaid四部曲的一部/它击败了Sophocles/,这样就置于作品的年代/又一次/在极度的混乱之中。
22.=The methods/ that a community devises to perpetuate itself/ come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy/ that that community perceives as essential/.
23.=Because the potential hazards/ pollen grains are subject to/ as they are transported over long distances/ are enormous/,wind pollinated plants/ have/,in the view above/,compensated for the  ensuing loss of pollen/ through happenstance/ by virtue of producing an amount of pollen/ that is one to three orders of magnitude greater/ than the amount/ produced by species pollinated by insects.


24.=For example,the spiral arrangement/ of scale-bract complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones/,where the female reproductive organs of conifers/ are located/,is important to the production of airflow patterns/ that spiral over the cone’s surfaces/,thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next.
#例如,螺旋状排列/ scale-bract综合体的带有胚珠的松球的/,雌性生殖器官针叶植物的/所在的位置/,尤其重要对于产生气流模式的/,(这些气流模式)盘旋上升/在松球的表面/,从而传递在空气中飞行的花粉从一个鳞苞至下一个鳞苞。
25.=It was not the change in office technology/,but rather the separation of secretarial work/,previously seen as an apprenticeship for beginning managers/,from administrative work/ that in the 1880’s created a new class of "dead-end" jobs/,thenceforth considered "women’s work."
26.=The increase/ in the numbers of married women/ employed outside the home/ in the twentieth century/ had less to do with the mechanization of housework/ and an increase in leisure time/ for these women/ than it did with their own economic necessity/ and with high marriage rates/ that shrank the available pool of single women workers/,previously/,in many cases/,the only women/ employers would hire.



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