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18.The number of mountain gorillas is declining so rapidly that the population was halved in the twenty years between a count made by George Schaller in 1960 and the one made by Dian Fossey in 1980.
# 数量/山上的大猩猩的/在减少/速度太快了以至于/数量减少了一半在20年间/在一个统计做出的/由George Schaller/在1960年和另一个统计/做出的/由Dian Fossey/在1980年。
19.A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided new evidence supporting the theory that global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures some 65 million years ago.
# 一个最近的调查/对于古代的粘土沉积/已经提供了新的证据/支持这个理论/全球森林火灾/是被点燃的由于一个陨石作用/它促成了灭绝/恐龙的/以及很多其他的生物/在大约六千五百万年前。
20.As Hurricane Hugo approached the Atlantic coast, it increased dramatically in strength, becoming the tenth most intense hurricane to hit the United States mainland in the twentieth century and the most intense since Camille in 1969.
# 随着Hugo 飓风/靠近亚特兰大海岸,它极大的增加了它的力量,变成第十大强劲的飓风/攻击美国大陆的/在20世纪/而且是最强劲的/自从1969年的Camille飓风以后的。


二.        不认识句子中的单词,但可以知道句子的意思。
1.Galileo was convinced that natural phenomena, as manifestations of the laws of physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly and uniformly through the water as to a person standing on land.
# 伽利略确信/自然现象,作为表明/物理规律的,将会出现/同样地/对于一个人/在船的甲板上的/(船)移动平稳地速度均匀地在水中/和对于一个人/站在陆地上的。


2.In astronomy the term “red shift” denotes the extent to which light from a distant galaxy has been shifted toward the red, or long-wave, end of the light spectrum by the rapid motion of the galaxy away from the Earth.
# 在天文学词汇中,“红色移动”意味着这个范围/光线从一个遥远的星系已经移动/朝着这个红色的,或者说长波的,光谱的末尾/通过快速的移动/这个星系的/远离地球的。
3.The July 15 issue of the company paper will report on promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting; the paper will also include obituaries.
# 七月十五号发行的/这个公司的报纸/将报道升迁退休,以及其他的行为/批准的由董事会/在五月会议上;这份报纸还将包括讣告。
4.Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, just as human beings do when they breathe.
# 尽管水果不再生长,一旦被摘下来,它继续/一段时间/呼吸,吸进氧气并且呼出二氧化碳,就像人类一样/当他们呼吸时。
5.The labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition and provides increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement program to speed the attrition process.
# 劳动协议/允许工作人员减少/通过消耗/并且提供增加的抚恤金利益/和一个特别的提早退休的计划/去加速消耗过程。


6.Once common throughout the Western plains, black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as a result of the poisoning of prairie dogs, their prey.
# 曾经很平常遍布西部平原,黑色脚的雪貂被认为减少了/数量上/由于这个的结果/中毒/牧羊犬的/, (牧羊犬)是雪貂的猎物。
7.The most favorable locations for the growth of glaciers are not the cold, dry polar regions but the cool, moist middle latitudes, where there is abundant precipitation and where it is cold enough to allow some snow to accumulate year by year.
# 最有利的位置对于增长/冰川的/并不是寒冷,干燥的极地,而却是凉爽,湿润的中纬度地区,那有丰富的降雨量并且足够寒冷让雪增加/年复一年。
8.In the 1950's astronomers were divided between those who believed the universe began with a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") and those who favored the model of an eternal and infinite steady-state universe.
# 在50年代,天文学家被分成(两大阵营),一些人相信宇宙开始/以宇宙大爆炸(大爆炸)和另一些人/相信这个模型/一个永久的无限的逐渐变化的宇宙的。


9.Citing evidence that the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has increased more than seven percent in the last 30 years, many scientists have expressed a fear that destruction of forests and continued use of fossil fuels will cause an irreversible shift in Earth's climatic pattern.
# 引用证据/二氧化碳含量大气中的/已经增加多于百分之七/在过去的30年里,很多科学家已经表达出担心/破坏/森林的/而且连续的使用化石燃料/将导致不可更改的转变在地球的气候模型上。
10.Prompted by new evidence that the health risk posed by radon gas is far more serious than was previously thought, authorities are advising property owners to test all dwellings below the third floor for radon gas and to make repairs as needed.
# 促使/由于新的证据/健康的危险/引起的/由氡气/远远严重/比原来预想的,当局建议/财产所有者/检测所有的寓所/在第三层以下为了氡气/并且进行修理需要的。
11.In 1933 the rubber, clothing, and shipbuilding industries put into effect a six-hour workday, not as a temporary expedient but as a seemingly permanent accommodation to what many observers thought was an economy made overproductive by advances in technology.
# 1933年,橡皮业,服装业和造船业开始实行六小时工作日,不是作为一个暂时的利益而是作为一个看起来似乎永久的调节/对于这很多观察者所想到的/是一个经济/制造出来/由于过分生产/由于进步/技术的。


12.In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal charges of odometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16 million in civil damages for having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected.
# 在1987年12月,一个汽车制造商没有辩护/为了过错罚款/里程表干涉作用的/并同意付多于1600万美元/为了民事损失/因为试行车装有这种里程表的/断开了。
13.The filibuster, a parliamentary device that slows the snail's pace that prevails even in the best of times in congressional sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems more and more an anachronism in the age of telecommunications.
# 这样的阻挠,来自于一个国会的器械/它减慢了速度缓慢的人的速度/(这种速度)很流行/即使是在最好的时代/在国会会议期间/同时(这种速度)检验忍耐力/每个人的/与其相联的,越来越成为一个时代错误/在这个时代/电信的。
14.The bank acknowledged that its difficulties are likely to continue as it attempts to deal with the precipitous fall of the dollar against the yen and the dislocations reflected in the stock market decline.
# 银行承认/他的危机有可能持续/因为他们打算去处理大幅下降/美元对日元的/同时这种混乱反映/在股票市场的下跌上。


15.In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the potential energy of the cars, gained as a chain drive lifts them through the Earth’s gravity to the top of the first drop, has been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.
# 从物理学角度而言,典型特点/滚轴滑行者的/是潜在的能量/小卧车的,获得的/从连续滑行中/推动他们穿过地球的重力/到达顶端/第一次落下的,已经转化为动能/到这个时间滑行结束时。
16.Just as plant species native to regions with browsing mammals evolved many natural antibrowser defenses (such as sharp spines and toxic chemicals), so humans in malarial regions have evolved dozens of chemical defenses against malaria.
# 就像植物物种/生长在这样的地区/有以植物为食的哺乳动物的/进化出/很多自然的针对以(他们为食的)捕食者的防御措施/ (比如锋利的刺和有毒的化学物质),所以人类/生活在疟疾流行的地区的/已经进化出几十种化学物质/抵抗疟疾。
17.The expected rise in the price of oil could have a serious impact on industrialized nations and severely diminish the possibility of having an economy free of inflation.
# 没有预想到的增加/在价钱上/石油的/产生了一个严重的影响在工业国/并且严重减少了这个可能性/有一个这样的经济的/没有通货膨胀的。


18.Recent excavations suggest that the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsula merged the cult of Damia---a goddess of fertility and the harvest--- with that of Venus.
# 进来的挖掘/表明古代的人/意大利半岛的/融合这样的崇拜/达米尔的/--(达米尔)是一个女神/(象征)孕育和收获的—以及维纳斯的(崇拜)。
19.Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain quiescent in the earliest phases of an embryo's development.
# 生物学家/相信他们已经发现了其中的一种/这样的物质中的/它可以辨别一个人的基因/在这样两种情况下/当开始变得活跃/和保持不变时/在最早的时期/一个胚胎发展的。
20.According to a panel of health officials, there has been a great deal of confusion in the medical profession about whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a condition more related to appearance than to health.
# 根据一个专门小组/健康方面的官员组成的/,已经有大量的困惑/在医学界/关于肥胖是一个生物学的紊乱/导致严重的健康危险/还是一种状态/联系/更紧密地与外表/而不是健康。


三.        认识句子中的单词,但是不知道句子的意思。


1. Here is no consensus on what role, if any, is played by acid rain in damaging or slowing the growth of forests in the eastern United States.
# 没有达成共识/关于这个作用,如果有任何(作用),所起的/由酸雨/在毁坏或者减慢增长/森林的/在东部/美国的。
2.William H. Johnson’s artistic debt to Scandinavia is evident in paintings that range from sensitive portraits of citizens in his wife’s Danish home, Kerteminde, to awe-inspiring views of fjords and mountain peaks in the western and northern regions of Norway.
# William H. Johnson的艺术方面所欠的债/对于Scandinavia/是很明显的/在绘画方面/它包括的从有感情的肖像画/市民的/在他妻子的丹麦的家中,Kerteminde,到既令人敬畏又令人振奋的景色/峡湾的和山顶的/在西部和北部的地区/挪威的。
3. In 1978 only half the women granted child support by a court received the amount awarded; more than a million others had no support agreements whatsoever.
# 在1978年,只有一半的妇女/依法获得孩子的支持的/由法庭批准的/得到了这个数量/判定的;多于一百万/其他人/没有支持的协议/,无论如何。
4.According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land is still a goal of a majority of young adults, as it was of earlier generations.
# 根据一项最近的投票,拥有并住在一幢独立的房子中/在自己的土地上/仍然是一个目标/绝大多数年轻人的,就像上几代人一样。
5.Most large companies prefer customized computer software because it can be molded to fit the way a company does business, when off-the-shelf software often requires the company to alter its procedures to fit the software.
# 绝大多数大公司更喜欢用户化的电脑软件/因为它能够被制造成形/去适应这种方式/一个公司做生意的,而非用户化的(不在架子上的)软件通常需要公司改变它的程序/来适应这个软件。



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