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Stanford MBA (5)

Round 1 (2)

1.In@Stanford,NW Kellogg,Columbia,Duke
Tsinghua under, 7-year IB finance experience in audit investment banking and private equity, 1-year experience in raising independent fund, and private equity in BJ, HK and NY, G/T 750+/110+.

2.in@HBS Wharton Columbia stanford  
700   免T

Round 2 (2)

3.11月17日杀G (从10月初开始功G)。G760/6, T免。
新加坡本科理工科,非GPA制(我用排名法换算出了3.9/4)。学术和课外活动都较丰富且均衡。有PAPER, 有CLUB,有SCHOLARSHIP。
推荐信比较强,都是很了解我的人亲自出手,拜读了推荐信后一度觉得自己的ESSAY黯然失色,也说明角度不同展示的更有层次。一个我的直属上级的MANAGING DIRECTOR印度人, 一个从我面试银行就认识后来成为MENTOR的新西兰人DIRECTOR,一个从同事后来成为挚友的新加坡女生。

4.非传统背景,G730,T104。北大,本,硕。我觉得能被Stanford录取,是每一步都比较扎实。我写的essay,尤其是第一篇what matters most那篇,老外看过觉得印象很深刻。然后面试,面试官对我印象也很深刻,主动表示会strongly recommend。也许这也是大龄申请的优势,在philosophical层面感悟和理解更深刻些。


Northwestern University (Kellogg)  (16)

Round 1 (其中有一个是一年制,其余6个都是两年的)

1.1Year Round 1 (1)

1)Typical consulting background.
一点小心得,之前被Kellogg Waive interview的同志们千万不要担心,本人也是。上周一临时收到Email,然后admin interview。
所以要相信他们说waive interview不影响录取是真的~
大家加油~ bless [/quote]

2.2Years Round 1 (6)

1)PKU本科,新加坡读的硕士,5年W/E at Engergy Major, GMAT 770
Reapplicant, 去年R2申的时候被waitlist

2)GPA3.0 男 英国top10商学院本科 6年top外资商业银行管理培训生(主要在上海)
GMAT720 托福waive 感觉面试表现还不错,感谢面试我的校友姐姐!

3)Tsinghua under, G/T 750+/110+, 7-year finance experience in audit, investment banking and private equity, 1-year experience in raising independent fund (In@Stanford,NW Kellogg,Columbia,Duke)

4)复旦经管本科. Big FMCG MKT 3year. G:740 T:107

5)FDU undergraduate
2 years at top Consulting

6)IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton
女/27/740+6/TOFEL waived
国内本科:science & English double major
美国 top 15 graduate program: science PhD
[url=mailto:IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$]IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$[/url]

Round 2(9个)


女,Gmat 740, 4IB经验,祝各位好运!


4+ WE in IT consulting


G 740/T 110/WE 4 years in high tech


传统工科,工程背景,G:770, T: Waived国外读的本科


Tsinghua Under&Master, GPA 84 out of 100, G720/5.0 T 104 commercial bank 4 years management trainee.


Female,Education: Tong Ji University, Engineering. G/T: 720/104. WE: 2 years top shipping company, supply chain,2 years top cosmetics brand, supply chain,4 years top luxury brand, marketing.

7.In @ Kellogg


8.In @ Kellogg

FDU本科,4.5 years big four+PE+real estate work experience,G740,T105(惭愧。。。),GPA3.6,passed CFA LEVEL 3,CICPA

9.In @ Kellogg

男,文科master毕业,工作6年,Hi tech行业从事Consulting工作,年龄305年的海外工作经验,跑过美洲大部分国家,掌握2门外语。目前在NYC。


Chicago MBA(19)

Round 1 (5)

1.俺毕业外校, 30好几了, 最遗憾的是没去大公司混过,当年脑子发热没去四大,也没去平安国际部,外经贸部的面试也不去. 然后经历无数磨难从一个小sales到leader最后自己开公司. 非常规的职业道路但又好似很平凡, 曲折艰辛但回过头来看又觉得自己很普通。

2.复旦本科,2年咨询,G:760 T:108

3.大陆人 Top 3 / 4(I don't know, people argue about that) BA, MA in computer science,GPA 3.3. GMAT 730, Tofel 110, dedicated extra-curriculum for environment preservation.

4.G740/4.0 T109 Reapplicant (a painful experience ) 4+ working experience in 2 US banks
no outstanding overseas experience, but a great passion for booth indeed

5.女/27/740+6/TOFEL waived
[url=mailto:IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$]IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$[/url]

Round 2 (14)

1.In @ Chicago Booth

G740, T109, W/E 2.5 years

2.In @ Chicago Booth

复旦本科,三年四大审计,三年Boutique IBG: 740 T: 106

3.In @ Chicago Booth with Scholarship

3 years Big4
2 years Top FMCG Internal Audit
G750, T107, GPA 3.6

4.In @ Chicago Booth

G 720/ T waived, GPA 3.8, 4.5 yrs W/E in Investment Management

5.In @ Booth with $$

In Canada, 760, 3.78/4.33 GPA, 2.5 years at Big 4, <1 year at a start-up in the investment management industry, part-time visiting lecturer at a Canadian university

6.In @ Chicago Booth

Education: Tong Ji University, Engineering. G/T: 720/104. WE: 2 years top shipping company, supply chain2 years top cosmetics brand, supply chain4 years top luxury brand, marketing.

7.In @ Chicago

FDU, Consulting 3 Y, G/T 770 107, GPA 3.6

8.In @ Booth

4.5y in Tech, Sales
730/5, T108

9.In @ Chicago Booth

With scholarship. Got the call yesterday.
770/ 115/ 4Y consulting

10.In @ Chicago Booth

Submitted on Jan 3, interviewed with alumni on Jan 31 in Shanghai
Background: G 750, T 108, FDU, Big 4 audit 3.5y

11.In @ Chicago Booth

G 770, T118, GPA 3.78 from a unknown uni in HK, WE 4yr big four transaction services in HK

12.In @ Chicago Booth

My background brief introduction:
GMAT: 740/ TOEFL: 104
2 years in industry research & consulting
3 years in equity research of global-scale broker
1 year in venture capital

13.In @ Chicago Booth

long time lurcker, 700+/100+/ Finance WE, based in Shanghai

14.In @ Chicago Booth

4.5y in Tech, Sales
730/5, T108



University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)  (17)

       Round 1 (6)

1.女/27/740+6/TOFEL waived
IN@Kellogg, Chicago & Wharton with $$

2.4.5 yr experience,big 4+boutique IB+VC

3.in wharton&Columbia

4.local土人,国内Big4背景,目前为止干了2年, G/T: 700+/100+
Wharton MBA Hub Interview面经 - R1 (2010-11-18)

Round 2(11)

1.In @ Wharton MBA


2.In @ Wharton

Background: Taiwan, Male, Undergrade with dual degree, G: 690, T:113, Consulting 3+ years, GPA 3.9

申請MBA比我想像中還要艱難多了(GMAT is a nightmare....) , 對於身心都是一場長期抗戰, 在經過多次低潮後總算有了圓滿的結果, 希望大家可以堅持到最後!

3.In @ Wharton

TokyoU本硕in engineering,4W/E in the largest Japanese PE fund($3.4Bn), 旅居日本10y+( 学习日语17年,表鄙视,中国passport holder啦), G700+/T100+

4.In @ Wharton

女,28,国内top 2 本科+硕士,美国top 5 Ph.d in engineering, 业内大公司3年经验,不过纯engineering背景真的真的很不讨喜,尤其加上advanced degree,更容易给人nerd的感觉。GMAT720+

5.In @ Wharton

PKU undergradate with double bachelor degrees, GPA 3.7, 4.5 yrs Top wall street IB (working in HK/SH/BJ), extracurricular: editor-in-chief of an acedemic book and promoted it as the best seller in China. Founder of an association at school.

6.In@ Wharton

女,Gmat 740, 4IB经验,

7.In@ Wharton

Female,Education: Tong Ji University, Engineering. G/T: 720/104. WE: 2 years top shipping company, supply chain2 years top cosmetics brand, supply chain4 years top luxury brand, marketing.

8.In@ Wharton

男,gmat 740toefl 115,三年IB经验。

9.In@ Wharton

Female,本科:Yale gpa3.8 math&econ major;
商业银行四年:Corporate strategy, corporate development (M&A), general management
Community service:microfinance club, 通过华盛顿DC的MFI给第三世界国家的银行建模型,算是义务劳动。
GMAT 770+6   托福免 (02年申本的时候考过满分)
CFA I,II, III in 1.5 years

10.In@ Wharton

北美top20本科,three degrees (B.A. and B.S. and B.S...), gpa close to 4.0
full-time 实习一年, 工作三年 (Big Four+Fortune 500 in the U.S.)
领域在很专很偏的global tax associated with M&A and cross-border transactions, 天天跟law打交道,  
AICPA,gmat 700+, T waived

11.In@ Wharton with $

Female,Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in foreign language. GPA: 3.96 for undergrad, 3.88 for graduate.                     
GMAT740. 5-years’ experience in a Fortune 500 company.


本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-5-14 15:12 编辑


In@CMU Tepper MBA及CMU On-campus面经


本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-5-14 15:14 编辑


In @ Georgetown附申请经验


本帖最后由 stream 于 2010-5-14 15:13 编辑






七.Dartmouth College (Tuck)  (15)

Early Round (10)

1.我是去年的waitlist,之后去学校做了campus visit,见了Amy,一直保持联系(一两个月一个update)。
GT: 750/104 国内本科,qualified with ACCA and CFA
Several years in accounting and finance industry
Now working as risk analyst in asset management firm, based in Singapore
In@UNC + 20k scholarship per year

2.普通本科,英语专业(国际贸易方向),从事市场&销售。G 770/4.5 /T 101(估计是今年被tuck 录取的T分数最低的了,惭愧。希望给其他T分数不是105以上的带来点信心)。2年dubai 工作经历,3年家族企业背景。两家公司都是中小型民营企业,希望对不是跨国大公司背景的申请人带来点信心。

3.In@Tuck, waitlisted by Kellogg
G740, T109
4 yrs Fortune 500 FMCG marketing brand manager

4.男,工作4年,普通企业普通员工,PKU本科,GPA<2.5;Waseda U的硕士。IBT:107(后来考了个109,没用上), Gmat:760

5.非清北复交本科,三年管理咨询,G720, T109. 之前一直非常担心面试的时候由于断线什么的影响结果,看来担心是多余的。
Tuck MBA EA skype interview面经(2010-11-16)

6.PKU本科,新加坡读的硕士,5年W/E at Engergy Major, GMAT 770

7.G: 730 T: 109 GPA 3.34 (Zhejiang University Engineering background)
totally 7 years experience in global pharmaceutical company (3.5 years in quality assurance + 4 years in global procurement)
Got Johnson offer with 20,000$ totally

8.Female; G: 730/5; GPA: 3.5 (undergrad in Canada, Finance/Econ Honours); T: Waived; WE: 4 Yrs @ Fortune500 Corporate Finance; Volunteer: 2+ yrs @ domestic violence shelters
自认背景普通,可能Essays和Recommendations都不错吧(还是花了满多时间构思和与Recommender沟通的),可能学校觉得我可以帮助Diversify its student body

9.710/115/1yr marketing research+3.5yrs M&A advisory

10.700+/105+/4 years@Fortune500 BD, some international experience。

Round  2(5)

1.传统行业 G740 T110

2. finance行业审计四年,G740,T115。

3. G 750 T waived

    Entrepreneurship 5y @ matriculation
    Undergrad in China 3.0
    Master in US 3.9

4. 美国会计本科(国内一所经济院校的对美交流学生, 留美一年后转学为这所美国大学的正式学生, 经济学专业

    GPA: 3.8,
    四大审计2.5年(Senior 1),
    GMAT: 760

5. G 750, T waived, Project Leader, based in Sg


本帖最后由 stream 于 2011-1-10 15:07 编辑

九.Columbia University (16)

Early Decision (15)

1.G:760/4.5; T: 114; GPA 3.2 上海非交大复旦本科
Big4 3.5yr + 民企2yr

2.FDU BA, GPA 3.2
G740, T109
4 yrs Fortune 500 FMCG marketing brand manager
10.4 submit, 10.6 under review, 11.2 interview notification, 11.10 interview, 11.12 interview complete, 11.22 midnight short call, 11.23 admission

3.MasterG750+, T105+,GPA 3.5+
2 yrs+ Fortune 500 FMCG, now entrepreneur
submitted: 9.18, interviewed: 11.9, admitted: 11.23

4.3.5yrs consulting. 740. 105.

10/2号提交ED,11/2号面试邀请,11/22号面试报告提交,12/2号凌晨收到confirmation email,整整2个月~

6.National Taiwan University, GPA 3.8, G710, T111
One year exchange program to the U.S., GPA 4.0
Digital marketing (1 yr in Taiwan, 3 yr in China)

7.两年IB experience ( client service representative for institutional clients), G 740, T: waived
International experience: 大学时去过加拿大交流,刚入职时去过伦敦business training for 2 months
10月6日application submitted;11月1日收到interview invite;11月23日 interview completed;12月3日 admission

8.Tsinghua under, 7-year finance experience in investment banking and private equity in BJ, HK and NY, G/T 750+/110+.

9.国外本科,GPA 3.6, GMAT 740, T waived. W/E 4 years, 3 year entrepreneur
9月20号提交, 10月20号收到面试邀请, 11月19号面试, 11月22号面试提交, 12月7号收到电话面试, 12月9号admitted.

10.4.5 yr experience,big 4+boutique IB+VC .

in wharton&Columbia

12.700+/105+/4 years@Fortune500 BD, some international experience。

13.G740/5, T108, WE 4yr IB, GPA 3.7

14.Early Decision,
profile: PKU本科, 美国硕士, Pharma/Biotech 4yr 工作经历, GMAT 730, T waived, GPA 3.6
9月中旬submit的, 10月底面试, 11月初拿到admission (不好意思,一直太忙,直到放假才来汇报。)



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