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本帖最后由 BeyondY 于 2010-3-26 11:39 编辑

1  大脑
V1 from kuaikaoshile
第一段:说人的大脑有个什么snopia不确定这个词,第二句是 medulur? memory basis 来说明这个功能。
有主旨题;还有一个让说modular memory basis 的作用是什么;还有一个是说作者说的大脑的作用 和什么情况类似, 我选的: 一个杂乱的仓库变成了一个办公室,不知道对不对  
V2 by 洛洛洛洛
讲大脑的,和机经里的貌似不一样  有说到手臂啊肩膀啊 还提到视力啊什么的,已经模糊了.
V3 by rednight88
V4 by mochii
s的单词是synapses.  (The actual figuresvary greatly, depending on the local neuroanatomy.) The brain's network of neurons forms a massively parallel information processing system.
第一段: s的单词: synapses. 最后一句话的单词是: process information. modular memory basis被highlight了, 出题问了它出现在文中的作用是什么?
第二段: 对brain process information的过程进行了学术性的描写. 说了cortex之类的东西.
第三段就是举例说明了. 就是说brain的function从原本我们认为的perform one function变成了can perform different tasks at the same time.反正原则就是: 单一性变成了多元化, 内部联系紧密的这么一个感觉.
第三段的这里出了那个JJ里面的模拟题: 作者文章中的一个example类似下面的哪个选项?
选项有: college students move into a new apartment building; an old street became a new street. a messy storage room became an office. tourists go visit a museum. 还有一个不记得了.
V5 by alexl39(750 V40)
V6 by gaohuiwy(700)
有一个sy开头的单词 还有个neuroplastic...没记全,感觉很像塑料。。
V7by jadeyang(710 V37)
V8 by zebracxy(730 V38)
有类比题,我选的是new tenant move to apartment
V9 by linmeimei(590 V20)
V10 by heidishen(710 V34)
是什么 n开头的一个单词, 最后一段出来了个例子,说real state的 。。。有道类比题,问哪个选项是和文中这个n的东西在大脑中的过程是一样的。。。我就记得一个选项,a storage is remapped and bacome a office........
V11 by geminist(770)
B. 把原来的储藏空间改造成office room。


2  Quaker学校女学生影响婚姻[附GWD原文原题]
V1 from chihhsin7337
阅读有一题 pp还是gwd的

In her account of unmarried women’s experiences in colonial Philadelphia, Wulf argues that educated young women, particularly Quakers, engaged in resistance to patriarchal marriage by exchanging poetry critical of marriage, copying verse into their commonplace books.  Wulf suggests that this critique circulated beyond the daughters of the Quaker elite and middle class, whose commonplace books she mines, proposing that Quaker schools brought it to many poor female students of diverse backgrounds.
      Here Wulf probably overstates Quaker schools’ impact.  At least three years’ study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes. In 1765, the year Wulf uses to demonstrate the diversity of Philadelphia’s Quaker schools, 128 students enrolled in these schools.  Refining Wulf’s numbers by the information she provides on religious affiliation, gender, and length of study, it appears that only about 17 poor non-Quaker girls were educated in Philadelphia’s Quaker schools for three years or longer.  While Wulf is correct that a critique of patriarchal marriage circulated broadly, Quaker schools probably cannot be credited with instilling these ideas in the lower classes.  Popular literary satires on marriage had already landed on fertile ground in a multiethnic population that embodied a wide range of marital beliefs and practices.  These ethnic- and class-based traditions themselves challenged the legitimacy of patriarchal marriage.
Q15: The primary purpose of the passage is to
A.        argue against one aspect of Wulf’s account of how ideas critical of marriage were disseminated among young women in colonial Philadelphia
B.        discuss Wulf’s interpretation of the significance for educated young women in colonial Philadelphia of the poetry they copied into their commonplace books
C.        counter Wulf’s assertions about the impact of the multiethnic character of colonial Philadelphia’s population on the prevalent views about marriage
D.        present data to undermine Wulf’s assessment of the diversity of the student body in Quaker schools in colonial Philadelphia
E.        challenge Wulf’s conclusion that a critique of marriage was prevalent among young women of all social classes in colonial Philadelphia

Q16: According to the passage, which of the following was true of attitudes toward marriage in colonial Philadelphia?
A.        Exemplars of a critique of marriage could be found in various literary forms, but they did not impact public attitudes except among educated young women.
B.        The diversity of the student body in the Quaker schools meant that attitudes toward marriage were more disparate there than elsewhere in Philadelphia society.
C.        Although critical attitudes toward marriage were widespread, Quaker schools’ influence in disseminating these attitudes was limited.
D.        Criticisms of marriage in colonial Philadelphia were directed at only certain limited aspects of patriarchal marriage.
E.        The influence of the wide range of marital beliefs and practices present in Philadelphia’s multiethnic population can be detected in the poetry that educated young women copied in their commonplace books.

Q17: The author of the passage implies which of the following about the poetry mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.        Wulf exaggerates the degree to which young women from an elite background regarded the poetry as providing a critique of marriage.
B.        The circulation of the poetry was confined to young Quaker women.
C.        Young women copied the poetry into their commonplace books because they interpreted it as providing a desirable model of unmarried life.
D.        The poetry’s capacity to influence popular attitudes was restricted by the degree of literacy necessary to comprehend it.
E.        The poetry celebrated marital beliefs and practices that were in opposition to patriarchal marriage.

Q18:Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the author’s basis for saying that Wulf overstates Quaker schools’ impact (lines 17-18)?
A.        The information that Wulf herself provided on religious affiliation and gender of students is in fact accurate.
B.        Most poor, non-Quaker students enrolled in Quaker schools had completed one or two years’ formal or informal schooling before enrolling.
C.        Not all of the young women whose commonplace books contained copies of poetry critical of marriage were Quakers.
D.        The poetry featured in young women’s commonplace books frequently included allusions that were unlikely to be accessible to someone with only three years’ study in school.
E.        In 1765 an unusually large proportion of the Quaker schools’ student body consisted of poor girls from non-Quaker backgrounds.

3  鸟类发声能力的研究[附考古]
V1 by 逛来晃去
学习发声的能力,说有两组鸟,学习发声之类的,研究发现都是起源于同样的脑部位置,解释有两个,一个好象说是一个系发展来哦,但是反驳说着两个鸟家族差很远;另外一个说是进化那时候带来的,说跟蝙蝠和鸟的翅膀一样,如何如何(这里有题)。后来说发现人也有这个位置,所以说都是很早进化的时候就形成了的。记得一个题是问为什么提蝙蝠和鸟的翅膀。 这里面有说蜂鸟。
V2 by appleyr
(2)which one is J(是个人名)questioned?
我选的是鸟类和baby学习发声什么一致,因为文章最后一段有讲到finally J believed鸟类和baby学习发声什么是一致的,不确定对不对
(4)问鸟和蝙蝠的例 子的作用

考古  [已确认]
第一段开始说以前的研究中发现songbird学习发声主要受到父母及周围环境影响,说这种学习很像婴儿学说话,先开始模仿,然后发展出具有自己特色的语言。如果让小鸟和其他种类的鸟呆在一起,那它会学会这种wrong word,如果不让他跟任何鸟接触,他最终会形成奇怪的声音,但好像是不能有效表达,好像是。
没有器官的描写。我记得问最后一段在文中的作用是什么,也就是问相关的更多研究的结论跟上面的学术论述有什么作用。还有里面说到有一个professor 还是研究人员说什么如果那三种鸟都是相同的祖先的话,一定有什么是在发展和演化中被忽略了的(或者说是丢失了的),但是后面又接着来了一种反面的观点...
V3 (700+)
P1 开始讲三种鸟是已知鸟类中仅有的三种后天学习发声而不是基因里就会发声的。(vocalization learning instead of genetically programmed)而其他学习发声的都是哺乳动物,如人,蝙蝠等等。然后详细说这三种鸟学习唱歌(sing)就和小孩子学说话一样的,生下来后逐渐和父母学习才会唱歌,所以如果把这三种鸟的幼鸟交给别的鸟养大,他们发声就会很奇怪;如果把他们单独开养,就哑巴了。
P2 EJ是个这方面的研究者,他发现这三种鸟在发声时,脑中七个部分的活动是非常相似的,而这是很奇怪的,因为这三种鸟的生物种属离得很远。所以有两个假说:一是他们有共同的祖先。“但是这不太可能,因为这意味着……存在大批的灭绝”(记不清了,反正引号内高亮,意思很晦涩)(有题说前面高亮推断出什么,我想的是假设这个祖先的后代都是学习发声,那么现在应该有很多学习发声的鸟,为什么只有三种,因为其他的都灭绝了,而这是不太可能的)那么只剩下一种假说,就是凡是学习发声的脑部活动都一样。
P3. 有谈到关于人类发声时,脑部七个部位的活动和上文三种鸟也一致。这就更加说明第二个假说才是对的。最后一句谈到学习发声也是movement learning,结果有一道细节题就考这最后两个单词。
V4 (V34)
第一段说关于鸟类的语言,有的是通过模仿来的和genetical的不同.第二段说科学家吃惊的发现三种鸟在叫的时候,脑部有什么特殊的反应,而这三种鸟不是closely related,所以科学家觉得很奇怪啊.第三段说后来又发现这种反应人脑也有.
V5 (V34)
问题1:作者对这个实验的结果感到unexpected是因为什么?我选的哺乳动物和鸟类很少有共同的啥啥啥(具体记不清了哈~)问题2:(原文中高亮了第二段中间,第二段说了这个结果可能有俩因素导致:原因1 是引用了实验者说的话“如果鸟类有1个共同的祖先,那么就会有一个loss of...,后面同位语定义loss 是什么ability..高亮的就是实验者说的话)问高亮部分表明实验者认为:选E,不太可能有XXX。。(原谅我又记不清了,记得这道还是挺简单的)
V6 (V37)
鸟学说话,印象最深的是鸟学说话里面有道题,好像是高亮题,说这些动物虽然有similar brain structure, 但是都是单独进化的;就像“蝙蝠啊,鸟啊,单独进化完,翅膀都差不多”一样,问引号里那个句子有什么作用,干扰的选项有 to illustrate the brain structure......; analogy to ...vocal......, 想了很久,一开始常规思想选了analogy,后来迟迟不敢点next,总觉得好像有点问题,后来选了前者,大家到时候仔细斟酌。
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全文对蜂鸟化石不断地不停的question 或者是evaluate

P1从化石里发现很久以前old world(非洲欧洲)有蜂鸟,但现在灭绝了

P2 两个finding:古蜂鸟吃一种植物,后来被现代的昆虫传播,所以现代的蜂鸟也可以食用【有题问到怎么证明蜂鸟化石与现代蜂鸟是同宗。我选的与一种植物有关(好像是哦)】


The birds were discovered near the village of Frauenweiler in southern Germany. Germany and all of Europe is part of the "Old World" – a region that also includes Africa, Asia and Australia. Finding modern-looking hummingbird fossils in the Old World might help to explain the existence of certain flowers in Asia and Africa that seem to scream, "I'm trying to attract a hummingbird!" Why do plants with flowers that seem to be designed to feed a hummingbird grow in parts of the world with no hummingbirds? Mayr has one possible explanation. He imagines a time when the ancestors of these hummingbird-friendly flowers and hummingbirds lived together in the Old World. They may have each changed the appearance of the other through a process of back-and-forth interaction called "coevolution." At some point the hummingbirds disappeared but the plants lived on, according to Mayr. Insects like long-tongued bees could have taken over the hummingbirds' pollination duties. Pollination is necessary for plants to produce seeds. This "case of the disappearing hummingbird" is a good example of how discovery of a very old fossil can change the way we look at the plants and animals that are alive today. Mayr named the new hummingbird species Eurotrochilus inexpectatus, which means an "unexpected European version of Trochilus." Trochilus is the name of a group of today's hummingbirds.




第一段:大部分的historian认为New York在美国黑人解放历史上是一个比较积极的州(考点),举例好象是从1920s to 1930s期间通过了emancipation法案给予了黑人自由,在那一段时间里,黑人的自由独立得到enhance什么的,举了好多具体的例子。于是大多数历史学家都认为那时候是黑人自由解放的黄金期。接下去有个叫White的人研究发现其实NEW YORK在黑人解放历史上并没有这么积极的作用,他做了一大堆研究,得出结论即使在那个时期黑人的自由权力也不怎么样。

第二段. W的理由:

1. 1790’s 解放的黑奴和增加的黑奴人数一样多
2. NY有很多黑人奴隶,当时每五个白人就有一个人有黑人奴隶,white wealthy and white artists 都有黑奴(与之前对手工业者的认识很不一致,有考题). 而专家们以前认为, white artists are egalitarian (平等主义者)

3. 作为解放黑奴标志的NY city 也没有比南方好多少

第三段.作者开始评价论述White的各种具体研究。说他在某方面的研究是很对的,从而证明了他对大多数人观点的某个方面的攻击是有效的(大概就是这个意思)。这一部分说到一点:1/3的黑人都是artisan【有一个细节题,】还有就是白人中不仅普通家庭有黑奴,就连artisan也有,这是件很surprising的事情【有一个考题,牵涉egalitarian。】虽然W承认了1/3的黑人是artisan, 但是他没有研究这些artisan在工作中segregation. 【这里是考点. 问, W都承认了什么?】同时,作者又认为这个哥们有一点研究是没说服力的,因为他把黑人社区community分割成各个阶层class来看,而没有看作是一个整体,作者认为这是个缺陷。总体上他的研究对之前的历史学家的认识产生了挑战。


题目一: 问artisan的,文章中说artisan被普遍认为是egalitarian,而这个学者的调查说明了他们并非是egalitarian,问的是这个学者之前的人怎么看artisan
题目二: 一个问题问作者提到过下面那个选项,答案是他给出了黑人工匠的比例。
题目三: 问了早期历史学家对白种人中的手工艺者的看法,我选了D“大致意思是他们的信仰或什么(那个单词不认识,见笑了)”和他们拥有奴隶的情况不相称
题目四: 第一段提到的那个FREE黑奴的法律起什么作用,我选了解释why很多学者对纽约黑奴的情况持乐观态度【类似答案:作为example,说明历史学家认为解放运动很好。






第一段:先说profit和dividend不是很好的评价办法,因为受到tax等因素的影响,单纯以net profit计量,然后author 给出一个事例来说明这种计量的。英国企业在1919-1921年【细节考点】在亚洲某国利润增长的原因,不是因为....而是由于税收、及其他因素。dividend也不能反映long-term经营的好坏。举了一个例子,说在印度的一家British 公司股票的dividend很高,其原因是Indian Rupee 汇率和tax,而不是公司经营的好。

第二段:提出一种新的办法,是以营业额(规模)衡量,这一段比较短,最后说这种方法也有drawbacks. 第二段最后讲了英国虽然在某一段时间对Iran还有哪很有影响力,但后来影响力都渐渐衰落了。





3)问说为何某某年印度的profit incredibly high?




最后在iran的做用我有不同看法,那句话是, in 1980s the British modern business is no longer playing larger roles than 1920s, 狗主人说Iran后来份额变小了是没错,但是我看到的选项不是这个意思,是说份额接近于0了..所以我选了British business in Iran was in central role than any other Asian country in 1920s.(这个原文有提到,在1920以前的时候其他亚洲国家都没british的特征了,只有在iran是dominating role).

7  milkweedantaphid共存的生态系统



第二段描述了一下他们仨互利的机理。milkweed分泌sap给aphid吃,aphid在分泌一些东西给ant吃,然后ant就保护milkweed和aphid。科学家们证明了这种关系是mutualism的什么什么。为了证明这件事儿,科学家们设计了这个试验,把320个milkweed分成genetic distinct的32组,开始研究。

第三段讲了实验结果。其中有20组,as expected,是aphid多了,ant也多了,increase了百分之好几百。另外12组呢,非常令人意外的是,aphid和ant反而少了。(这里有考题)

第四段就两句话。第一句话解释了一下,他们仨怎么合作的,就是ant去打milkweed的一些天敌如caterpillar,as shown by another study(这里有考题,问提到另一个study的作用)。然后说,但是milkweed这样喂aphid也是有代价的(at some cost):他们的water和sugar都会损失掉。所以,对有些比较强壮的milkweed来说,it's an advantage to have fewer aphid。


1。what can be inferred about milkweed?


有一个稍微混淆一点的答案是提到了fewer aphid和disadvantage的关系,我觉得说反了。还有一个是they have 32 different species,可我觉得文章里是说,32 genetic distinc group,跟32 species含义不一样。

2。提出最后一段的another study的目的。



我选的:some milkweed have a different effect on ant-aphid relationship。


Who’s the boss? Milkweed is the boss.

Milkweed plants engage in a helpful bit of mutualism with the aphids and ants who take up residence on them. Aphids feed on the milkweed’s sap, then secrete honeydew, which ants eat. The ants, in turn, are the muscle of the operation—they help both the plants and the aphids by fighting off potential predators like caterpillars. The partnership goes three ways, but the power is not equal—milkweed is in control.

Researchers Kailen Mooney and Anurag Agrawal recently found that the milkweed can manipulate the relationship between ants and aphids, altering the dynamics for its own good. The scientists planted 32 groups of milkweed, with each group containing 10 siblings from the same family, in a field full of ants. In 20 of the 32 milkweed groups, the presence of ants was a big boon for aphids—the aphid population increased by 150 percent compared to plants with no ants to protect them. But in the other 12 groups, the numbers of aphids actually decreased by more than half when ants were around.

So why should the three-way arrangement benefit all parties in most cases, but not in others? Since the researchers divided milkweed into groups according to genetic families, they say the plants’ genetics must be controlling the relationship. Mooney and Agrawal aren’t exactly sure how, but they speculate that the composition of milkweed sap can vary from family to family. Perhaps some families of milkweed just didn’t need as much protection, and therefore allowed fewer aphids to live on them by producing a less inviting sap. After all, this arrangement is not free for the plants—they give up lots of sugar and water for the aphids to live on the plant and induce the ants to come.

However it happens, the scientists say, finding that plants can manipulate the ant-aphid relationship helps to explain why the numbers of aphids and ants can vary so much between one plant and another, a problem that had puzzled biologists before. Now they know—milkweed is making a power grab.






P3  有人质疑试验可靠性,作者说不管怎样,试验说明广告对人影响比预想的大




9  CIO[GWD原文原题]

注意:有一题与原题不同,但比较简单问了“ Yet it can be argued that ...”在文中的作用

In the 1930’s and 1940’s, African American industrial workers in the southern United States, who constituted 80 percent of the unskilled factory labor force there, strongly supported unionization. While the American Federation of Labor (AFL) either excluded African Americans or maintained racially segregated unions, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) organized integrated unions nationwide on the basis of a stated policy of equal rights for all, and African American unionists provided the CIO’s backbone. Yet it can be argued that through contracts negotiated and enforced by White union members, unions—CIO unions not excluded—were often instrumental in maintaining the occupational segregation and other forms of racial discrimination that kept African Americans socially and economically oppressed during this period. However, recognizing employers’ power over workers as a central factor in African Americans’ economic marginal unionization, African American workers saw the need to join with White workers in seeking change despite White unionists’ toleration of or support for racial discrimination. The persistent efforts of African American unionists eventually paid off: many became highly effective organizers, gaining the respect of even racist White unionists by winning victories for White as well as African American workers. African American unionists thus succeeded in strengthening the unions while using them as instruments of African Americans’ economic empowerment.

1.The passage is primarily concerned with

A.     demonstrating that unions failed to address the concerns of African American workers during a particular period

B.      arguing that African American workers’ participation in unions during a particular period was ultimately beneficial to them

C.      contrasting the treatment of African American workers by two different labor organizations during a particular period

D.     giving reasons for the success of African American unionists in winning victories for both African American and White workers during a particular period

E.      questioning one explanation for the attitudes of African American workers toward unionization during a particular period

2.According to the passage, which of the following was true of many racist White unionists during the period discussed in the passage?

A.     Their attitudes toward African American union organizers changed once they recognized that the activities of these organizers were serving workers’ interests.

B.      They were a powerful element in the southern labor movement because they constituted the majority of the unskilled factory labor force in the southern United States.

C.      They persisted in opposing the CIO’s adoption of a stated policy of equal rights for all.

D.     Their primary goal was to strengthen the negotiating power of the unions through increasing White union membership.

E.      Their advocacy of racial discrimination hampered unions in their efforts to gain more power for workers.

3.The author of the passage suggests which of the following about African American workers who participated in union activities in the 1930’s and 1940’s?

A.     They believed that the elimination of discrimination within unions was a necessary first step toward the achievement of economic advancement for African Americans.

B.      They belonged exclusively to CIO unions because they were excluded from AFL unions.

C.      They believed that the economic advancement of African American workers depended on organized efforts to empower all workers.

D.     Some of them advocated the organization of separate African American unions because of discriminatory practices in the AFL and the CIO.

E.      Many of them did not believe that White unionists in CIO unions would tolerate or support racial discrimination against African American workers.



10 恐龙灭绝Ⅰ


第一段:讲以前考古学家对恐龙的灭绝有兴趣,但最近(好像是221 million years ago,有考点,但我忘了考什么了)兴趣逐渐转移到了恐龙出现的时候【(initial appearance)的那个年代有细节题】


第三段:讲另一些科学家认为是陨石撞击地球使它们灭绝的;举了个例子,在加拿大魁北克发现的陨石坑形成的年代和爬行动物灭绝的时间吻合【细节题:问举这个例子 in order to?我选的D,就是承认撞击的年代和爬行动物灭绝的年代吻合,E选项很迷惑,是说为了说明是陨石撞击造成爬行动物灭绝,我犹豫了一会儿,认为还是选D, 毕竟作者观点是不同意陨石撞击说的】;接下来继续说这种理论,然而,还有一些当地的哺乳动物灭绝时间与此不吻合,所以作者找了此理由把它毙了。[陨石撞击理论作者也否定了]




Q1: the function of citing the meteor in Canada


Q3: 科学家已经能做到下面哪一项了...答案选estimate陨石的时间.其他的还包括1.确定争抢栖息地一定不是灭绝的原因2.那一段时间内各个事件发生的先后顺序...

Q4.有考到INFER题问哪个是对的, A好像是在恐龙出现前有物种开始灭绝,B在干旱之后很久有物种灭绝 C MOST物种在恐龙时期灭绝 D MOST物种在陨石撞击的时候灭绝


11 澳大利亚的法律制订

由一个关键词贯穿全文,Aborigines :澳大利亚土著居民;全文论述澳大利亚法律已经很复杂



第三段:后来说这样的法律在后来的美洲殖民地再次出现【有题问澳洲法律的作用 选作为先行者对后来殖民地有影响】




12 美国工业和服务业

  Whereas United States economic productivity grew at an annual rate of 3 percent from 1945 to 1965, it has grown at an annual rate of only about 1 percent since the early 1970’s. What might be preventing higher productivity growth? Clearly, the manufacturing sector of the economy cannot be blamed. Since 1980, productivity improvements in manufacturing have moved the United States from a position of acute decline in manufacturing to one of world prominence. Manufacturing, however, constitutes a relatively small proportion of the economy. In 1992, goods-producing businesses employed only 19.1 percent of American workers, whereas service-producing businesses employed 70 percent. Although the service sector has grown since the late 1970’s, its productivity growth has declined. Several explanations have been offered for this declined and for the discrepancy in productivity growth between the manufacturing and service sectors. One is that traditional measures fail to reflect service-sector productivity growth because it has been concentrated in improved quality of services. Yet traditional measures of manufacturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the under measurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate. Others argue that since the 1970’s, manufacturing workers, faced with strong foreign competition, have learned to work more efficiently in order to keep their jobs in the United States, but service workers, who are typically under less global competitive pressure, have not. However, the pressure on manufacturing workers in the United States to work more efficiently has generally been overstated, often for political reasons. In fact, while some manufacturing jobs have been lost due to foreign competition, many more have been lost simply because of slow growth in demand for manufactured goods.

       Yet another explanation blames the federal budget deficit: if it were lower, interest rate would be lower too, thereby increasing investment in the development of new technologies, which would spur productivity growth in the service sector. There is, however, no dearth of technological resources, rather, managers in the service sector fail to take advantage of widely available skills and machines. High productivity growth levels attained by leading edge service companies indicate that service sector managers who wisely implement available technology and choose skillful workers can significantly improve their companies’ productivity. The culprits for service-sector productivity stagnation are the forces-such as corporate takeovers and unnecessary governmental regulation-that distract managers from the task of making optimal use of available resources.


Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the budget deficit explanation for the discrepancy mentioned in line 27?

A.     Research shows that the federal budget deficit has traditionally caused service companies to invest less money in research and development of new technologies.

B.      New technologies have been shown to play a significant role in companies that have been able to increase their service productivity.

C.      In both service sector and manufacturing, productivity improvements are concentrated in gains in quality.

D.     The service sector typically requires larger investments in new technology in order to maintain productivity growth than dose manufacturing

E.      High interest rates tend to slow the growth of manufacturing productivity as much as they slow the growth of service-sector productivity in the United States.


The passage states which of the following about the effect of foreign competition on the American manufacturing sector since the 1970’s?

A.     It has often been exaggerated.

B.      It has not been a direct cause of job loss.

C.      It has in large part been responsible for the subsequent slowing of productivity growth.

D.     It has slowed growth in the demand for manufactured goods in the United States.

E.      It has been responsible for the majority of American jobs lost in manufacturing.


It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following was true of the United States manufacturing sector in the years immediately prior to 1980?

A.     It was performing relatively poorly.

B.      It was in a position of world prominence.

C.      It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 3 percent.

D.     It was increasing its productivity at an annual rate of 1 percent.

E.      Its level of productivity was higher than afterward.


The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about productivity improvements in United States service companies?

A.     Such improvements would be largely attributable to efficiencies resulting from corporate takeovers.

B.Such improvements would depend more on wise implementation of technology than on managers’ choice of skilled workers.

C.Such improvements would be more easily accomplished if there were fewer governmental regulations of the service sector.

D.Such improvements would require companies to invest heavily in the development of new technologies.

E. Such improvements would be attributable primarily to companies’ facing global competitive pressure.

13 group interview

都说本文不难,主要是指出了group 的两个缺点

P1,说group interview有什么好处啦,可以降低训练interviewer的成本,可以看被interview的人在有竞争对手时的反应,以及看他在压力下的表现,也可以一次比较很多人,找出最适合的candidate...等等,这些好处使得越来越多公司选择group interview, regardless of "valid interview practice",然后转折说还是有坏处的;(此处有主题题)。
P2, 指出它的不足,共有两点,分别是从interviewer和applicants的角度说明的。其中第一点是说面试官在记录的时候可能应接不暇,无法记录所有面试者的信息和反应,说interviewer可能无法接受大量的信息会影响selection。说研究结果说group interview考验interviewer mulitasking的能力,因为他们一次要注意很多人,结果可能做出NEGATIVE DECISION
P3,说第二坏处是面试者中人有些人可能在面试中有所警觉,不能完全发挥,interviewee要太多的关注其他人说过什么,使得他们没有办法充分的表达自己的想法。还有什么被interview的人在有其他人在场的时候self-disclose不够多,因为隐私等方面的原因不愿意多透露自己的信息而且不愿意完全表现自己,这又影响了selection。结果也导致面试官做出了NEGATIVE DECISION



2,group interview 产生的影响是?


4,有道题选作者最有可能怎么认为,我选的牺牲information accuracy换取time saving



14 抵达美洲的方法[附考古]



P2人类何时到达美洲(也许是南美洲),还有争议。考古的发现显示的最早时间的14,700年前。第一个假说是,通过陆路。因为独木舟(kayak)太小不太可能做跨海的交通工具。由于ice age,人类不可能于15,700年前通过陆路到达美洲(讲了原因“冰呀,海呀什么的”)。还讲了什么向南走,一个月可以走20里。多少年后到了南美。第二个假说是,通过海路。但没有证据。由于ice age结束后海平面升高,即使有证据也被淹没了。到海底去挖掘有不太可能。所以还是没有结论。





15 information share


第一段 传统理论认为奖励员工个人绩效表现是不利于信息分享的

第二段 一个研究证实传统理论的论点。好像是对5个企业的调查得出的,员工如果是individually 工作的话,information sharing是很少的;如果是作为一个team的话,IS就多了;如果他们以整个公司利益出发的话,IS是最大的。

第三段 举一个跨国公司而言,这家跨国公司的主管将员工的信息分享与奖酬连结并将高阶主管的变动奖金(Incentive Scheme)与鼓励内部信息分享的行为连结(所以员工间的信息分享越多,高阶主管可拿到的奖金就越多)


1,ask what is a reasonable activities of the manager that was described in the reading. 选项有一个好像是the leading team shares their marketing plan with others. 其它选项都不能说明sharing information.


3,有主题题出现。(问到了,文章说了什么?大概就是COMPENSATION TO FACILITY 一个什么东西。)

4, 为了使公司PROFIT多一点,EXECUTIVES应该ABCDE,我选的是让大家都TEAM WORK类似的选项。

16 gray economy

第一段:提出什么叫做gray economy,提到虽然这并不是illegal【有highlight,定位,选项为原词替换unlawful啥啥的】,但是noncompliance with the government
第二段:说政府的规定越complex那就越可能造成gray economy,还有提到怎样测量,由GDP跟electricity(由商业要用的电力来测量),然后说在哪些经济很强的国家中gray economy占的比重相当大(Greece, Italy…)但在哪些占的比重比较少(U.S., Canada, Switzerland…)
第三段:提到其实这些组成gray economy的国家大都是小公司或企业,并且提到他们较不可能采用新科技。


1,gray economy下面的企业的特点:我选了人数会比较少,有个干扰项是他们采用新技术的ability,我想文章说的是他们由于人数少而不愿意采用新技术,所以排除

2,那个选项其策略类似于可以阻止gray economy发展的策略,两个选项比较纠结,一个是教练给运动员们一个总的比赛方针,但没规定他们面对面单挑的战术,另一个是学校制定 sufficient for learning的规章但该规章又不至于严格到促使学生去do stealth

3, 以下那个符合文中有关grey market地描述  希腊gray market 大于加拿大




17 女权主义与女性主义

美国女权主义发展和女性主义的区别(Feminism and Women’s right) ( ms是高分库的)

第一段:讲有学者认为女权主义与农奴废除antislavery(1850s)的出现(advent)是一起发生的。。过去的历史学家将1850年的废奴运动作为妇女运动的发源,因为废奴主义使得女人懂得如何去争取自己的权力。但是事实上不是这样的. 他们混淆了feminism 与humane-right 的区别。作者认为feminism 在1850年前在很多运动中就有了,而human-right 却在1850年才有

第二段:讲说其实女权运动要早于废奴主义,在1800年左右就有了。它分为两种, 女性主义和女权主义(femal right)。然后分别说了两种的异同。女性主义的特征,说包括什么什么,比如独立自主什么的。感觉上是范围比较广的那种。女权运动与正常的女行政区一般的权力不同,前者很激进,很多的要求,后者好像只要求与男性一样的权利,如教育权等。


第四段: 讲妇女进行的很多活动什么的

第五段:妇女们很早就搞过一个啥啥的协会,目的是。。。后来才和废奴主义勾搭上的。。。最后好像说的是女权运动产生于1800年后,而1850年之后才建立了UNION帮助废奴abolition什么的,并且是DEBT FROM 前者【这里有细节题,问作者SUGGESTS了什么 我选了后来建立的UNION是借鉴了前者的经验】

1、问女性主义和女权主义的区别,(定位第二段)我选了女性主义包括的范围更广feminism covers a broader issue

6、还有一题问文章的main idea. 俺好像选的是驳斥老观点/我选的好像是说历史学家在女权问题的研究有flaw




9、态度题:问用一个词形容作者态度的  选的是negative

10、.细节题:(定位第二段)问women's rights活动记录imply了什么: 定位在第二段(还是第三段)末尾,选项选有一个什么他们的活动继承了前人(文中:prove debts to their predecessor)


1,作者对传统观点认为feminism源于antislavery的看法,答案有incomplete, flawed等

2,问题问了作者对文中最后那段所提一个theory的态度。答案有negative, laudatory 等,我选了negative,因为作者认为这个理论既否定了什么,又忽略了什么
3,注意区分文中1980  1985两个时间点发生的两件事 ,1850年之后,有妇女成立组织协助废奴,问作者对这些组织的态度  俺选的是,作者认为,这些组织是借鉴了以前妇女组织的经验

4. 问历史学家怎么错了 童鞋们定位第一段

18 美国女性工会的起源


P1 In the united states, p** is one of the first female unions  organized by the waitress. the reason for waitress to build this union is that: their works were  full time and the waitress received low wages, with similar situations each other . But at first, they met lots of obstacles to build it (very formidable). firstly, there existed some  mix-sex unions where male members dominated , and women was  very difficult to enter into them, because the male members think that scale of wages and other reasons existed between male and female. Moreover, male members were reluctant to help female to build a whole female union. In spite of these difficulties, the waitress did not give it up. Because they thought that they were in a low position such as low wages and no opportunities to promote, they wanted to build a female union to change their current conditions. 【(来自male团体的阻力,有题)一个高亮提到wages等说men are fearful about the conflict ,so they are reluctant to help women establish the union,(有题,问高亮部分举例啥意思,我选的conflict的同义词disagreement)


1)main idea? trace a history phenomena .
2)why did they male was reluctant to help female to build the female union



24 贸易(商标)法案


P1:第一个法案 (F***) 然后是一段(俩句)高亮的字体,第一句说法案1具体规定什么,第二句说可能对可以让商标的拥有者在不必要举实证的情况下对侵犯商标的人起诉。(所以有利于商标的拥有者)。【(有题)问文第一句和第二句的关系。我选的答案是由第一句是legislation 的内容 第二句judicial consequence。 】

P2:然后说法案1 用词模糊(ambiguous),容易被法官作不同解释以反映法官的倾向,所以引入第二个更 narrow的法案(T****)【问题有一个问法官对第一个法案会有什么反应。我选的就是ambiguous 的那个】


25 羊群间的竞争



第二段: 就给出了几种解释一种是说一只羊吃的快是因为要想跟上大部队,还有一种解释不太记得了,【不过好像有一考题就出在这里。题目里面有问文章结构的,我选的是第一段提出了一种现象,第二段给出解释】


2:有个问关于individual intake rate的细节题

26 留声机


一篇关于二十世纪初留声机发展的文章。当时的留声机有两种,爱迪生发明的C(cylinder), 和另一人Victor发明的G(gramophone record). 在早期的发展中, 爱迪生的那种获得更大的商业成功。 除了爱迪生在商业运做上的成功之外,更主要的是由于该产品上乘的声音质量。【有细节题: 他发明的phonograph cylinder有什么advantages.】但是后来,后面的那种在商业上超过的爱迪生的。 主要原因是被卖给的了一家大公司。 该公司对该产品进行了一定的经营活动。 另外一个原因是由于爱迪生的产品的市场定位是在一般的商业用户,而另外那种则面向广大的普通用户。而且, 后者认为, 他们除了提供留声机之外, 更重要的是还要提供相关内容(唱片)。 该公司后来请了当时著名的歌剧明星来灌制唱片,为的是提供democratic assess for the public a kind of cultured and privileged lifestyle.


1,一道题:是说那个选项关于爱迪生的留声机的上乘的声音质量(superior quality)是正确的?我选的是,这并没有导致在后来的竞争中取得商业上的胜列!其他选项记不得了!

2,一道主体题型,primary purpose

3,还有一道题:说后来取得胜利的victor得策略是什莫?选项有2个容易混淆,我选的是让这种东西大众化(大概意思是这样),另外一个选项说他的 target是privileged people之类的,显然错,但是时间紧张的时候,容易看到这个词(文章中有这个词嘛!)就选了!大家如果碰到注意看一下!


Phonograph cylinders were the earliest medium for recording and reproducing sound. Commonly known simply as "records" in their era of greatest popularity (c. 1888–1915), these cylindershaped objects had an audio recording engraved on the outside surface which could be reproduced when the cylinder was played on a mechanical phonograph. The competing disc-shaped gramophone recordsystem triumphed in the market place to become the dominant commercial audio medium in the 1910s, and commercial mass production of phonograph cylinders ended in 1929.
The disc companies had superior advertising and promotion, most notably the Victor Talking Machine Company in the United States and the Gramophone Company/HMV in the Commonwealth. Great singers like Enrico Carusowere hired to record exclusively, helping put the idea in the public mind that that company's product was superior. Edison tried to get into the disc market with hill-and-dale discs, Edison Disc Records



19 妇女权利的保护


第一段:概括某一新法案M实施前的状况,在common law的情况下,妇女结婚后财产就归丈夫所有了。此时丈夫对妻子的财产有很大的支配权利。妇女只有通过一个似乎叫equity court的机构才有可能得到对自己财产的权利。【有一题是关于婚后财产是归老公支配的。】

第二段:是讲十九世纪中期,因为husbands担心破产会连带将妻子的财产也失去【(注意:说的是银行大批倒闭的时期,不少丈夫破产把妻子的财产也陪进去了,这个在后面的题里面考了这些州立法的原因是什么。)还讲了一个具体的法律(这个法律是什么年代,在后面也是考点)】,于是出来了一个新的法案。S的观点是这个法案极大的改变了妇女的status and 对自己结婚前后的财产的权利。

第三段:第一句话是某人B的观点,是他认为在M实施前已经有remedy可以达到保护妇女财产的作用了。认为这不是什么划时代的转折,并说其实在19实际初,很多州就有相关法律了。而第三个学者S反驳B的说法,先举了俩个州的例子,一个是C州,还有一个是麻省。【(后面有道题考这些法律你能infer出什么,我选了not universal in all states,我觉得universial这个改写还soso】然后说很多州其实对保护妇女的立法非常抵触。最后说其实不少州立法的目的仅仅是为了保护男人的财产。最后一句话,讲了有些人愿意接受这种法律,也是为了破产的丈夫把财产转移给妻子,赖债权人的钱。


1. purpose of the passage

   answer should be to cronicle laws regarding women's right of properties and examine the implication to women's status.


2. inferred from the passage, what would Beard mostly likely think of equity court

   answer should be it substantially improve women's status



5. 还有个问有关S观点的。

20 古代人类的研究




第二段: 说最近在非洲发现的证据早于欧洲的那些,证明人们在什么什么时候就已经有了抽象思维能力,发现了那时候的项链【,这里有个考题。】,说明人们开始有了抽象的审美观。这个证据的时间与大脑解剖学显示的时间是一致的,所以两个之间没有时间lag。





4. 这里有考一个inference题,说可以infer Neanderthals是怎么样的,因为文中出现只有提到因为一些人搬迁到Europe之后就与Neanderthals产生了competition,这样的competition刺激了这些人的脑力发展,所以我是选Neanderthals本身就拥有较高的发展那个选项(各位可以在看看),只有这题比较难,其他都不;有个选项是说N在AD40,000年前没有装饰过这个东西 应该是答案 其他忘了

5. 有道题是说一下哪个可以反对40000年前人类是突然学会了技巧

21 overeducated


第一段:先写了两个关于这种现象的general fact ,一种就是overeducated workers 比与他们相同的水平的但是是做与之水平相当的工作的人的待遇少,另一种就是overeducated workers比与他们做同样工作的,但是学历没他们高的人的待遇要好。很多高教育的人拿普通工作做职业跳板是第一段最后一句话.(而且有题)

第二段 :针对第一个现象解释原因,文中出现四个(此处出题)有:他们老是找不到好的,降低了自己标准;有些人把暂时的差工作当career path的跳板;

有些人的好character没被发现(这个不是选项,容易和选项:他们不知道他们是overeducated 混淆);

第三段,解释现象二,为什么企业愿意花更多的钱来雇佣层次高的人,引用某个study说是“insurance”举了一个例子,说银行的什么小职员要college level的人去对账,大材小用,但实际上这个很重要,因为高风险利害关系大。针对第二种现象,有两个鸟人蹦出来提出了一种解释:公司之所以给那些做简单工作的高学历者高工资是因为相当于上了一种保险:当他们工作中出现某些比本职工 作棘手的情况时即crisis 【这个很重要,出题了】,他们也能应付。现代社会的特点是这些公司怕出现意外时员工处理不好,会导致整个公司完蛋!最后还举了银行雇佣大学生做data typist的例子证明上述观点。


1,问题有: 文章认为以下那个选项关于公司雇佣OVEREDUCATED的人是正确的,

选项E, 说这是已成事实,但是对这个现象尚无最合理的解释.

2,主题:我和狗狗都遇到了这个题目,但是我们分别选了不同的答案。狗狗选了是为了支持了一个观点,反对了其他的观点。我选了是为了说明overeducated 雇员为什么willing to stay在和他们教育水平不同的工作岗位上。【笔者倾向于后者】





6,有一个题目问雇佣OVEREDUCATED的人才最可能怎样, 定位最后一段,答案忘记了.



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