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mihu, did you miss a ", " before "that"???

but the difference between "that" and "which" really confuse me


primefang, I checked it, no "," before "that". 限定与非限定是关键,但我也没有吃透。
Sur la place chacun passe, chacun vien, chacun va; droles de gens que ces gens-la! 左岸的对面依然是左岸,跟遥远相对的依旧是遥远。


mihu, here's an example from OG:

258. The British sociologist and activist Barbara Wootton once noted as a humorous example of income maldistribution that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning annually exactly what she then earned as director of adult education for London.
(A) that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning
(B) that the elephant, giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, had been earning
(C) that there was an elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, and it earned
(D) the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and was earning
(E) the elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and that it earned

In B, the structure of “noted... that the elephant, giving rides ..., had been earning” falsely implies that the reader already knows about the elephant--that is, that the existence of this particular elephant is not new information. 我觉得可以把分词短语giving。。。看成是非限定性的修饰成分,如果这儿用which gave rides...,应该也是错的。



Sur la place chacun passe, chacun vien, chacun va; droles de gens que ces gens-la! 左岸的对面依然是左岸,跟遥远相对的依旧是遥远。



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