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Overcoming fear 如何克服恐惧

Hi everyone I have come to the third and final part of this week's blog on the magical power of storytelling. (Or it could be any oral form of presentation)

Are you always a bit nervous before you come onto the stage? That's perfectly natural. Don't give up because of that as there are a number of ways you can learn to overcome the anxiety and stage fright.

Let me ask you a question here. Are you nervous when you speak to your friends or your classmates? Probably not.

Now when you start speaking, try to talk to each person, one at a time, not to talk to the whole group at once. Eye contact is very important; don't be afraid of looking at the person you are talking to in the eye. Very often you will find that the more attention you give to a person, the more attention they will give you.

This is similar to radio presentation. I have learned over the years that as a good radio presenter you should imagine that you are talking to just one person although a thousand people might be listening. This way you can breathe better and you are less nervous.

Of course you need to adjust the volume of your voice so that everyone present can hear you well. You need a microphone if it is a large audience.

Finally pay attention to your speed.  It is frustrating for the listeners if they can not follow you. So take your time and pause from time to time to check understanding.

By the time you can do all these there would be no fear left but excitement. Good luck and talk to you soon.

Yang Li
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