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[讨论]08年12月GMAT机经RC 汇总


START: (现在仅有的一些阅读JJ,有没有同学能够找到历史题材?) Should I just paste all the RC JJ (repeated ones inclusive) by time sequence? I think on the one hand, you can see how frequently one is presented; on the other hand, I save a little bit time...     Or I need to sort out by different versions? I am ok with both.



1.      承蒙这位大哥提醒,我突然想起来了,我的一个阅读是黑人,一个好像是印第安人...其它两个我不确定,还得继续想


2.      阅读有道关于海豚如何抗其他海洋声音干扰,还有关于南美妇女地位问题。


3.      今天早上考的(Dec 9)。阅读第一篇是interest rate,一篇是类似法国革命前妇女地位之类的,一篇是太空内容,最后一篇科技创新(很长),都不是以前的JJ。


4.      记得一篇讲MC(marcketing  communication),文章提到了service的行业和nonservice的行业有什么不同,和MC的影响


5.      一篇讲一间公司想revive it's product, 因为零售商不肯和它合作,所以它自己上网搞了个软件,然后说那个软件的好处。

6.      社会变化问题


V1    阅读貌似有个是讲social change的,主要是讲人们对社会变革的态度来着。说人们往往不能接受中间态,其实intermediate的decline 是必然的,最后一句讲的是因此,social change movement也常常有这样的局限性。

7.      船夫与旅游者

V1    还有个是说啥boaters,对越来越多的visitors的态度。事实应该是有crowded,但是boaters没有percieption of congestion..原因是啥不熟悉。。啥啥啥的~~实在是想不起来了~~赫

8.      利率问题

V1 660(M43,V38),第一篇很短是INTEREST RATE,说经济学家对它的认识,上浮下降,对失业率,工资,消费力啊的影响。我做过GWD,但是没有看到过这篇。第一道高光题,文章第一/二个字,MANY ECONOMICIST,第二道主旨题,问文章主要关于什么

9.      法国战前妇女地位

V1 660(M43,V38),一篇是法国战前妇女地位,也不长,第一段说根据某某的一本书,说在19世纪一种什么宽松的衣服(貌似贵族才能穿)不再由男性TAILOR负责了——这里有考点,问这种衣服在19世纪前的作用,第二段说另一个女性的观点和类似,但是对什么什么有些不同——这里有考点。她有点像GWD的一篇缝纫行业,但是不是。

10.    太空行星

V1 660(M43,V38),第三篇是一屏的宇宙文章,基本没怎么懂,但是靠定位做的。主旨题。

V2 成绩一般, 一篇讲太空行星的,有几种行星,其中一种最老的系millien。。。什么的,说它spin会先变慢后变快

11.    新科技

V1 660(M43,V38),第四篇终于是需要下拉框的长文章了,关于新科技的,但似乎和以前的JJ都不同,说人们运用这些新科技的PATTERN,惭愧想不起来了。

12.    内战后黑人经济地位

V1 690,   一个是内战之后黑人经济地位增加了,由于他们都有房了,以前有历史学家争论到底黑人地位增高没有,他们都没比较到底这些南方黑人住房状况,有几个州明显增加

13.    加拿大移民

V1 690,  一个是什么加拿大移民,为什么19世纪初的移民那么少,虽然修了铁路,1900年才人数激增,原因是出现了一个什么机器,人们都喜欢移民了,方便了

14.    维他命D

V1 690,  一个是为他民d (Vitamin D),以前说只是防止什么骨质疏松怎么的,现在发现防癌症,还增强免疫


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15.    内战后黑人经济地位

V1 690,   一个是内战之后黑人经济地位增加了,由于他们都有房了,以前有历史学家争论到底黑人地位增高没有,他们都没比较到底这些南方黑人住房状况,有几个州明显增加


16.    加拿大移民

V1 690,  一个是什么加拿大移民,为什么19世纪初的移民那么少,虽然修了铁路,1900年才人数激增,原因是出现了一个什么机器,人们都喜欢移民了,方便了


17.    维他命D

V1 690,  一个是为他民d (Vitamin D),以前说只是防止什么骨质疏松怎么的,现在发现防癌症,还增强免疫


18.    乌龟听力

V1 成绩不明, 乌龟的听力,第一段说乌龟耳朵不好使,听不见,有K的试验,乌龟在桌子上,铃响,乌龟的反应是认为是桌上的铃在响而不是离的远的另一桌的铃在响。好像是乌龟的脚感应到了什么的的。L和B的试验,。。。有题,问如果K试验里乌龟的反应相反,会得出什么结论。第二段反驳,说乌龟能听见,有个人试验,说以前用铃,这回用别的。 然后还用frequency一样的两种东西刺激乌龟,乌龟能分辨其中一个。第三段说乌龟的耳鼓和人不一样,乌龟的耳鼓厚。什么样的声音能直接到达乌龟的inner or middle without hit the eardrum,inner什么的好像是耳膜,这有题。有几个词bone 什么的,还一个audio什么的,看见了能认识,现在想不起来了。就是揭示解释乌龟到底能不能听见。


19.    温室效应

V1 成绩不明,  温室效应,aerosol导致了温室效应不明显,让空气的温度变低,第二段说了三个problem,第一个是对海洋的影响比对海洋上的冰的影响大,有题。第三个影响最严重。


GWD30-Q22 to Q25:  

      While acknowledging that there are greater employment opportunities for Latin American women in cities than in the countryside, social science theorists have continued to argue that urban migration has unequivocally hurt women’s status.  However, the effects of migration are more complex than these theorists presume.  For example, effects can vary depending on women’s financial condition and social class.  Brazilian women in the lowest socioeconomic class have relatively greater job opportunities and job security in cities than do men of the same class, although there is no compelling evidence that for these women the move to the city is a move out of poverty.  Thus, these women may improve their status in relation to men but at the same time may experience no improvement in their economic standing.

      In addition, working outside the home, which is more common in urban than in rural areas, helps women in the lowest socioeconomic class make contacts to extend exchange networks—the flow of gifts, loans, or child care from those who currently have access to resources to those who do not.  Moreover, poor women working in urban areas actively seek to cultivate long-term employer-employee relations.  When an emergency arises that requires greater resources than an exchange network can provide, these women often appeal for and receive aid from their wealthy employers.  However, the structure of many poor women’s work—often a labor force of one in an employer’s home—makes it difficult for them to organize to improve their economic conditions in general.

      Not surprisingly, then, Latin American women in the lowest socioeconomic class differ in their opinions about the effects of urban migration on their lives.  Some find urban living, with access to electricity and running water, an improvement and would never return to the countryside.  Others, disliking the overcrowding and crime, would return to the countryside if there were work opportunities for them there. Thus, urban life has had both negative and positive impacts on women’s lives.  In general, urban migration has not provided economic prosperity or upward mobility for women in the lowest socioeconomic class, despite their intelligent and energetic utilization of the resources available to them.







In the first paragraph, the author refers to the experiences of Brazilian women most probably in order to

A.    support an earlier assertion made by social science theorists about the effects of urban migration

B.    provide an example of one area in which urban migration has failed to improve Latin American women’s lives

C.    substantiate the claim that the effects of urban migration cannot be easily characterized   t

D.    illustrate the effect that urban migration has had on the economic status of Latin American women

E.     compare the effect that urban migration has had on the economic status of Latin American women with its effect on the economic status of Latin American men


Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the passage?

A.    Although Latin American women disagree about the effects urban migration has had on their lives, they agree that migration has provided them with greater opportunities for stable employment outside the home.

B.    Although urban migration has improved the quality of life for Latin American women, it has weakened the social support systems that these women enjoyed in rural communities.

C.    The effects that urban migration has had on Latin American women’s lives are complex and are best evaluated in light of a range of issues concerning Latin American women’s overall quality of life.   t 

D.    The effects of urban migration in Latin America are different for men than they are for women because of the relatively greater job opportunities and job security enjoyed by women in urban areas.

E.     Urban migration has led to an increasing disparity between the economic prosperity of Latin American women in the lowest socioeconomic classes and that of women in the higher socioeconomic classes.


The author mentions which of the following as a disadvantage of urban employment for Latin American women in the lowest socioeconomic group?

A.    It is difficult for these women to obtain reliable, long-term employment.

B.    It is difficult for these women to organize effectively in order to obtain better wages.   t  

C.    It is difficult for these women to find employers who are supportive when emergencies arise.

D.    The structure of their jobs makes it difficult for these women to participate in exchange networks.

E.     Working in urban areas makes these women more vulnerable to health problems than they would be in rural areas.


The author of the passage would most likely agree that the opinions of the Latin American women discussed in the third paragraph (lines 60-85) are influenced by the

A.    fact that urban life has provided them with greater opportunities for upward mobility than did rural life

B.    relative importance they place on the benefits of urban exchange networks in comparison to those of rural networks.

C.    relative importance they place on the conveniences and drawbacks of urban life in comparison to those of rural life    

D.    difference in the effects of urban migration on women of higher and lower socioeconomic classes

E.     difference in the effects of urban migration on men and women of the same social and economic class




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